Wyrażenia różne powtórka

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ciemna cera
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dark complexion, dark. complexion. dark. complexion
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dark. dark. dark. dark
jasna cera
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fair complexion. fair complexion. fair complexion.
jasna cera
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fair complexion. fair complexion. fair complexion.
Ona ma jasną cerę.
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She has a fair complexion. She. has. a fair. complexion. She has a fair. complexion.
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chin. chin. chin
podwójny podbródek
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a double chin. a double chin. a double chin.
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double. double. double.
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to lose weight. to lose weight. to lose. weight.to. lose. weight
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gain weight. gain. weight. gain. weight.
waga. ważyć
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weight. weight. weight.
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gain. gain. gain
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gain weight. gain weight. gain. weight.
przybrać dużo na wadze
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gain a lot of weight. gain. a. lot.of. weight. gain. a lot of. weight.
przytyć dużo
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gain. a lot of. weight. gain a lot of weight.
pofarbować sobie włosy (na czarno)
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dye your hair (black). dye your hair (black). dye. your. hair. (black). dye your hair (black). dye your hair (black).
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dye. dye
zawozić dzieci do szkoły
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take children to school. take children to school. take children to school. take. children.to. school. take. children. to school
isć do pracy
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go to work. go to work. go to work
mieć obiad
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have dinner. have dinner. have dinner
Oni mają obiad o godzinie 15
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They have dinner at 3 p.m. They. have. dinner. at 3 p.m.
Ja mam zwykle obiad o 16
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I usually have dinner at 4 p.m. I usually have dinner at. 4 p.m. I usually. have. dinner. at 4 p.m.
wracać do domu
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to come home. to come home. to come home
spędzać czas z rodziną
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spend time with family. spend. time. with. family. spend. time. with family.
Lubię spędzać czas z moją rodzinę.
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I like spending time with my family. I like spending time with my family. I like. spending. time. with. my family.
Czy lubisz spędzać czas ze swoimi przyjaciółmi?
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Do you like spending time with your friends? Do you. like. spending. time. with. your. friends? Do you like spending time. with your friends?
Lubię słuchać muzyki
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I like listening to music. I like. listening. to music. I like listening to music.
Lubię słuchać muzyki klasycznej
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I like listening to classical music. I like listening to classical music. I like. listening.to. classical. music. I like listening to classical music.
Ona lubi grać w koszykówkę
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She likes playing basketball. She likes playing basketball. She likes. playing. basketball. She likes playing. basketball
Czy lubisz grać w tenisa?
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Do you like playing tennis? Do you like playing tennis? Do you like playing. tennis? Do. you. like. playing. tennis? Do you like playing tennis?
Muszę zadbać o swoje zdrowie
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I have to take care of my health. I have.to. take. care.of. my. health. I have to. take care.of. my health. I have to take care of my health.
Musze o siebie zadbać
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I have to take care of myself. I have to take care of myself. I have. to take. care.of. myself. I have to take care of myself.
Oni pracują zdalnie
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They work remotely. They work. remotely. They work remotely
pracować zdalnie
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work remotely. work. remotely. work remotely
pracować z domu
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to work from home. to work from home. to work. from. home. to work. from home.
Lubię (cieszy mnie) spedzanie czasu z tobą
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I enjoy spending time with you. I enjoy spending time with you. I enjoy spending time with. you. I enjoy. spending time. with. you. I enjoy spending time with you.
cieszy mnie zima
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I enjoy winter. I enjoy. winter. I. enjoy. winter. I enjoy winter.
to cieszy mnie
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this makes.me. happy. this. makes. me happy. this makes me happy
jak często chodzisz do fryzjera?
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how often.do. you.go. to the. hairdresser? how often. do you go.to. the hairdresser.
jak często robisz zakupy?
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how. often.do. you.go. shopping. how often do you go shopping?
co masz (jesz) na śniadanie
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what do you have for breakfast. what do you. have. for. breakfast. what do you. have for breakfast
robić zdjecie
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take a photo. take. a photo. take a photo.
co masz na obiad
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what do you have for dinner. what. do you have for. dinner. what.do. you. have. for. dinner. what do you have for dinner.
iść na spacer
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to go for a walk. to go for a walk. to go for a walk
Idę na spacer codziennie.
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I go for a walk every day. I go for a walk. every. day. I go for. a walk. every. day.
o której godzinie ty zwykle chodzisz spać
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what time do you usually go to bed. what time. do you. usually.go. to bed. what time do you. usually.go. to. bed.
Ona lubi robienie zdjęć
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She likes taking photos. She. likes. taking. photos. She likes taking photos.
nigdy nie spóźniam się do pracy
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I'm never late for work. I'm never late for work. I'm never. late. for. work. I'm never late for work.
Nigdy nie spóźniam się na zajęcia.
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I am never late for classes. I am never late for classes. I am never late for. classes. I am. never. late. for. classes. I am never late for classes.
oni nigdy się nie spóźniają
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they are never late. they. are. never. late. they are never late.
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classes. classes. classes.
O ktgóej zaczynasz zajęcia
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What time do classes start? What time do classes start? What. time.do. classes start? What time do classes. start?
co chcesz.
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what do you want. what do you want. what. do you. want
co chciałabyś
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what would you like. what. would. you. like. what would. you like. what would. you. like.
oni są przystojni.
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they are handsome. they are handsome. they are. handsome. they are. handsome.
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handsome. handsome. handsome
pociag odjeżdża o 15
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the train leaves at 3 p.m. the train leaves. at 3. pm. the train. leaves.at. 3 pm.
potrzebuję trochę czasu
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I need some time. I need. some. time. I need some time. I need some time. I need. some time
czego potrzebujesz?
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what do you need. what.do. you need. what do you need?
potrzebuję więcej pieniędzy
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i need more money. i need more money. i need. more. money. i need. more money.
dokąd ty potrzebujesz iść
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where do you need to go. where do you need to go. where. do you. need.to. go. where do you need to go.
czuję się cudownie dzisiaj wieczorem.
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I feel wonderful tonight. I feel wonderful tonight. I feel wonderful. tonight. I. feel. wonderful. tonight. I feel wonderful tonight.
ja to rozważam (teraz)
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I'm considering it. I'm considering it. I am. considering.it. I'm considering it...
my musimy (potrzebujemy) znaleźć drogę/ sposób
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we need to. find. a way.we. need.to. find. a way. we need to find a way.
oni muszą znaleźć klucz
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they need to find the key. they need to find the key. they. need.to. find. the key. they need to find the key
oni muszą znaleźć klucz
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they need to find. the. key. they need to. find the key
śpieszę się rano
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I'm in a hurry in the morning. I am. in a hurry.in. the morning. I'm in a hurry in the morning.
czy ty śpieszysz się wieczorem?
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Are you in a hurry in the evening? Are you in a hurry in the. evening? Are you. in a hurry. in the evening? Are. you.in. a hurry.in. the evening?
śpieszyć się
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to hurry. to hurry. to hurry.
być w pośpiechu
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be in a hurry.be. in. a. hurry.be. in. a hurry.
na kogo czekasz
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Who are you waiting for. Who. are. you. waiting for. Who are you waiting for.
czy idziesz do okna
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are you going to the window. are you going to the window. are you going to the window. are. you. going.to. the. window. are you going to the window.
co widzisz za oknem
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what do you see outside the window? what.do. you. see. outside. the window? what do you see outside the window?
co widzisz za oknem
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what do you see outside the window?
Co masz na myśli
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What do you mean. What.do. you. mean. What do. you mean. What do you mean.
co możesz stworzyć (zrobić) na jutro
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what can you make for tomorrow. what can you make for tomorrow. what. can. you. make. for tomorrow. what can you make for tomorrow.
czy ja potrzebuję (muszę) pokazać dowód osobisty
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Do I need to show my ID card? Do I need.to. show. my ID card? Do I need to show my ID card?
dowód osobisty
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identity card, ID card
ona pracuje dla tej firmy.
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she works for this company. she works for this company. she works for this company. she. works. for. this. company.
ona pracuje dla tej firmy.
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she works for this company.
ona mieszka na wsi
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She lives in the countryside. She lives in the countryside. She. lives.in. the. countryside. She lives in the countryside.
ona mieszka na wsi
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She lives in the countryside
czy ty tutaj pracujesz?
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do you work here? do you work here? do. you. work. here? do you. work here?
O której godzinie wychodzisz z domu rano?
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What time do you leave home in the morning? What time. do you. leave. home. in the morning? What time do you leave home in the morning?
O której godzinie wychodzisz z domu rano?
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What time. do you leave home. in the morning?

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