zwroty 1037-1086

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Never mind.
Nie mam pojęcia.
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I have no idea.
Spieszę się!
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I'm in a hurry!
Co myślisz?
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What do you think?
To jest dobry pomysł.
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That's a good idea.
To jest zły pomysł.
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That's a bad idea.
Dalej, dawaj!
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Come on!
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Of course!
Trzymaj się!
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Take care!
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Watch out!
Bądź ostrożny!
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Be careful!
To wszystko!
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That's all!
Nie martw się.
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Don't worry.
Jesteś pewien?
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Are you sure?
Jaki dziś jest dzień?
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What day is today?
Jest poniedziałek.
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It's Monday.
Ach, rozumiem.
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Oh, I see.
Nie ma mowy!
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No way!
Mój Boże!
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My God!
Ja również.
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Me too.
Zamknij się!
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Shut up!
Bądź cicho!
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Be quiet!
Nie ruszaj się!
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Don't move!
Pozwól mi zobaczyć.
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Let me see.
To zależy od ciebie.
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It's up to you.
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Co się z tobą dzieje?
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What's going on with you?
jestem zajęty.
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I am busy.
Ile masz lat?
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How old are you?
Mam 20 lat.
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I'm twenty years old.
Skąd wiesz?
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How can you tell?
Jak śmiesz!
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How dare you!
Co sądzisz o...
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What do you feel about...
Skąd wiesz?
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How do you know?
Jak daleko jest do...
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How far is it to...
Proszę wybaczyć
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I beg your pardon
Nic na to nie poradzę.
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I can't help it.
W zupełności się zgadzam.
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I couldn't agree more.
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I see.
Wierzę ci na słowo
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I take your word for it.
Rozumiem twój punkt widzenia.
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I get your point.
Z miłą chęcią.
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I'd love to.
Miło to słyszeć.
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I'm glad to hear that.
Przykro mi to słyszeć.
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I am sorry to hear that.
Moim zdaniem
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In my opinion
W takim razie
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In that case
Przede wszystkim
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In the first place
W najbliższej przyszłości
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In the near future
To nie ma sensu
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It doesn't make sense
To nie ma znaczenia, nic nie szkodzi
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It doesn't matter

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