Unit 8 glossary

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to work at sth very hard
przykładać się do czegoś
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apply yourself
He could do much better if he applied himself.
to think that sth is right or important
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believe in the need
We believe in the need for accountability at work.
to be in a better position because of differences and variety
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benefit from diversity
Everyone will benefit from the diversity of the delegates' backgrounds.
to develop a friendly relationship in which people understand each other very well
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build up rapport
He quickly built up rapport with his team.
a connection between two things in which one thing changes as the other does
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There is a clear correlation between wealth and power.
to show by your actions that you are able to do sth
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demonstrate an ability to
She has demonstrated the ability to work under pressure.
to feel that you are accepted as a member of a group
czuć się częścią czegoś
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feel part of
I didn’t really feel part of the team.
the good and bad things that happen to a person, family, country, etc.
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We discussed the changing fortunes of the steel industry.
to become generally accepted as important or good
zdobyć uznanie
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gain recognition for
The organization is beginning to gain recognition for its work.
to remove sth that you no longer want
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get rid of
We should get rid of these old computers.
the good relationship between a business and its customers that is calculated as part of its value when it is sold
renoma firmy
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It can be difficult to calculate the value of goodwill.
to be willing to work hard to do sth because you have agreed or promised to do it, or because you think it is important
zobowiązać się do czegoś
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have a commitment to
We have a commitment to raising safety standards at work.
to have the right to influence sth by giving your opinion before a decision is made
mieć coś do powiedzenia
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have a say in
We had no say in the decision to sell the company.
to care about the success of sth because you have given time or effort to it
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have an investment in
We all have an investment in the success of the project.
to have knowledge about sth so that you understand it
rozumieć coś, orientować się w czymś
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have an understanding of
The committee has no understanding of the problem.
done without preparation or planning
improwizowany, zorganizowany na poczekaniu
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She stood up and gave an impromptu speech.
to be as good as people hoped or expected
spełniać oczekiwania
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live up to expectations
The event did not live up to expectations.
to promise that you will do sth or support sth
zobowiazać się do czegoś
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make a commitment to
We have made a commitment to raising standards.
a range of levels of pay according to sb’s responsibilities, skills, etc.
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pay scales
Promotion to the next level of the pay scale means an extra £250 a month.
to put sb/sth in a situation which will show what their or its true qualities are
wystawić coś na próbę, poddać próbie
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put to the test
His claims have never really been put to the test.
without any regular pattern or without deciding in advance what is going to happen
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The winning numbers are randomly selected by computer.
to have a particular position on a scale according to quality, importance, etc.
klasyfikować, zaliczać
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Health and education rank highly with voters.
to be similar to what sb thinks or believes
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His speech resonated with the fears of the workers who were listening.
to think that sth/sb has the possibility of being successful or surviving at a later time
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see a future for
I can’t see a future for the company in its present form.
to try to find situations where it is possible to do or achieve sth
szukać, poszukiwać możliwości
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seek out opportunities
We are always seeking out opportunities to enter new markets.
to show by your actions that you want to do sth
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show a desire to
He has shown no desire to advance in his career.
to show by your actions that you are willing to do sth
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show a willingness to
She showed a willingness to compromise.
to try very hard to give yourself enough time outside of your working life to allow you to have a healthy lifestyle
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strive for a healthy work-life balance
We encourage all our staff to strive for a healthy work-life balance.
to get pleasure or satisfaction from doing sth well
być dumnym z czegoś
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take pride in
I always take pride in my work.
to be able to make decisions or find solutions quickly, when the situation is changing quickly
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think on your feet
You really have to be able to think on your feet in this job.
not changing or becoming weaker in any way
1. niezachwiany 2. uporczywy
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She has always had his unwavering support.

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