German with Jenny: Two-way Prepositions - Questions and Answers

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the glass
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das Glas
the alarm clock
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der Wecker
the washing basket
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der Waschkorb
the cupboard
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der Schrank
the book
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das Buch
the tie
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die Krawatte
the trainer
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der Turnschuh
the tennis racket
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der Tennisschläger
the bag
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die Tasche
the drawer
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die Schublade
the satnav
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das Navi
the snowboard
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das Snowboard
the wrist watch
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die Armbanduhr
the dresser
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die Kommode
the torch
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die Taschenlampe
the memory card
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die Speicherkarte
the room
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das Zimmer
the trophy
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der Pokal
the briefcase
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die Aktentasche
the glove box
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das Handschuhfach
the hiking boot
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der Wanderschuh
the bottle
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die Flasche
the wine
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der Wein
the fridge
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der Kühlschrank
the razor
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der Rasierapparat
the slipper
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der Pantoffel
the barbecue
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der Grill
the balcony
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der Balkon
the fruit bowl
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die Obstschale
the wallet
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das Portemonnaie
the motorbike
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das Motorrad
the printer
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der Drucker

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