UNIT 1.28 - Location

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questão resposta
a factory
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a warehouse
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a highway
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an office building
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an advantage
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korzyść, plus, zaleta
a disadvantage
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wada, minus
a location
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transport, komunikacja
an area
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a business district
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dzielnica biznesowa
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a country
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European Union
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Unia Europejska
head office
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all around the world
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na całym świecie
to build
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to protect
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to be based in
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mieć siedzibę w
to flyq
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to do business
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robić interesy
to belong to
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należeć do
to distribute
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outside the city
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poza miastem
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next to
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in front of
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za / z tyłu
We are going to build a new factory and warehouse outside the city.
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Mamy zamiar zbudować nową fabrykę i magazyn poza miastem.
We can't build a factory there.
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Nie możemy tam zbudować fabryki.
We have to protect the environment.
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Musimy chronić środowisko.
It's a common problem now.
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To jest teraz powszechny problem.
There will be a highway/motorway near our offices / our office building.
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Będzie autostrada niedaleko naszych biur / naszego biurowca.
This is the best location in the city.
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To jest najlepsza lokalizacja w mieście.
Our company is based in London.
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Nasza firma ma siedzibę w Londynie.
There are a lot of / many advantages of working in a big city.
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Jest wiele korzyści z pracy w dużym mieście.
What's the main disadvantage?
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Jaka jest główny minus?
How much rent do you pay?
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Jak wysoki czynsz płacicie?
Is transport good in this area?
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Czy komunikacja jest dobra w tej okolicy?
There is a big business district in the north of the city.
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Jest duża dzielnica biznesowa na północy miasta.
In the south, there are a lot of factories.
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Na południu jest wiele fabryk.
There's one airport in the east of the city, and another one to the west of the city.
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Jest jedno lotnisko na wschodzie miasta, a drugie na zachód od miasta.
Their company is expanding into Eastern Europe.
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Ich firma rozszerza działalność na Europę Wschodnią.
I'm flying to Lisbon tomorrow.
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Lecę jutro do Lizbony.
We do business in Germany, Italy, France, Russia, Greece and Great Britain.
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Robimy interesy w Niemczech, we Włoszech, we Francji, w Rosji, w Grecji i w Wielkiej Brytanii.
We are planning to open new branches in Asia, South America and Australia.
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Planujemy otworzyć nowe oddziały w Azji, Ameryce Południowej i Australii.
How many countires belong to the European Union.
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Ile krajów należy do Unii Europejskiej.
Our head office is in New York.
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Nasza siedziba jest/znajduje się w Nowym Jorku.
We distribute our products all around the word.
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Rozprowadzamy nasze produkty po całym świecie.
Our office is at 17 Oxford Street, on the second floor.q
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Nasze biuro jest na Oxford Street 17, na drugim piętrze
It's next to the bank, and there's a bus stop just in front of it...
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Jest obok banku, a tuż przed nim jest/znajduje się przystanek autobusowy.
There's a good restaurant right behind our office where we can have lunch.
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Tuż za naszym biurem jest dobra restauracja, w której możemy zjeść lunch.

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