wyrażenia irzyimkowe

 0    12 fiche    Maria_tenis
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questão resposta
nad jeziorem
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by a/the lake
nad rzeką
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by a/the River
nad morzem
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by the sea
na ruchliwej / cichej ulicy
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in a busy/ quiet street
W mieszkaniu/domu
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Ina flat/house
w cichej okolicy
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in a quiet neighbourhood
w mieście / wiosce
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in a town/ village
na wsi
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in the countyside
na przedmieściach
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in the suburbs
na wybrzeżu
começar a aprender
on the coast
na peryferiach
começar a aprender
on the outskirts
na pierwszym/drugim piętrze
começar a aprender
on the firts/ second floor

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