work-life balance

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catch up
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catch up. catch up. catch up
Musisz nadgonić pracę.
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You have. to catch.up. with. work. You have to catch up with work.
Musisz nadgonić pracę.
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You have to catch up with work.
elastyczne godziny pracy
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flexible working hours. flexible working hours
Kto ma elastyczne godziny pracy?
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Who has flexible working hours? Who has flexible working hours? Who. has. flexible. working. hours?
wiele korzyści.
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a lot of advantages. a lot of advantages.
Jest wiele korzyści z tego procesu
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There are many benefits from this process
korzyść, pożytek
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benefit, benefit
Jest wiele korzyści z tego procesu
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There are many. benefits. from this. process
być w stanie
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to be able to. to be able to. to be able to.
być w stanie pracować.
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be able to work.
Czy jesteś w stanie pracować?
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Are you able to work? Are you able to work? Are you. able. to work?
Kto jest w stanie tego użyć?
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Who is able to use it? Who is able to use it? use it?
środowisko. otoczenie
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environment. environment
środowisko pracy.
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working environment. working environment. working environment.
to jest dobre środowisko pracy.
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it is a good working environment. it is a good working environment. it is a good working environment.
jasno podzielone
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clearly divided. clearly divided. clearly divided
klarowny, jasny
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divide. divide. divide.
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divided. divided. divided. divided.
praca jest jasno podzielona.
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work is clearly divided. work is. clearly. divided. work is. clearly. divided.
najlepiej sprzedający się
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best seller. best seller. best seller.
Dzięki za przybycie.
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Thanks for coming. Thanks for coming. Thanks for coming.
miejsce pracy.
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workplace. workplace. workplace.
tradycyjne miejsce pracy.
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traditional workplace. traditional workplace. traditional workplace.
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Kto jest najbardziej elastyczny
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Who is the most flexible. Who is the most flexible. Who is the most flexible.
nowy koncept.
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a new concept. a new concept. a new concept.
Należy rozdzielać pracę od życia prywatnego.
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Work. kept. separate. from. private life.
Należy rozdzielać pracę od życia prywatnego.
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Work must be kept. separate. from private life.
oddzielny, osobny
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separate, separate
oddzielnie. osobno
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separately. separately. separately
równowaga pracy i życia (prywatnego)
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work-life balance. work-life balance.

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