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Zjedz lunch!
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Eat lunch!
Nie idź!
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Don't go!
Nie jedz kurczaka!
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Don't eat the chicken!
Ja pójdę.
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I will go.
Ja zjem banany.
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I will eat bananas.
Ja nie pójdę.
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I won't go.
Ja nie popracuję w muzeum.
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I won't work in a museum.
Ty pójdziesz.
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You will go.
Ty wypijesz wode.
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You will drink water.
Ty nie pojdziesz.
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You won't go.
Ty nie będziesz mieć kota.
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You won't have a cat.
Czy ty pójdziesz?
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Will you go?
Czy ty odwiedzisz centrum miasta?
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Will you visit the city center?
Gdzie ty pójdziesz?
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Where will you go?
O której godzinie skończysz?
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What time will you finish?
Czy ona pójdzie?
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Will she go?
Czy ona to zrobi?
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Will she do it?
Ona nie pójdzie.
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She won't go.
Ona nie napisze listow.
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She won't write letters.

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