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questão resposta
He told
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On powiedział
He told me
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On powiedział mi:
this story
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ta historia
to get me
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żeby mnie dostać
He just started
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On właśnie zaczął
to do this job
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robić te prace
My garden
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Mój ogród
very tidy
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bardzo czyste
The police says
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Policja mówi,
in another
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w innym
in another word
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w innym słowie
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his flight
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jego lot
his flight got
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jego lot dostał
his flight got cancelled
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jego lot został odwołany
We’ve seen
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My widzieliśmy
a few cars
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kilka samochodów
we liked
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nam się podobało
He felt
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On czuł
He felt pain
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On poczuł ból
in his leg
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w nogę
Try to keep
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Staraj się trzymać
your desk
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twoje biurko
your desk tidy
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twoje biurko schludne
don’t interrupt her
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Nie przerywać jej
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My car broke
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Mój samochód zepsuł sie
My car broke down
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Mój samochód się zepsuł
six times
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sześć razy
I later
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I późno
I later found out
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Późno dowiedziałem się,
We’ve put
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My położyliśmy
We’ve put a slice
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My położyliśmy plaster
We’ve put a slice of ham
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My położyliśmy plaster szynki
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on her roll
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na jej bułke
He got
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On dostał
The boss was absent
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Szef był nieobecny
so I had a very long lunch break.
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więc miałem bardzo długą przerwę na lunch.
very long
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bardzo długo
lunch break
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Przerwa obiadowa
I had
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I just wanted
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Chciałem tylko
2 thousand
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people protested
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ludzie protestowali
against abortion
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przeciw aborcji
round of drinks
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runda napojów
We’re getting
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começar a aprender
You have put
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masz położone
your bag
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twoja torba
your bag on the floor
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twoja torba na podłodze
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começar a aprender
começar a aprender
feast for the senses
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Uczta dla zmysłów
She needs
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Ona potrzebuje
her way
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jej sposób
to do this her way
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zrobić, to jej sposobem
There was a visible
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były widoczne
There was a visible change
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były widoczne zmiany
change in his look
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zmiany w jego wyglądzie
She would rather
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Ona wolałaby raczej
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You approved
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Ty zatwierdziłeś
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the rest
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how he could
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Jak on mógł
break up
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break up with you
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zerwać z tobą
We went
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My poszliśmy
last spring
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When is the last time
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Kiedy ostatni raz
you saw her
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widziałeś ją
second floor
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drugie piętro
at the second floor
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na drugim piętrze
I live on
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Mieszkam na
The lights
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to the left
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w lewo
The lights of the village
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Światła wioski
the lights were visible
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światła były widoczne
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It’s not accurate
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To nie jest dokładnie
I mean
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Mam na myśli
it's accurate what I mean
começar a aprender
to jest dokładne, co mam na myśli
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