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You have heard that this heretic has desecrated the Bible.
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As a result, Christians in Sweden now think about sinful pleasures.
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burn Soderberg at the stake and burn his bibles
Pol. oficjalnie zabronić (czegoś) começar a aprender
ban the reading of this bible all over the world
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give him twenty lashes and demand to repent
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command him to go to confession ask for forgiveness
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command him to go to confession ask for forgiveness
a bright circle that is often shown above or around the heads of holy people in religious art começar a aprender
let him free on condition that he prints photographs of politicians – with halos around their heads
by means of or as a result of (this) começar a aprender
After considering your case and hearing your defence, we hereby declare our verdict. You will...
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Before the Inquisition reach the verdict, ask them to be understanding
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You have desercated the Holy Bible by placing in it photograps of this world (such photographs are an abomination)
a very strong belief or opinion começar a aprender
express your conviction that you do not deserve punishment.
to have problems dealing with something because of something that happened in the past, not to agree with or approve of sth começar a aprender
Explain that people today are ashamed to read the traditional Bible and many have issues with it.
a dark underground prison, especially under a castle, that was used in the past começar a aprender
One night you were kidnapped and put in a dungeon
the average person, who represents the general opinion about things começar a aprender
Explain that you just wanted to make the Bible more accessible to the man in the street.
to lift something or someone up Pol. podnieść, podnosić p. verb começar a aprender
We want the Bible that people will want to pick up and not hide away.
to do something or behave in the same way as someone else, especially because you admire them [imitate] começar a aprender
On the contrary, your efforts should be praised and emulated
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On the contrary, your efforts should be praised and emulated
a hit with a whip, especially as a punishment começar a aprender
give him twenty lashes and demand to repent
to put your arms around someone and hold them tightly to show love or friendship [embrace] Pol. obejmować, przytulić começar a aprender
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command him to distribute these bibles in prisons all over Europe free of charge