questão |
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to state officially that someone who has been blamed for something is not guilty começar a aprender
they should have exonerated him
to mix words, ideas, sentences etc so that they are not in the right order and do not make sense, to jumble começar a aprender
he was looking for order in his scrambled life
to not make a decision because you have doubts, to hesitate between two possibilities, to become unsteady começar a aprender
Constantly wavering between illusion and reality
unexpected, unusual, or not wanted Pol. niefortunny, niewłaściwy, niestosowny começar a aprender
he sees something untoward in the background of one of his shots
an unkind or unfriendly answer to a friendly suggestion or offer of help [= snub] ol. odmowa, spotkać się z odmową começar a aprender
he seeks support from friends, but is rebuffed.
to emphasize the importance something: começar a aprender
The film underscores how photographs are accepted as a record of truth
to admit that sth is true or correct, although you wish it were not true começar a aprender
Thomas's sense of reality is undermined, and he concedes, finally, to illusion
behaving in a pleasant and attractive way começar a aprender
Avery discovers the winsome Jo
Pol. wcielić, włączyć, przyłączyć, inkorporować começar a aprender
his photographs are incorporated into the film
to ____ sth is to become completely involved in an activity começar a aprender
five New Yorkers immersed in interlocking relationships.
Pol. wnikliwy, trafny, spostrzegawczy começar a aprender
the leading character delivers a delicate and perceptive performance
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the leading character delivers a delicate and perceptive performance as an ageing fashion model caught against her will in a fruitless love affair.
likely to suddenly become upset, excited, or angry - used to show disapproval Pol. kapryśny, chimeryczny começar a aprender
temperamental photographer
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Janice is her friend and confidante
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The acting is uniformly skilled by cast
clearly very much better than what is usual: começar a aprender
The photography of this film is outstanding
praise, approval, or honour: começar a aprender
the remaining technical credits are thoroughly expert