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questão resposta
I put a coin in the machine and pressed the button.
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Wrzucilem monete do maszyny i wcisnolem przycisk.
I'm mad at my brother.
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Jestem wsciekly na mojego brata.
Hear face appeared on the cover of several magazine.
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Jego twarz pojawila sie na okladce kilku czasopism.
Do you believe in magic?
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Czy wierzysz w magie, czary?
I'll mail it to you from my laptop.
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Przesle ci to mailem z mojego laptopa.
What are the main problems?
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Jakie som gluwne problemy?
It's a major event.
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To warzne wydarzenie.
He has made no mistakes.
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On nie ma zrobionych rzadnych blenduw.
We heard male voices outside.
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Uslyszelismy menskie glosy na zewnontrz.
I met an interesting man at the party.
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Poznalam na przyjenciu interesujoncego menrzczyzne.
The management is trying to improve the situation.
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Zarzond prubuje poprawic sytuacje.
We asked to see the hotel manager.
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Poprosilismy o spotkanie z kierownikiem hotelu.
In what manner do you do it?
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W jaki sposub to robisz?
There aren't many left.
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Durzo nie zostalo.
I bought a map of the city.
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Kupilem mape miasta.
Spring begins in March.
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Wiosna rozpoczyna sie w marcu.

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