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As fichas que fiz

2019-05 SPEAK, Present Simple - Be, Verbs, Frequency adverbs
2019-06 Present Continuous, Frequency adverbs, Companies and their operations
2019-06 Past Tenses, Present Tenses, Conversations, Intorudction to logistics
2019-07 Present Simple Revision, Conversations, Wordbuilding, Fashion and clothes, Making polite requests
2019-07 Conversations, Jobs and responsibilities, Desccribing yoru position
2019-08 Introducing yourself and others, Health
2019-08 Living abroad, Health
2019-09 Health and Hobby, Jobs and responsibilities, Opening a bank account, Present Simple Practice
2019-09 Opening a bank account, Getting a medical check up, Present Simple, Present Simple practice, Prepositions of time
2019-10 Prepositions of time, Holidays around the world, Formal and informal emails, Small talk
2019-10 Jobs and responsibilities, Present Continuous, Countries, nationalities, jobs, Present Simple of the verb be
2019-10 Work culture, Work placement, Work organization, Past structures
2019-11 Saying hello and goodbye, alphabet, the introduction game,
2019-11 Small talk practice
2019-11 Giving advice, Meetings one to one, Diplomatic advice
2019-12 Christmas preparation
2019-12 Christmas preparation, Revision Chapter 1
2019-12 Office supplies, Booking and ordering by phone, Christmas preparation
2020-01 Location and company buildings, There is/there are, Leaving phone messages
2020-01 Diplomatic language, Revision B1 The Business 1
2020-01 Shopping experience, Luxurius shopping experience
2020-02 Characteristics of an ideal customer, Antonyms and instructions, Phrasal verbs, Call centers - reading
2020-02 Listening - luxurious service, Steps to customer satisfaction, Uncountable nouns
2020-02 Best location for business, TEST, Machines
2021-06 June
2021 June
2021 June
2021 July

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