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listening or watching carefully and with interest começar a aprender
listening or watching carefully and with interest
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A negative setback começar a aprender
A negative setback
komplikacja, pogorszenie, problem começar a aprender
A promise to do sth or to behave in a practicular way começar a aprender
A promise to do sth or to behave in a practicular way
A steong feeling of sympathy for people who are suffering and a desire to help them começar a aprender
A steong feeling of sympathy for people who are suffering and a desire to help them
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Feeling or showing sympathy for people who are suffering começar a aprender
Feeling or showing sympathy for people who are suffering
To become very popular or successful in a place começar a aprender
To become very popular or successful in a place
A confusing problem or question that is very difficult to solve começar a aprender
A confusing problem or question that is very difficult to solve
The ability to do sth dangerous or to face pain or opposition without showing fear começar a aprender
The ability to do sth dangerous or to face pain or opposition without showing fear
Showing courage começar a aprender
Showing courage
godny / zachowujący się z godnością calm and serious and deserving respect começar a aprender
calm and serious and deserving respect
otwarcie ust ze zdziwienia To stare at sb/sth with your mouth open because you are shocked or surprised começar a aprender
To stare at sb/sth with your mouth open because you are shocked or surprised
To stare at sb/sth in a rude or stupid way começar a aprender
To stare at sb/sth in a rude or stupid way
To look steadily at sb/sth for a long time either because you are very interesting it suprised or because you are thinking of sth else começar a aprender
To look steadily at sb/sth for a long time either because you are very interesting it suprised or because you are thinking of sth else
przejść przez to - poradzić sobie lub przejąć kontrolę to deal with or gain control of sth começar a aprender
get over it- to deal with or gain control to deal with or gain control of sth
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