Lesson - Boomerang Employees

 0    9 fiche    jessehandley
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The manager thought that the quarterly goals needed to be adjusted to be more accurate.
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change something slightly
We went to a workshop in order to learn about new methodologies.
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rules and principles for doing a particular task
My coworkers ate my entire birthday cake.
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involving the whole amount, area, or length of time of something
I have a suspicion that my partner is throwing me a surprise birthday party because of the way they have been acting.
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a feeling that something is true when there is no proof that it is
At my former place of employment I became an excel ninja.
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previous, before the present time or in the past
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an available job
Perfect practice makes perfect.
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a way of doing something
Her eyes were green with envy of her
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a feeling when you wish you had something that someone else has
boomerang worker
We have several boomerang employees who have returned after realizing that the grass is not always greener on the other side.
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pracownik bumerangu

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