vocab2 quiz 1 4,5/6

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questão resposta
. don’t bite the hand that feeds you
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act badly toward the person who is helping or has helped you. When you bite the hand that feeds you, you are being unthankful, ungrateful, unappreciative.
153. plot
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spisek, fabuła, spiskować
154. sexually transmitted disease
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choroby przenoszone drogą płciową
155. positive thinking
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pozytywne myślenie
156. blow sb’s cover
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to make known secret information about who someone is and what they are doing.
157. blow out
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158. blow up
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wysadzić w powietrze
159. civil suit
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a lawsuit alleging violations of civil law by the defendant.
160. hearing
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161. support assumptions
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wspierać założenia
162. initial
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inicjał/ początkowy, wstępny
163. sophisticated
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wyrafinowany, wyszukany
164. make sb’s mouth water
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to look or smell delicious
165. a satellite dish
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antenna satelitarna
166. dish out
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put food on to a plate or plates before a meal. dispense something in a casual or indiscriminate way.
167. false teeth
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sztuczne zęby
168. octogenarian
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osoba między 80 a 89 rokiem życia, osiemdziesięciolatek
169. false move
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fałszywy ruch
170. push up the daises
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be dead and buried
171. come to sb’s notice
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a person becomes aware of something
172. next to impossible
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To be of such difficulty as to be or seem almost impossible.
173. at short notice
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w krótkim terminie
174. get away with sth
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to escape blame or punishment when you do something wrong, or to avoid harm or criticism for something you did
175. crooked
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krzywy, zakrzywiony
176. answer sb back
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odpowiedzieć komuś
177. answer the door
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otworzyć komuś drzwi
178. word of mouth
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spoken communication as a means of transmitting information./ustny
179. the mouth of the river
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The place where a river enters a lake, larger river, or the ocean, ujście rzeki
180. put off
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portpone something, cause someone to lose interest or enthusiasm
181. go dead
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to stop working especially because of not having electricity The phones went dead during the storm.
182. dead duck
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a person or thing that is defunct or has no chance of success.
183. pronounce sb dead
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to officially state or declare that somebody is dead.
184. funeral
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185. outskirts
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peryferie obrzeża miasta
186. be in a sorry state
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A particularly unfortunate, unpleasant, or upsetting situation or set of circumstances.
187. a state of war
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a condition marked by armed conflict between or among states, existing whether or not war has been declared formally by any of the belligerents.
188. head of state
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głowa stanu
189. eye up
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to look closely at something that you are interested in
190. see red
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become very angry suddenly, wpaść w złość
191. be up to one’s eyes in
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deeply involved in or affected by something- They're up to their eyes in debt.
192. have eyes in the back of your head
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know what is going on around one even when one cannot see it.
193. adage
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powiedzenie, przysłowie
194. the early bird catches the worm
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being first improves the chances for success
195. cart
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wózek, wóz
196. scruffy
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197. tattered
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old and torn, in poor condition, rozszarpany
198. sleeve
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200. exclamation mark
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