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być dla kogoś czymś naturalnym, przychodzić bez trudu
something that comes naturally or without much thought
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Be second nature to someone
After years of practice, public speaking has become second nature to her.
pułapka, niebezpieczeństwo
a hidden problem or trap that can cause difficulties
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One of the pitfalls of working from home is the difficulty in separating work from personal life.
drapieżnik; osoba wykorzystująca innych
an individual or entity that exploits or takes advantage of others
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The online predator took advantage of people’s lack of awareness about internet safety.
egzekwować, narzucać
to ensure that rules or laws are followed
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The company has strict policies, and they enforce them rigorously to maintain quality standards.
wypróbować coś, przetestować
to test or try out something, often temporarily
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Trial sth
We decided to trial the new software for a month before making a final decision.
podejście ogólnokrajowe, strategia ogólnokrajowa
a strategy or method that applies across an entire country
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Nationwide approach
The government adopted a nationwide approach to tackle the issue of pollution.
zakorzeniony, utrwalony
something firmly established or deep-rooted
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His habits are so ingrained that it’s hard for him to adapt to new routines.
przykład anegdotyczny, oparty na doświadczeniach osobistych
an example based on personal experience rather than data
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Anecdotal example
She shared an anecdotal example from her own life to support her point.
być motorem napędowym dla czegoś
to be a motivating factor behind something
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Be a driver for
Technological innovation is often a driver for economic growth.
rozważać, zastanawiać się nad
to think about or consider something carefully
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He needed time to contemplate his career options before making a decision.
przeglądać, porządkować
to organize or go through items to find what is needed
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Sort through
I spent the afternoon sorting through old files and documents.
regulować, kontrolować
to control or manage according to established rules
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The government has introduced measures to regulate the financial industry more closely.
przestrzegać, stosować się do
to follow or adhere to guidelines or rules
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Comply with
All employees are required to comply with safety regulations.
znaleźć równowagę, osiągnąć kompromis
to find a middle ground or compromise between two things
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Strike a balance
It’s important to strike a balance between work and personal life.

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