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questão resposta
it appealed to a wider audience
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spodobał się szerszej publiczności
terms of the expense
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warunki wydatku
sometimes we face a crossroads in our life
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czasami stajemy na rozdrożu w naszym życiu
i felt flattered by their comments
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czułem się pochlebiony ich komentarzami
out with the old and in with the new
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zostawic stare za sobą i zrobić coś zupełnie na nowo
speak for somebody
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wstawiać się za kimś
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(US) adwokat
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unfair dismissal
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niesprawiedliwe zwolnienie
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sick pay
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zasiłek chorobowy
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właściciel, gospodarz
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niedbalstwo / nieostrożność
moderately easy
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umiarkowanie łatwe
maternity leave
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urlop macierzyński
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duty of care
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obowiązek należytej staranności
over the moon about the results
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bardzo zadowolony z wyników
pop into sth
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wpaść do czegos na chwile
pop into the shop for beers
pop out somewhere for a while
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wyskoczyć gdzieś na chwilę
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charakterystyczny, szczególny
back in at the deep end
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z powrotem na głębokość
to throw someone in at the deep end
it is my initiative
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to moja inicjatywa
sink or swim
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wrzucać na głęboką wodę
do you have a hands-on approach
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czy masz praktyczne podejście?
you have to earn your prize
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musisz zapracować na swoją nagrodę
i like chalenging myself
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lubię stawiać sobie wyzwania
it will be compansated
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to będzie skompensowane
you have to burn it all
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musisz to wszystko spalić
keep moving the goalposts
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ciągłe niezdecydowanie
changing their aims or decisions
you dont know where you stand - they keep mooving the goalposts
fighting a loosing battle
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tocząc przegraną bitwę
making no progress
companies often feel they are fighting a loosing battle against counterfeiting
hedge our bets
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zabezpieczyć nasz interes
reduce our chances or failure
we are trying to hedge our bets and not to pull all our eggs in one basket
the odds are stucked against us
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wszystko jest przeciwko nam, ale jesteśmy zdeterminowani, aby odnieść sukces.
there are many difficulties
the odds are stacked against us but we are determined to succeed
it makes no odds to me
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nie ma dla mnie znaczenia
makes no difference
it makes no odds whether we get permission or jot we will go ahead anyway
come up trumps
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spelniac oczekiwania/nadzieje, sprawdzić się
produced good, unexpected results
we had our doubts about susan but she has really come up trumps
play your cards right
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wykonywać dobrze swoją pracę
do the right things
if you play your cards right you will get the promotion
on the ball
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szybki do zrozumienia
she is smart and really on the ball
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set the bar high
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postaw poprzeczkę wysoko
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buty sportowe
easy on paper
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łatwe w teorii/na papierze
plant the seeds for tomorrow
To lay the groundwork for something that can develop or expand in the future.
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zaszczepic pomysl na przyszlosc
take them to and pick them up from football
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zawieźć i odebrać z piłki nożnej
irreparable damage
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szkody nie do naprawienia

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