ways of laughing

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śmiać się
express joy by making a sound, moving the face or body.
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She splashed water on Nick and we all began laughing.
laugh quietly, because you are thinking about something funny.
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What are you chuckling about? I don't see anything funny.
laugh quietly and repeatedly because you are nervous or embarrassed.
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She spilt the wine on the tablecloth and then giggled nervously at me.
rozśmieszyć kogoś
make somebody start giggling.
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give somebody the giggles
He gave me the giggles when he told me his funny joke
podśmiewać się
laugh quietly, unkindly at something embarrassing.
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After she ended the lecture, she heard someone tittering.
podśmiewać się z czegoś
laugh quietly, unkindly at something that is not supposed to be funny.
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snigger (GB) / snicker (US):
When the teacher tripped on the steps, the boys sniggered.
podśmiewać się z czegoś
laugh very loudly. (3 określenia)
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roar / howl / shriek with laughter
It was such a good comedy that when it finished, he was still roaring with laughter.
give a loud chuckle of pleasure or amusement.
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When I told her the joke, she started to chortle with delight.
laugh loudly in a high voice.
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When I told her the joke, she started cackling and couldn' t stop!
śmiać się głośno
laugh noisily.
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They guffawed at what their baby had done.
wyszydzić, wyśmiać
laugh at somebody or shout unkind things at them.
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The president was jeered by a crowd of protesters.
wybuchnąć śmiechem
suddenly start laughing.
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burst into laughter
The class burst into laughter.
śmiać się na cały głos
(informal) laugh a lot and loudly.
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laugh your head off
He told us a joke after another, and we laughed our heads off!
uśmiechnąć się
make one' s mouth curve upwards, in order to be friendly or because one is happy.
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As the boy left, he smiled at his mother and waved.
uśmiechnąć się promiennie
smile very happily.
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The mother looked at her son and beamed proudly.
szeroko się uśmiechać
smile widely.
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When she knew she had won the prize, she grinned broadly.
mizdrzyć się
smile in a silly and annoying way.
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He simpered at the boys as he spoke.
ironiczny uśmiech
smile in an unpleasant way, to show that you are pleased by somebody' s bad luck.
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The kids smirked when the teacher fell on the floor.
pogardliwe spojrzenie
smile in an unkind way, showing no respect for somebody.
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She sneered at his boyfriend' s musical tastes.

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