When the Oldest Kid in Class is 69 Years Old

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budzić się
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to wake up - woke up - woken up
WOKE and WALK are NOT homonyms!!!
pójść do szkoły
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to go to school
do not say: go to the school
klasa (w szkole)
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a grade
She is in the sixth grade. / She is in year six.
uczeń drugiej klasy liceum lub student drugiego roku college'u
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a sophomore*
(to) zajmuje mi godzinę
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it takes me an hour
chodzić pieszo do szkoły
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to walk to school
10 rano
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10 am / 10 a.m.
4 po południu
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4 pm / 4 p.m.
nauka o społeczeństwie/ WOS
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social studies
mimo że
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even though
Even though my teachers are younger than me, I respect them.
niż ja
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than me
a potem
do NOT confuse THAN with THEN
Uwielbiam grać w piłkę nożną.
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I love playing football.
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a soul
my soul feels satisfied
Powrót do domu zajmuje mi dwie godziny.
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It takes me 2 hours to get home.
pod górkę
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z górki
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odrabiać lekcje
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to do your homework
do not say: homeworks
uczyć się
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to study
zmęczyć się
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to get tired
to get sick
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to fall asleep - fell asleep - fallen asleep
uczyć się dalej / kontynuować naukę
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to study further
chodzić do szkoły
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to attend school
When I was a child, I didn't attend school.
Nie było szkoły w pobliżu.
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There wasn't a school nearby.
w tamtych czasach / wtedy
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at the time
edukacja nie była ceniona
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education wasn't valued
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Her knowledge of English grammar is very extensive. (NiV)
siła woli
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a caste
one of the traditional social groups in Hindu society
młodzi ludzie
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the youth of today (NiV)
stasi ludzie
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the elderly
The city is building new housing for the elderly. (NiV)
podnieść kogoś na duchu
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to lift sb up
I want to lift people up.

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