Writing Task: 1 Academic Vocab

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powiększenie, wzrost, przyrost
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an increase
There was an increase by 20% in 2005
wyraźny wzrost w
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a significant (marked) increase in
wzrost (np. cen, zainteresowanie)
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But no one is certain how long the surge will continue.
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Other elements of the report showed fractional increases in production, employment and supplier deliveries.
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wahanie, fluktuacja (o cenie, ilości)
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In normal times fluctuations like these last for a year or two
okres stabilności
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a period of stability
okres stabilizacji
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spadek, zanik
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decline, decay
There is always a decline in clothes prices before a new collection is launched
spadek (np. popularności, temperatury)
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dip in
The sudden dip in the temperature caused ice on the roads
szczyt; osiągać poziom szytowy
Obrona osiągnęła poziom szczytowy w 1986 roku, i od tamtej pory jej jakość spada.
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to reach a peak
Defense peaked out in 1986, and it's been going down since.
podskakiwać (o cenach), szybko rosnąć (o inflacji)
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In recent years, the cost of a college education has skyrocketed.
wahać się, często się zmieniać (o cenie, ilości)
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The rate has fluctuated between 4.7 and 4.9 percent over the last four months
spadek, pochyłość
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spadać gwałtowanie (o wartości, cenie)
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The number plunged to 284,157 two years later in 1917
pokazać tendencję wzrostową
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show an upward trend
"This is an upward trend that will last several more years, not just through the end of 1995."
osiągnąć maximum
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to hit the highest point
pokazać różnice
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to show some fluctuation
gwałtownie się zmieniać
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to fluctuate widely
pozostać, nie zmienić się
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pozostawać na stałym poziomie; wyrównać
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level off
In the second half of 2001, however, that growth began to level off
gwałtownie, nagle, raptownie
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Wendy stopped abruptly, heart pounding
równomierne, miarowo
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znacznie, w znacznym stopniu
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I'm going to have to up the price considerably then.
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The World of 2142 is markedly different from our own.
nieznacznie, nieco
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stopniowo, powoli
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The change would be made gradually from 2003 to 202

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