Top 500 Latvian verbs 301 - 350

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to feed
You shouldn't feed wild animals.
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Jums nevajadzētu barot savvaļas dzīvniekus.
to gather
From what I can gather, the concert is still on.
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Cik saprotu, tad koncerts vēl turpinās.
to understand
I don't understand what are you saying.
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Es nesaprotu, ko tu saki.
to hear
Humans can't hear certain sounds.
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Cilvēki nespēj dzirdēt noteiktas skaņas.
to travel
everybody knows about it
News of the engagement travelled fast.
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Ziņas par saderināšanos izplatijās ātri.
to speak
Could you speak louder, please?
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Vai jūs, lūdzu, varētu runāt skaļāk?
to gather
People have gathered to see the accident.
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sanākt kopā
Cilvēki ir sanākuši kopā, lai redzētu nelaimes gadījumu.
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