Word of a day #8

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questão resposta
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robić na złość
delve into sth
I don't want to delve into details concerning his wife's death.
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zagłębiać się w coś
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schronienie, schronisko
drift off
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zasypiać, zapadać w sen
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bezcenny, nieoceniony
match sth up
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dopasowywać coś
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zarzut, oskarżenie, oświadczenie
to disprove
It took over four months to disprove the allegations.
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odeprzeć, obalać
last out
They won't be able to last out much longer without fresh water.
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wytrzymać, znieść, przetrwać
to smash
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rozbić się, roztrzaskać się
swarm with sth
We went there during the summer and the museum was swarming with tourists.
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roić się od czegoś, być czymś przepełnionym
to extort
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wymuszać, wyłudzić
grow into sb/sth
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wyrastać na kogoś/coś
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rozwlekły, przegadany
rub sth out
It's in pencil so you can rub it out if you make a mistake.
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wymazać coś
to unfasten
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rozpinać, odwiązać, rozluźnić
crowd around sb/sth
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tłoczyć się wokół kogoś/czegoś
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wierny, oddany
muck sth up
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zawalić coś
leap at sth
When Mark offered her the job, she leapt at it.
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skorzystać chętnie z czegoś, rzucać się na okazję
I just wanted to give you a heads-up that Susan might come tomorrow.
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cry off
We were going to go to Mexico together but at the last moment Paul cried off.
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wycofać się z czegoś
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zgromadzenie, zebranie
kick in
It takes half an hour for these pills to kick in.
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działać, skutkować
My daughter felt very insecure when she went to a new school.
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niepewny, pozbawiony wiary w siebie
save up sth
It took her ages to save up enough money to go to Paris.
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uzbierać, oszczędzić
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radujący serce, podnoszący na duchu
push ahead with...
The organizers are pushing ahead with plans to hold the 2022 World Cup in the summer.
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promować, forsować
to recommend
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polecać, rekomendować
provide for sb
He must find another job as he has a wife and three children to provide for.
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utrzymywać (kogoś)
to clinch
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zakończyć coś, finalizować
clutch at sth
He felt himself slipping and clutched at a branch.
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chwytać się czegoś
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osąd, opinia
check up on sb
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sprawdzać kogoś
to beckon
She beckoned the waiter to ask for another bottle of white wine.
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kiwnąć, skinąć na kogoś
warm to sb
I wasn't sure about Mark at first but I warmed to him after we'd been out together.
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polubić kogoś, poczuć sympatię do kogoś
to counsel
She's spent about three years counselling domestic violence victims.
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hang together
I'm afraid her story doesn't really hang together.
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trzymać się kupy
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zapełniony, zapchany
weigh sb down
He felt weighed down by his new responsibilities.
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męczyć, obciążać, przytłaczać kogoś

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