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Estou usando o VocApp desde1791dias. Estou aprendendo com o VocApp360dias, incluindo sistematicamente0dias. Eu sou o autor37conjuntos. A última vez que você pode me ver2022-06-30 19:14:08.

Meus interesses


As fichas que fiz

Moja lekcja
Assignment 6: Preparing a presentation
Assignment 10: Considering the Options
signs of the zodiac
New Year's resolutions
Crime and Punishment
Linking Words - Łączenie słów
Effective Me - Furniture
Business English
Effective Me- Family
Effective Me-Hair
Useful sentences
Effective Me -Lifestyle
Effective Me - Hobby
Effective Me - Supermarket
EffectiveMe - Bathroom
English Rules
Phrasal verbs
Financial words
activelearning.pl Business English
Phrasal Verbs
Idioms in English
Trudna wymowa
Callan Method Stage 7
Dogaduj się
Prepositions at, on, in, by, for, out of, from, up, to, under, off, with/ Przyimki at, on, in, by, for, out of, from, up, to, under, off, with
Kurs angielskiego B1 Fridays 16:45
Health and Beauty
Level 8
Global English Level 9

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