Unit 5 business English

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questão resposta
ile zarobiliśmy w zeszłym miesiącu?
começar a aprender
how much did we earn last month?
możemy zapłacić gotówką lub kupić Karty
começar a aprender
we can pay in cash or buy Cards
cena nie zawiera podatku VAT
começar a aprender
the price doesn't include VAT
osiągnąć zysk
começar a aprender
make a profit
wykazywać straty
começar a aprender
make a loss
wzrost / przyrost
começar a aprender
começar a aprender
ustalać ceny
começar a aprender
set prices
começar a aprender
Koszty wysyłki
começar a aprender
shipping costs
começar a aprender
começar a aprender
marża zysku
começar a aprender
profit margin
começar a aprender
reszta, drobne
começar a aprender
começar a aprender
(bank) note
stracili wielu klientów
começar a aprender
they lost a lot of clients
Nie mam drobnych
começar a aprender
I have no change
dali nam dużą zniżkę
começar a aprender
they gave us a big discount
otrzymać rabat
começar a aprender
To get a discount
zaoferować rabat
começar a aprender
To offer a discount
começar a aprender
Płacić czynsz
começar a aprender
To pay rent
Spłacić dług
começar a aprender
To pay a debt
Płacić przelewem
começar a aprender
To pay by transfer
ustawić budzik
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To set an alarm clock
Obca waluta
começar a aprender
Foreign currency
dostawca usług
começar a aprender
zgodzili się na opłacenie kosztów transportu
começar a aprender
they agreed it to pay the transport cost
w jakiej walucie powinniśmy im zapłacić?
começar a aprender
what currency should we pay them in?
to nie ma znaczenia
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it doesn't matter
jak ustalasz ceny?
começar a aprender
how do you set prices?
wynegocjowaliśmy z dostawcą niższą cenę
começar a aprender
we negotiated the lower price with the supplier
czy cena zawiera koszty wysyłki?
começar a aprender
does the price include shipping costs
jaka jest teraz najsilniejsza waluta
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what's the strongest currency now
jaka jest waluta w Chinach?
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what's the currency in China
Cena netto
começar a aprender
net price
cena brutto
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gross price
atrakcyjna cena
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attractive price
cena rynkowa
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market price
aktualna cena
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current price
ceny mieszkań idą w górę
começar a aprender
the price of flat are going up
ceny domów spadają
começar a aprender
prices of House are going down

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