sprawdzianik 6

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baixar mp3 Imprimir jogar verifique-se
questão resposta
na ulicy
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ON the streets
na większe ryzyko
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AT greater risk
ściszyć muzykę
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turn DOWN the music
wyłącz to całkowicie
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switch it OFF completely
spadek czarnych nosorożców
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decline IN black rhinos
czas ucieka
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time is running OUT
walczy PRZECIWKO naukowcowi
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is fighting AGAINST scientist
eksperymentowanie na zwierzętach
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experimeting ON animals
czarne chmury NA horyzoncie
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black clouds ON the horizon
włączyliśmy radio
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we turned ON the radio
bez wpływu na nas
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no effect ON us
miasto W całkowitej ciemności
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town IN total darkness
słyszałem W wiadomościach
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i heard ON the news
zwiększyć liczbę
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increase IN the number
wezwano policję
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the police were called in
umieszczony pod aresztem
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placed UNDER arrest

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