03052020-random phrases

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O sonho de Hollywood
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The Hollywood Dream
Enquanto a grande chance não vem, o ator Jack começa a trabalhar em um posto de gasolina que oferece muito mais combustível a seus clientes.
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While the big chance doesn't come, actor Jack starts working at a gas station that offers much more fuel to his customers.
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um posto de gasolina
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a gas station
Noticias de dia
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News of the day
A cidade das estrelas prósperas.
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The city of prosperous stars.
Durante a guerra, LA cresceu como centro da indústria de guerra, produzindo aeronaves e munições para apoiar nossos combatentes no exterior.
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During the war, LA grew as a center of the war industry, producing aircraft and ammunition to support our fighters abroad.
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to support
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Com o fim da guerra, muitos desses sonhadores esperam fazer sucesso no cinema, e amontoam-se nos portões do estúdio esperando conseguir uma ponta e se tornar o próximo Paul Muni ou Hedy Lamar.
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With the end of the war, many of these dreamers hope to be successful in the cinema, and huddle at the gates of the studio hoping to get a tip and become the next Paul Muni or Hedy Lamar.
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to jam up, to pile up
o sonhador
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the dreamer
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O sistema de estúdios reina, e se você fizer tudo certo, pode um dia morar em Beverly Hills, ter sua própria piscina e ser convidado para as festas mais badaladas.
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The studio system reigns, and if you do everything right, you can one day have a live in Beverly Hills, have your own pool and be invited to the hottest parties.
fizer tudo certo
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do everything right
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Pode até ser imortalizado no Grauman's Chines Theatre.
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You can even be immortalized at Grauman's Chines Theater.
ser imortalizado
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be immortalized
ser convidado
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be invited
As recompensas pela ambição são abundantes aqui nesta linda cidada ensolarada do sul da Califórnia.
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The rewards for ambition are plentiful here in this beautiful sunny city in Southern California.
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abundant, plentiful
ensolarado (a)
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a recompença
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the reward
Com licença. Perdão.
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Excuse. Pardon.
Desculpe, com licença.
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Sorry excuse me.
Vou passar. Desculpe.
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I'll pass. Excuse me.
Chega aqui, rapaz.
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Get here, boy.
A que horas chegou?
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What time did you arrive?
Há cerca de uma hora.
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About an hour ago.
há cerca de
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there are about
Deus ajuda quem madruga
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God helps early risers / early birds.
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Of course
Estão a rodandar a fita com Alan e Donna.
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They are playing the tape with Alan and Donna.
a fita
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the ribbon, the tape
Rodar - é termo de cinema para 'filmar'. Vá aprendendo.
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Rotate - is a cinema term for 'filming'. Go learning...
Billy Wilder está a tocar um filme com...'Tocar'? Dirigir.
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Billy Wilder is playing a movie with ... 'Play'? To direct.
Bing Crosby, Joan Fontaine, vai ser estouro de bilheteria.
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Bing Crosby, Joan Fontaine, will be a hit at the box office.
um estouro
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a blast, a bang, a hit
E o dia deve começar na cena da dança.
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And the day must start on the dance scene.
Muitos figurantes.
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Many extras.
Gente ao lado do ponche, cruzando o corredor, entrando no salão. Acho que tenho chance.
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People beside the punch, crossing the hall, entering the hall. I think I have a chance.
E faroestes ou filmes de guerra?
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And westerns or war movies?
Também estão a fazer?
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Are they also doing them?
Não se 'faz um filme', Jack. Filmes são produzidos.
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You don't 'make a movie', Jack. Films are produced.
Precisa saber isso se quer se dar bem.
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You need to know this if you want to get along.
dar-se bem com
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get along with
Lá vem ela, a Medusa em pessoa.
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Here she comes, Medusa herself.
Muito bem, ouçam. Só vou falar uma vez.
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Very well, listen (poslouchejte). I will only speak once.
Primeira regra: não olhem para a câmera.
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First rule: don't look (nedívejte se) at the camera.
Segunda regra: Não falem com o diretor.
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Second rule: Don't talk (nemluvte) to the director.
Na verdade, uma boa regra é não falar nada.
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In fact, a good rule of thumb is to say nothing.
Terceira regra: se virem comida no estúdio, não comam.
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Third rule: if you see (uvidite) food in the studio, don't eat (nejezte).
Não é para vocês. É para os atores e a equipe.
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It is not for you. It's for the actors and the crew.
Se virem comida no set, não comam. É parte do cenário.
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If you see (uvidite) food on the set, don't eat (nejezte). It is part of the scenario.
Estamos a entender.
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We understand.
Vamos rodar uma cena de guerra.
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We are going to shoot a war scene.
Sete se salvam quando o avião cai, um bando de passageiros se debate na água e morre.
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Seven are saved (se zachrani) when the plane crashes, a flock of passengers struggles in the water and dies.
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to struggle
É isso. Muito obrigado. Por hoje é só. Até amanhã.
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That is. Thank you. That's it for today. See you tomorrow.
Eu seria óptimo nesse filme.
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I would be great in that movie.
A cena do afogamento? Eu lutei em Anzio.
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The drowning scene? I fought in Anzio.
o afogamento
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the drowning
Tem treinamento?
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Do you have training?
Digo formação de ator.
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I mean (i am speaking) actor training.
É boa-pinta, então acha que basta aparecer para virar astro de cinema.
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You are a good-looking guy, so you think that is enough just show up to become a movie star.
Bonitinho, mas sem formação.
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Cute, but without training.
Como você tem aos montes, rapaz.
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Guys like you we have in droves, boy. / takovych jako jste vy jsou hory, hochu.
Conseguir a primeira chance é difícil.
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Getting the first chance is difficult.
Não se martirize.
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Don't beat yourself up.
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to martyr, beating yourself up
Tens que parar de te martirizar por causa disto.
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You have to stop torturing yourself because of this.
Não me estou a martirizar.
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I am not beating myself up.
Não. Já está pago.
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No. It's already paid.
O que ele quer?
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What does he want?
Deve ter te achado com sede.
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He must have found you thirsty.
Querem um empréstimo de uns US$ 20 mil?
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Do you want (Chcete) a loan of about $ 20,000?
Sim. O suficiente para um lar modesto.
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Yes. Enough for a modest home.
um lar
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a home
Bacana. Vamos olhar a sua ficha.
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Cool. Let's look at your file.
Vejo que serviu, Sr. Castello. Obrigado por seu serviço.
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I see you were in army, Mr. Castello. Thank you for your service.
E a senhora é empregada de mesa Sra. Castello.
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And you are a waitress, Mrs. Castello.
Sim, e vou continuar a trabalhar até bebê nascer.
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Yes, and I will continue to work until the baby is born.
Então está grávida?
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So you're pregnant?
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E o Sr. Castello aqui diz que é ator. Já o vi em algum filme?
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And Mr. Castello here it says he is an actor. Have I seen him(you) in a movie?
Provavelmente não.
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Probably not.
Para mim, o importante não é a notoriedade, é o ofício.
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For me, the important thing is not the notoriety, it is the craft.
É aparacer para trabalhar todo dia.
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It is showing up to work every day.
Para um super, isso significa... - Um o quê? - Um supranumerário.
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For a super, that means ... - A what? - A supernumerary (komparz).

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