sprawdzian Phrasal verbs

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look after until adult
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Brought up
she brought up two children on her own
reduce the amount
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cut down on
Cut down on smoking
reach the same place
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catch up with
they are too far ahead to catch up with them
meet some difficulties
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come up against
we came up againt big ecological problems
think of, find an anserw
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come up with
i have came up with an anserw
visit for a short time
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drop in on
i have dropped in on Bill and Sheila on my way home
zmierzyć się
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face up to
you need to face up to reality!
have strength and energy to do
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feel up to
to do smth bad and not be punished
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get away with
jack stole the money and got away with it
have a good relations with
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get along / on with
Do you get on with your boss?
continue with
With work
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get on with
stop talking and get on with your work!
avoid responsibility (obowiązku)
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get out of
i manage to get out of working late
find time to do
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get round to
I haven’t got ronud to decorating yet.
do smth bad/ nabroić
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get up to
What has young Bill been getting up to?
have as a hobby
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go in for
do you go in for sailing?
become too old
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grow out of
julie has grown out of playing with dolls.
go with the same speed
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keep up with
you are running too fast. I can’t keep up with you.
feel better then someone. Feel superior to
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look down on
Harry has a lot of and looks down on poor people.
Respect/ admire
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look up to
I really look up to my teacher.
think with a good feeling
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look forward to
I really look forward to meeting you on holidays.
compensate for/ wynagradzać za
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made up for
This wonderful dinner made up for a bad service
accept without complaining
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put up with
I can’t put up with these screaming children
have no more of/ wyczerpać się
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run out of
Defend/ stawiać się komuś
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stand up for
you need to learn to stand up for yourself!
ask for a news about someone
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ask after
Jim asked after you yesterday.
come to your house and collect you
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call for
visit for a short time
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call on
find by chance
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came across
joe came across the information about the bees
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come into
Sue came into a big appartment after her grandma died.
take action to solve the problem
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deal with
how can we deal with the traffic problem?
manage without having / obejść się bez czagos
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do without
we’ll have to do without a holiday this year.
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get at
what are you getting at?
recover from
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get over
Garry has got over his illness now.
take part in
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join in
Try to join in the lesson.
have an income
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live on
the live on the money her father gave them
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Look into
look at everything
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look round
Let’s look round the town tomorrow.
go in the direction of
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make for
are you making for the Eiffle Tower?
choose a person to punishe
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pick on
my teacher is always picking on me
meet by chance
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run into
I ran into Steve yesterday
make arrangments/ rozważyć dezycje
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see about
We’ll see about getting you an office
take care of/ sprawdzic
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see to
can you see to the dog’s food?
tolerate/ bo candidate for
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stand for
Andrew is standing for parliament
I won’t stand for such rudness
have the same characteristics as
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take after
finish doing something
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be through
phone at another time
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call back
I’ll calk you back in a moment
podążać, ack upon
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carry out
you haven’t carried out my instructions
Cancel / odwołać
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call off
We have decided to call off the match
make tidy / Improve
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clear up
the weather is clearing up
Could you clear up your room?
Complete by writing/ take somebodys place
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fill in
Our teacher was ill, so Mrs. Frost filled in.
Can you fill in this form for me?
learn about, discover
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find out
I need to find out what happened!
make a gift / make someone secret known
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give away
Jim asked me not to give his secret away.
The millionaire gave all his money away.
stop doing something/ stop trying to do someting
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give up
John finally decided to give up teaching me Portuguese
I have decided to give up eating meat.
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hold up
Two maskes men held up the bank.
make unconscious
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knock out
The blow on the head knocked me out.
Not include
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Leave out
Mary felt left out in out company.
I always leave out the hard exercises
Invent a story / become friends again
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Make up
The couple quarrelled but then made up.
I think you made this story up.
Collect someone, something
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pick up
I’ll pick you up at two.
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put aside
I’m putting some money aside.
postpone- przenieść / make someone not want to do smth
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postpone- transfer / make someone not want to do smth
The smell of fish put me off my tea.
We’ll have to put the meeting off until next Thursday.
privide accommodation
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put up
When you come to Paris I can put you up.
Give a guided tour
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show around
let me show you around the new building
Buy a company / take someone’s place
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take over
you are tired. I’ll take over
The German company took us over last year
Start a new hobby
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take up
I have decided to take up tennis
Tear into pieces
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tear up
Andy tore up Alan’s letter.
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Think over
Promise you’ll think over our offer.
Use for the first time
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try out
Have you tried out a new computer yet?
Refuse an offer
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turn down
Tom was offered a great job, but he turned it down.
Make tired
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wear out
All this work has worn me out.
find a solution/ train a sport
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work out
I was all sweaty after my morning work out
Don’t worry. We’ll work it out.
stop working
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break down
The car has broke down on the motorway.
Begin suddenly
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Break out
The war has broke out unexpectedly.
be published
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Come out
The new book came out last week
come to a stop / write a legal document
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draw up
Our lawyer is drawing up a legal document.
An ambulance drew up next to my house.
quarrel, fight
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fall out
Emily and Jim has fallen out again.
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get away
The robbers got away in a stolen van
stop fighting against
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Give in
She pleaded me, so I finally gave in.
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go off
everyone panicked when the bomb went off
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Look out
Look out! There’s a car coming.
to arrive and stay
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set in
I think the rain has set in for a day
behave to attract attention
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show off
You always show off on the big night.
Leave the ground
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take off
Your plane takes off at 6.
arrive, often unexpectedly / increase
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turn up
Could you turn up the sound please?
Guess who turned up at my house
Become less strong or disappear
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wear off
When the drugs wear off you may feel pain.
w pobliżu
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in the neighbourhood of
are you in the neighbourhood of my hometown?
po krytycznej sytuacji
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out of the woods
I think we’re out of the woods now
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put paid to
You put paid to all of out future plans!
Krzyżowac plany
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Thwart our plans
The Batman thwart our plans again!
co robisz w tych okolicach?
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What are you doing in this neck of the woods?

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