Lesson - Recruitment Testing

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I believe that at the crux of all of this is a single piece of paper: the resume.
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the most important part of an issue
inherent traits
Multimeasure tests are a way to understand someone’s inherent traits - your memory...
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qualities that you are born with
But if you ... sometimes clap on green, that might mean that you’re more impulsive and creative...
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likely to act suddenly without thinking or planning
embody traits
... top-performing salespeople often embody these traits
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have and demonstrate specific qualities
But technology actually poses a really interesting opportunity. We can create algorithms that aremore equitable...
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fair and equal
You’ve probably seen that algorithms have gotten pretty good at matching people to things,...
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instructions that a computer uses to solve a problem
... if you never clap on the green, you might be high in attentiveness and high in restraint.
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positive qualities relating to concentration
... if you never clap on the green, you might be high in attentiveness and high in restraint.
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positive qualities relating to control
perpetuating the biases
... if we’re building algorithms based on current top performers, how do we make sure that we’re not just perpetuating the biases that already exist?
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continuing an unfair way of thinking
Every algorithm ... has been pretested to ensure that it doesn’t favor any gender or ethnicity
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being part of a group of people based on cultural background or race
... we can transcend racism, classism, sexism, ageism...
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move beyond a problem into a better situation
aptitude test
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related to inherent talents
blind test
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the tester and/or the testee are unaware of a key piece of information about the test
psychometric test
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measures personality, attitude and opinions
means test
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related to income and used to determine access to financial support

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