Stopień najwyższy przymiotnika "bad" (bad, worse, the worst)

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questão English resposta English
My car is (...).
bad / worse / the worst
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My car is bad.
My car is (...) than yours.
bad / worse / the worst
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My car is worse than yours.
Your grades are getting (...) every month.
bad / worse / the worst
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Your grades are getting worse every month.
She is a (...) student.
bad / worse / the worst
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She is a bad student.
Your English isn't so (...).
bad / worse / the worst
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Your English isn't so bad.
She is (...) student.
bad / worse / the worst
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She is the worst student.
I'm not (...) in the class.
bad / worse / the worst
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I'm not the worst in the class.
My car is (...).
bad / worse / the worst
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My car is the worst.
He isn't as (...) as his brother.
bad / worse / the worst
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He isn't as bad as his brother.
She is a (...) student than you.
bad / worse / the worst
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She is a worse student than you.

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