zwroty lekcja 23

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questão resposta
co to jest?
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what's this?
która godzina?
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what's the time?
jaka jest dzisiaj data?
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What's the date today?
jak masz na imię?
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what's your name?
jaki jest twój adres?
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What's your address?
jaki jest twój numer telefonu?
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what's your phone number?
co robisz?
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What are you doing?
czego szukasz?
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what are you looking for?
jaki to kolor
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what color is this?
jaki dzis dzień?
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What day is it today?
co powiedziałes?
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what did you say?
co masz?
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what do you have?
co studiujesz?
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What do you study?
co myslisz?
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what do you think?
co lubisz?
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what do you like?
o czym mówisz?
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What are you talking about?
o czym myslisz?
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what are you thinking obout?
co mogę dla ciebie zrobić?
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What can I do for you?
co jest na sniadanie?
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what's for breakfast?
co się dzieje?
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what's going on.
o czym on mówi?
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what's he talking about?
jak on ma na imię?
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What's his name?
jaki jest twój adres e-mail?
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What's your email address?
jak on wygląda?
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What does he look like?
jaką lubisz muzykę?
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what music do you like?
jaki to rozmiar?
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what size is this?
o której jest następny autobus do...
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what time's the next bus to...
co bys chciał?
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What would you like?
co bys chciał na sniadanie?
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What would you like for breakfast?
czego się boisz?
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What are you afraid of?
co on ci powiedzał?
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What did he tell you?
co robiłe w ... sobotę wieczorem?
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what did you ... on Saturday evening?
do czego ci potrzebny angielski?
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what do you need English for?
z czego żyjesz?
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what do you do for living?
jestes tego pewien?
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Do you mean it?
czy rozumiesz?
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Do you understand?
chcesz to?
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do you want it?
czy masz ochotę na obiad?
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Do you fancy lunch sometime?
czy masz chłopaka?
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do you have a boyfriend?
czy masz dzieci?
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do you have any children?
czy masz jakies plany na weekend?
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do you have any plans for the weekend?
czy masz coś do jedzenia?
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Do you have anything to eat?
podoba ci się tutaj?
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do you like it here?
nie masz nic przeciwko, jeli zapalę?
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do you mind if I smoke?
czy potrzebujesz pomocy?
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Do you need some help?
czy uprawiasz jakies sporty?
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do you play any sports?
czy mówisz po angielsku?
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Do you speak English?
gdzie jestes?
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where are you?
skąd jestes?
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where are you from?
gdzie idziesz?
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where are you going?
gdzie go widziałes?
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Where did you see him?
gdzie mieszkasz?
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where do you live?
gdzie on jest?
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where is he?
czy wiesz gdzie jest poczta?
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where the post office is?
gdzie się urodziłes?
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where were you born?
gdzie jest najbliższa... stacja benzynowa?
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where's the nearest ... petrol station?
gdzie jest kasa?
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where's the ticket office?
kiedy przyszedłes?
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When did you come?
kiedy wychodzisz?
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When do you leave?
kiedy otworzysz drzwi?
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when will you open the door?
kiedy masz urodziny?
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when's your birthday?
oni są tu jeszcze?
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are they here yet?
idziesz ze mną?
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are you coming with me?
jestes wolna dzis wieczorem?
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Are you free tonight?
idziesz do domu?
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are you going home?
jestes żonaty?
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are you married?
jestes samotny?
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are you single?
jestes pewna?
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are you sure?
mogę postawić ci drinka?
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Can i buy you a drink
czy mogę zawiesć cię do domu?
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Can I drive you home?
czy mogę to?(teraz)
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Can I have this?
czy mogę cię pocałować?
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can I kiss you?
mogę tu parkować?
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Can I park here?
czy mogę zapłacić kartą kredytową?
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Can I pay by credit card?
możesz mi pomóc?
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Can you help me?
czy możesz mówić wolniej?
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can you speak slowly?
mogę prosić o uwagę?
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could I haave you attention, please?
mogę otwożyć okno?
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can I open the window?
czy możesz mi pomóc zmywać naczynia?
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could you help me wash the dishes
czy możesz to powtórzyć>?
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could you repeat that?
czy możesz mi powiedzieć...
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could you tell me...
czy dostałes to?
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Did you get that?
czy otworzyłes drzwi?
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did you open the door?
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Did you understand?
kim jestes?
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who are you?
z kim mieszkasz?
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who do you live with?
dla kogo pracujesz?
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who do you work for?
zobacz, kto to jest?
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Look who is it?
Czy mogę wejsć?(ale nie muszę)
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May I come in?
czy mogę prosić o trochę wody?
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May I have some water?
mogę usiąsć?
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May I sit down?
mogę wziąć to krzesło?
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May I take this chair?
czy cos się stało?
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Is anything wrong?
czy to daleko?
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is it far?
czy już czas żeby isć?
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Is it time to go?
czy jest cos co mogę dla ciebe zrobić?
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Is there anything I can do for you?
czy to jest książka?
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is this a book?
czy jestes tu po raz pierwszy?
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Is this your first time here?
jak daleko to jest?
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How far is it?
jak długo tu zostaniesz?
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How long are you staying here?
Ile to kosztuje?
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How much does it cost?
ile masz lat?
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How old are you?
ile on ma lat?
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how old is he?
jak się masz?
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how are you?
jak ci się podoba?
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How do you like it?
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dlaczgo nie?
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Why not?
byłes tu wczesniej?
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Have you been here before?
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Have you finished?
masz samochód?
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Hawe you got a car?
masz chwilkę?
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Have you got a moment?

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