Week 9 Workshop 6 Linear Data Structures – Part 2 Applications

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What is a stack?
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A stack is a collection of objects where only the most recently inserted object can be removed at any time. A stack is a linear data structure. Last-In First-Out structure – LIFO.
what are the applications of a stack?
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Matching brackets in arithmetic expressions, Recursive algorithms, Evaluating arithmetic expressions.
what are the 5 methods supported by Stack ADTs
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Push, Pop, Peek, Empty, Full
What is push?
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add an item to the stack
what is pop?
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Remove an item from the top of the stack
what is peek
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Peek Examine item at the top of the stack,
what is empty
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Empty Determine if the stack is empty,
what is full?
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Full Determine if the stack is full.
what 3 situations will cause a stack to throw an error when a method is enacted?
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push operation is requested on a full stack, pop operation is requested on an empty stack.
what is a queue?
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A queue is a collection of objects organised such that the object that has been stored in the queue the longest is the next one removed. A queue is a linear data structure.
what operations does a queue suppoort?
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Enqueue, Dequeue, Full, Empty, First

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