this these / that thoes

 0    25 fiche    martynasmarzynska
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questão resposta
get this
começar a aprender
patrz to
this way
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to this day
começar a aprender
po dziś dzień/ do chwili obecnej
in this case
começar a aprender
W tym przypadku/w tej sytuacji
in this respect
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pod tym wzgledem
at this rate
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w tym tempie/ jak tak dalej pójdzie
at this moment
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W tym momencie
out of this world
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nie z tego świata/spoza tego świata
what's all this?
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co to wszystko jest?/co tu sie dzieję
this is the life
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to jest życie
about this big
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mniej wiecej tej wielkosci
this minute
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w tej chwili/ natychmiast
that's why
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dlatego tez
that's right
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racja/ zgadzam sie
that's great
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to świetnie
that's it
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to jest to /to już koniec
that's that
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na tym koniec
that's all
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to wszystko
that's your problem
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to Twój problem
that's a laugh
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a to dobre /smieszne
that's tough
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mowi sie trudno/ to jest trudne
that is to say
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to znaczy
just like that
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właśnie tak/tak poprostu
after that
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po tym
forget that
começar a aprender
zapomnij/ nie mam mowy

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