Java API I/O

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questão resposta File mozliwe konstruktory
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(no exceptions) File(String pathname), File(String parent, String child), File(URI uri), File(File parent, String child) File tworzenie nowego pliku
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boolean createNewFile() File tworzenie nowego katalogu
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boolean mkdir() oraz boolean mkdirs() - tworzy całą scieżkę katalogów File usuwanie pliku lub katalogu
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boolean delete() File sprawdzenie czy File to katalog
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boolean isDirectory() File sprawdzenie czy File to plik
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boolean isFile() File rozmiar pliku
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long length() File zwraca listę plików i podkatalogów
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File[] listFiles() File zwraca listę głównych katalogów w systemie
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File[] listRoots() File zmiana nazwy pliku lub katalogu
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boolean renameTo(File dest) FileReader konstruktory
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FileReader(File file) throws FileNotFoundException, FileReader(FileDescriptor fd), FileReader(String fileName) throws FileNotFoundException FileReader metody
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dziedziczone z InputStreamReader: int read() throws IOException, void close() throws IOException, boolean ready() throws IOException, String getEncoding() FileWriter konstruktory
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FileWriter(File file) throws IOException, FileWriter(File file, boolean append) throws IOException, FileWriter(FileDescriptor fd), FileWriter(String fileName) throws IOException, FileWriter(String fileName, boolean append) throws IOException FileWriter metody
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dziedziczone z OutputStreamWriter: void close() throws IOException, void flush() throws IOException, void write(String str, int off, int len) throws IOException, void write(char[] cbuf, int off, int len) throws IOException, String getEncoding(), dziedziczone z Writer: Writer append(char c) throws IOException BufferedWriter konstruktory
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BufferedWriter(Writer out), BufferedWriter(Writer out, int sz) BufferedWriter metody
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void close() throws IOException, void flush() throws IOException, void newLine() throws IOException, void write(int c) throws IOException, void write(char[] cbuf, int off, int len) throws IOException, void write(String s, int off, int len) throws IOException, metody z Writer BufferedReader konstruktory
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BufferedReader(Reader in), BufferedReader(Reader in, int sz) BufferedReader metody
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void close() throws IOException, void reset() throws IOException, String readLine() throws IOException, int read(char[] cbuf, int off, int len) throws IOException, int read() throws IOException PrintWriter konstruktory
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PrintWriter(File file) throws FileNotFoundException, PrintWriter(String fileName) throws FileNotFoundException, PrintWriter(OutputStream out), PrintWriter(Writer out) PrintWriter metody
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PrintWriter append(char c), void close(), void flush(), PrintWriter format(Locale l, String format, Object... args), void print(String s) i wiele innych przeciążonych printów, void println(String x) i wiele innych, void write(char[] buf), void write(String s, int off, int len), void write(String s), void write(int c) ObjectOutputStream konstruktory
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public ObjectOutputStream(OutputStream out) throws IOException, protected ObjectOutputStream() throws IOException, SecurityException ObjectOutputStream metody
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void close() throws IOException, void flush() throws IOException, void write(byte[] buf) throws IOException, void write(int val) throws IOException, a poza tym pisanie wybranych typów (void i IOException): writeBoolean, writeByte, writeBytes(String str), writeChar, writeChars(String str), writeDouble, writeFloat, writeInt, writeLong, writeObject, writeShort, writeUTF(String str) ObjectInputStream konstruktory
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public ObjectInputStream(InputStream in) throws IOException, protected ObjectInputStream() throws IOException, SecurityException ObjectInputStream metody
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void close() throws IOException, void defaultReadObject() throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException (NotActiveException jeżeli wywołana spoza readObject), int read()throws IOException, int available() throws IOException, czytanie według konkretnych typów(IOException i typ prymitywny ew. objekt): readBoolean(), readByte, itp... FileOutputStream konstruktory
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FileOutputStream(File file) throws FileNotFoundException, FileOutputStream(FileDescriptor fdObj), FileOutputStream(String name) throws FileNotFoundException, FileOutputStream(File file, boolean append) throws FileNotFoundException, FileOutputStream(String name, boolean append) throws FileNotFoundException FileOutputStream metody
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void close() throws IOException, void write(byte[] b) throws IOException, void write(byte[] b, int off, int len) throws IOException, void write(int b) throws IOException FileInputStream konstruktory
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FileInputStream(File file) throws FileNotFoundException, FileInputStream(FileDescriptor fdObj), FileInputStream(String name) throws FileNotFoundException FileInputStream metody
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int available() throws IOException, void close() throws IOException, void finalize() throws IOException, int read() throws IOException, int read(byte[] b) throws IOException

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