Top 500 Latvian verbs 101 - 150

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questão resposta
to employ
Our company employs only three people.
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Mūsu uzņēmums nodarbina tikai trīs darbiniekus.
to move
Stop moving, I'm trying to take a photo!
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Beidz kustēties, es mēģinu tevi nobildēt!
to desire
You have no idea how much I desire you.
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Jūs pat nevarat iedomāties cik ļoti es jūs iekāroju.
to receive
had good opinions
His first album was well received.
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Viņa pirmais albums saņēma daudz atbalsta.
to inform
Your sister informed me about your disease.
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Jūsu māsa informēja mani par jūsu slimību.
to face
You have to face your anguish.
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Jums ir jāuzveic satraukums.
to attract
Light attracts moths.
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Gaisma piesaista kodes.
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