German with Jenny: Nouns and Related Verbs – A2

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questão resposta
the studies
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das Studium
the drink
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das Getränk
the food
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das Essen
the chef
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der Koch
the view
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die Sicht
the job
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die Arbeit
the writing
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die Schrift
the boredom
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die Langeweile
the interest
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das Interesse
the swimming pool
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das Schwimmbad
the sun cream
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die Sonnencreme
the knowledge
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das Wissen
the reservation
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die Reservierung
the booking
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die Buchung
the shower
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die Dusche
the bath tub
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die Badewanne
the transfer
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die Überweisung
the payment
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die Bezahlung
the attempt
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der Versuch
the arrival
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die Ankunft
the flight
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der Flug
the earnings
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die Einnahmen
the meeting
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die Besprechung
the participation
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die Teilnahme
the film
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der Film
the conversation
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das Gespräch
the speech
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die Rede
the lecture
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der Vortrag
the sleep
começar a aprender
der Schlaf
the proof
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der Beweis

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