Money – English idioms and sayings

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questão English resposta English
Not to be too expensive
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not to break the bank
Oh, come on! Ice-cream won't break the bank.
To suddenly become rich
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to strike it rich
Everybody wants to strike it rich someday.
Money in the form of coins or notes paper money
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hard cash
You usually need hard cash to buy a newspaper.
To make lot of money very easily, often because someone else has been stupid.
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to laugh all the way to the bank
John laughed all the way to the bank, but in fact he stole the idea.
To have a lot of money to spend on things that are not necessary.
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money to burn
Well, I only buy things that are necessary, I don't have money to burn.
Extremely poor
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dirt poor
Many people in Africa are dirt poor.
As much money to spend as is wanted or needed.
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blank cheque
When I go shopping I wish I had a blank cheque.
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