Unit 11 glossary

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to accept and act according to a law, an agreement, etc.
zastosować się do czegoś / przestrzegać czegoś
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abide by
We will abide by the committee’s decision.
in a way that can clearly be noticed
znacznie, znacząco
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He was appreciably more friendly after I told him who I was.
a quantity of work that should have been done already, but has not yet been done
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I have a huge backlog of paperwork to catch up on.
to be willing to put time and energy into doing sth because you believe strongly in it
być oddanym (czemuś), zaangażowanym (w coś)
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be committed to
We are committed to making our company more environmentally friendly.
as compared to sth/sb else
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The unit is comparatively easy to install.
to carry out business activities such as buying and selling
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conduct business with
She was determined to conduct her business in a professional manner.
to a fairly large degree
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Interest rates have increased considerably.
a long period of time when there is little or no rain
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A severe drought in the country has damaged crops.
to have a very strong liking or enthusiasm for sth
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have a passion for
In our company we have a passion for quality.
to accept that you are responsible for your decisions or actions and be willing to explain them to sb
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hold ourselves accountable to
We must hold ourselves accountable to our shareholders.
unfriendly or aggressive and ready to argue
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The speaker faced a hostile audience.
unlikely to cause an allergic reaction
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Sara always uses hypo-allergenic skin products.
more and more awkward
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increasingly difficult
It is becoming increasingly difficult to recruit skilled workers.
harming something to an extent that it cannot be solved or made right
nieodwracalnie szkodliwy
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irretrievably damaging
The incident has been irretrievably damaging to his reputation.
covered with mould (=a substance like fur that grows on old food)
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The bread has gone mouldy – we should throw it out.
in a way that is easy to notice
zauważalnie, wyraźnie
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She looked noticeably more interested when I mentioned the salary.
the practice of paying money towards projects that help the environment to try to cancel out the harmful effect of carbon emissions produced by your activities
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Carbon offsetting has been promoted as a relatively pain-free way of tackling climate change.
possibly very bad or harmful in the future
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potentially disastrous
He made a mistake that was potentially disastrous for the company.
used to say that you think that sth is probably true
przypuszczalnie, prawdopodobnie
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Oil prices will presumably get even higher.
to be proud of sth
szczycić się / chlubić się czymś
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pride ourselves on
We pride ourselves on the level of service we offer our customers.
of very serious concern
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profoundly worrying
The economic situation is profoundly worrying.
compared to other things, fairly likely to stay the same and not likely to change suddenly
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relatively stable
The economy is now relatively stable.
strong and not easy to break
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The new phone is light but robust.
untidy or dirty
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He looked a little scruffy for work.
careful and thorough examination
nadzór, kontrola
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Fair-trade policies have recently come under scrutiny from the media.
aware of and able to understand other people’s feelings
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sensitive to
We must continue to be sensitive to the needs of our clients.
less of sth than you need or expect
niedobór, deficyt
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There was a shortfall of 50,000 tonnes in the grain supply.
different to a large enough degree to be important
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significantly different
The reality was significantly different to what I expected.
to increase quickly
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Profits have soared.
to try very hard to do something
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strive to achieve
She always strives to achieve the best possible results.
in a way that causes surprise
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It cost surprisingly little to upgrade the system.
time that you are allowed to take off work in exchange for something, such as extra hours you have worked at another time
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time off in lieu
I worked on Saturday and got time off in lieu during the week.
to support or form the basis of an argument, a claim, etc.
stanowić podstawę czegoś / wzmacniać
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The report’s recommendations are underpinned by solid research.
in a way that was not expected to be so fast or quick
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unexpectedly rapid
The growth of the industry has been unexpectedly rapid.
to check that sth is true or accurate
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Please verify that there is sufficient memory available before loading the program.
work in a way that forms a united whole
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work cohesively with
Every member of the team has to be able to work cohesively with the others.

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