questão |
resposta |
The broadsheets reported the latest news from Wall Street. começar a aprender
a magazine with a circulation of 400,000 começar a aprender
Here's our sports correspondent. começar a aprender
Her death attracted widespread media coverage. começar a aprender
Do you speak any foreign languages? começar a aprender
The crime received heavy coverage in the mass media. começar a aprender
The story was reported in the media. | The event attracted huge media attention. começar a aprender
I saw his picture in the newspaper. começar a aprender
The tabloids are full of gossip about the wedding. começar a aprender
começar a aprender
começar a aprender
He watched every episode of ‘Friends’. começar a aprender
começar a aprender
a microblogging service such as Twitter começar a aprender
a magazine with a readership of 400,000 começar a aprender
I’m surprised audiences are bored with reality TV. começar a aprender
começar a aprender
I don’t watch any of the soap operas. começar a aprender
I spent hours on social media. começar a aprender
The X Factor' is one of the most popular talent shows. começar a aprender
Our target audience is men aged between 18 and 35 começar a aprender
She uploaded the video onto YouTube. começar a aprender
Wrzuciła film na YouTube.
I agree with Karen. It’s much too expensive. começar a aprender
Traffic is a major problem. começar a aprender
a film that portrays the life of Charlie Chaplin | The incident was portrayed as a defeat for the president. começar a aprender
laws to protect the environment | a cream to protect your skin against sunburn começar a aprender
The new law reflects social changes in attitudes to marriage. começar a aprender
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Every house we build is unique. começar a aprender
peace between the two nations | The country is now at peace with its neighbour. começar a aprender
He fought in the Vietnam War. começar a aprender
an abusive letter | He became abusive and his wife was injured in the struggle. começar a aprender
Are you accusing me of lying? | He was accused of theft. começar a aprender
The chairman of the company admitted that mistakes had been made. | ‘OK $ I was scared $’ she admitted. começar a aprender
Many teenage girls suffer from bulimia. começar a aprender
He denied committing any crime. | She strongly denied that she had taken the money. começar a aprender
His parents divorced when he was six. | They decided to get divorced. começar a aprender
The university invited her to give a speech. começar a aprender
They had a very happy marriage. começar a aprender
If you lie to the police, you are committing an offence. começar a aprender
She refuses to go to school. começar a aprender
The school will tolerate her hairstyle as long as she wears more appropriate clothes. começar a aprender
You cannot be responsible for other people's actions. começar a aprender
He apologised for being late. | Apologise to your sister now! começar a aprender
Don't blame me, it's not my fault. | She blamed the broken computer on me. começar a aprender
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Kate’s mother had a reputation for eccentricity. começar a aprender
Dentists recommend that you change your toothbrush every few months. começar a aprender
For a minute, nobody spoke. | I’ll speak to you tomorrow. | Is that Mike speaking? | She's not afraid to speak her mind. | He was speaking as a policeman with 20 years' experience. começar a aprender
Could you speak up, please? começar a aprender
My doctor suggested a week off work. | I suggest that you phone before you go over there. | Joan suggested asking her father for his opinion. começar a aprender
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Some people listen to talk radio all day. começar a aprender
audycje radiowe, w których przeważnie są rozmowy Niektórzy słuchają radia przez cały dzień.
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His resignation was the talking point at the office. começar a aprender
Jego rezygnacja była tematem rozmów w biurze.
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We tried to warn her, but she wouldn't listen. | We warned them to be careful. | He warned her against such a risky investment. | I warned them not to tell anyone what had happened. começar a aprender
Próbowaliśmy ją ostrzec, ale nie słuchała. | Ostrzegaliśmy ich, żeby byli ostrożni. | Ostrzegł ją przed tak ryzykowną inwestycją. | Ostrzegłem ich, żeby nikomu nie mówili o tym, co się stało.
an article on teenage pregnancy começar a aprender
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I made a complaint to the boss. começar a aprender
Złożyłem skargę do szefa.
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She gave a graphic account of her unhappy childhood. começar a aprender
Dała obrazową relację ze swojego nieszczęśliwego dzieciństwa.
The information is not currently in the public domain. | Public domain software is sometimes called shareware. começar a aprender
The show is rapidly moving up the ratings. começar a aprender
We must improve standards of food hygiene. começar a aprender
She totally undermined his self-confidence. começar a aprender
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The job of the police is to uphold law and order. começar a aprender
Some people found the song offensive. começar a aprender
Niektórzy uznali piosenkę za obraźliwą.
He was involved in a major financial scandal. começar a aprender
The documents were probably genuine. começar a aprender
She offered to help us. | I don’t need any help but it was nice of you to offer. | It was kind of her to offer advice. começar a aprender
This new road will ruin the view. começar a aprender
She's not afraid to speak her mind. começar a aprender
Nie boi się mówić co myśli.
Are you two going to talk shop all night? começar a aprender
Będziecie rozmawiać o sprawach firmowych całą noc?
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