Werk 2 zelfstandige naamwoorden

 0    11 fiche    mateuszszumilas91
baixar mp3 Imprimir jogar verifique-se
questão resposta
the phonebook
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het telefoonboek
the receiver
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de ontvanger
the screen
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het scherm
the crack (pęknięcie)
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de barst
the bill
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de rekening (Dutch), factuur (Flemish)
the e-mail, mail
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de e-mail, mail
the inbox
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de inbox, ontvangen berichten
the outbox
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de outbox, verzonden berichten
the junk mail, spam
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de ongewenste mail, spam
the subject (of an e-mail)
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het onderwerp
the attached document (załączony dokument, załącznik)
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het bijgevoegde document, de bijlage

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