Word of a day #11

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bezbłędny, nienaganny, doskonały
shuck sth off
She shucked off her clothes and jumped into the river.
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zdejmować coś
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żywy, barwny
haze over
The sky started to haze over during the afternoon.
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zamglić, pokryć się mgłą
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niezniszczalny, nienaruszalny, niepodatny
cut sb out of sth
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wyeliminować kogoś, wykluczyć z czegoś
pluck at sth
The little girl plucked at her mother's sleeve.
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szarpać za coś, skubać coś
They offer stylish jewellery at affordable prices.
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(o cenie) przystępny
hide sth away
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ukryć coś
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stanowczość, nieugiętość
lavish sth on sb/sth
She lavishes presents on her grandchildren.
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obdarowywać kogoś czymś, rozdawać
Teaching is David's principal source of income.
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główny, zasadniczy
chicken out
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to rebuff
He rebuffed all suggestions that he should leave.
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odtrącać, odrzucać
rub sth down
We rubbed the ceiling and walls down with sandpaper.
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oczyszczać coś
shut sth out
She tried to shut the incident out of her mind.
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odsuwać coś od siebie (np. myśl, wspomnienie)
to fuddle
I had a headache and my brain seemed fuddled.
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zamroczyć, odurzać
set sth against sth
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zestawić coś z czymś
slip out of sth
I slipped out of the uniform as soon as we got home.
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wyskoczyć z czegoś (z ubrania), szybko coś zdjąć
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wyśmienity, rozkoszny, smkakowity
salt sth away
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odkładać coś (np. pieniądze)
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oczywisty, ewidentny
strike sb down
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powalić kogoś
swing by somewhere
I'll swing by your office on my way home, okay?
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wpaść (gdzieś) na chwilę
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break in
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wtrącać się
to ridicule
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wyśmiewać się z kogoś, wykpiwać, szydzić
box sb/sth in
We were boxed in until the other driver came back.
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zablokować kogoś/coś
to trace
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wytropić, odnaleźć
hold onto/on to sth
She was a bit scared and she held onto his arm.
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trzymać się czegoś, przytrzymać się
to lecture
He began to lecture me for being late.
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dawać wykład komuś, pouczać
account (to sb) for sth
He has to account to his manager for his behaviour.
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odpowiadać za coś (przed kimś)
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pokaźny, znaczny
shop around
I'm going to shop around for new winter boots after work.
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rozglądać się po sklepach
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buckle up
Always buckle up your children, even for a short trip.
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zapiąć pasy bezpieczeństwa
to obtrude upon sb/sth
He didn't want to obtrude upon her privacy.
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narzucać się komuś
hand sth back
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zwracać coś

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