travellers or tourists?

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to stuck
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ferry we arrived in good time to catch the ferry
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prom inglês
rough the sea was very rough, so we had a terrible trip rough note, draft
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nieuprzejmy, wyboisty, szorstki
remote It's very remote region where the only people are the locals.
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oddalony, zdalnie sterowany
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gościnny, serdeczny
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podróżnik, tramp
custom officer Customs officers spend ages controling my passport.
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smugler The photo makes me look like a smugler.
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to girth a man of enormous heigh and girth
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opasywać, otaczać
to ban he was once banned from club
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zakazywać, zabraniać
to refuse zealous security guard refused him entry because he has no pass
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odmówić, odrzucić, wyłamać się
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gorliwość, zapał
to suck in/ out/ up they're sucking up our juices
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wessać, wyssać, podlizywać
strip, to strip buying up every strip of beach
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pasek, obnażać
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miejsce, plama, kropla, ciapka, pryszcz
to endorse it was endorsed by all classes
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zatwierdzić, podpisać aprobatę, lansować
access access to beaches became barred
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wejście, dojście, dostęp
to bar
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zakazać, zablokować, ryglować
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to patronize all inclusive tourists didn't patronize theire restaurants and shops
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być stałym klientem, wspierać, bywać często
to nip local elite couldn't nip into an all inclusive for a coctail
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łyk, uszczypnąć, (jebnąć)
settlement isolated settlement on the rugged north coast
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osada, kolonia
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nierówny, wyboisty, chropowaty
to gear farmer and fishermen are gearing themselves up for tourism
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to pour The ideas poured out as what the village might offer tourists.
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wlać, nalewać, oblać
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rocket the numbers of tourists have rocketed from 5.5 million stay- over visitors 20 years ago to 13 million now
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to conjure to conjure up the image of paradise
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błagać, wywołać, wyczarować, zaklinać
poverty and crime
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ubóstwo i przestępstwo
to expose
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wystawiać, naświetlać
resentment There appears to be a deep-seated resentment of tne industry at every level of society.
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to stem from This problem stems from race, colonialism and slavery.
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wziąć się z, łodyga, trzon
gulf the gulf between visitor and local becomes even more acute
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zatoka, przepaść
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płot, parkan
perimeter ignoring the society outside perimeter fence exept as source of labour.
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obrzeża, granica
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praca, wysiłek
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to develope
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rozwijać, rozbudować
to demand based of local need rather then external demand
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rządać, upominać się, wymagać
to attempt
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starać się, usiłować, spróbować
to founder their attempts foundered in part because...
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załamać się, lec w gruzach
to encourage encouraged tourists to stay away
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zachęcić, namówić
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podkreślenie, nacisk, wyróżnienie
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główny nurt
inevitably which inavitably has a social and environmental impact
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wpływ, uderzenie
to draw - drew - drawn those other communities newly drawn into the tourism web
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rysować, ciągnąć

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