słówka ze sportem i idiomy z kolorem

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Relay races
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wyścigi sztafet
Starting block
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Blok startowy
Off to a flying start
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start something with a good, smooth beginning and progressing well
Jump the gun
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to do sth too soon
Jump off the deep end
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to take immediate and drastic action
Approaching the finish line
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getting quite close to the end
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an area of turbulence created by a body in the air
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an advanced skydiver
Dirt diving
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próba na ziemi przed właściwym skokiem
Buck somebody off
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zrzucać kogoś (w sensie z siodła)
Hold your horses
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calm down and think out your decision
Horse around
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wygłupiać się, żartować
To hear sth from a horse's mouth
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- to have the information from the first hand
Back in the saddle
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when you start doing sth that you stopped doing for a period of time
You can take a horse to water, but you can’t make it drink
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Możesz zabrać konia do wody, ale nie możesz zmusić go do picia
defy gravity
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zaprzeczać, przeciwstawiać się grawitacji
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strój startowy (gimnastyka)
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very difficult elements to make and highly scored
To be over the hill
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used for describing someone who is old and no longer useful or attractive / to be more than half-way through something
To make a mountain out of a molehill
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to make a slight difficulty seem like a serious problem
Mountains of paperwork
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a lot of paperwork
An uphill grind
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something really tiring and exhausting
It’s all downhill from here
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the hard work's over, and it's all going to be much easier from now
On the top of the World
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- feeling very happy, delighted; peak of success or happiness
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- losing sth intentionally to gain some advantage
go down swinging
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to continue to fight even though you are about to fail
to have someone in your corner
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mieć sojusznika
keep your guard up
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stay alert
take it on the chin
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przeciwstawić się krytyce
drop off the gloves
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to prepare to fight without rules
throw in the towel
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to give up
on the ropes
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in trouble
saved by the bell
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rescued at the last moment
by and large
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ogólnie rzecz biorąc
all hands on deck
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wszystkie ręce na pokład
clear the deck
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czyścić pokład
learn the ropes
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nauczyć się jakiegoś fachu
be as high as a kite
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1. Być bardzo odurzonym narkotykami lub alkoholem 2. Być bardzo szczęśliwym
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Unsportsmanlike conduct
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Niesportowe zachowanie
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atakowanie ciałem/natarcie
Delayed penalty
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Opóźniona kara
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atak kolanem
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podcięcie przeciwnika
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mocny atak
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ostatni set rozstrzygający
get off to running start
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to start a project or an event quickly and efficiently
from scratch
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od zera
fire (one's) pistol in the air
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aby uniknąć ostrej krytyki lub innego zranienia kogoś podczas kłótni
a dark horse
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an unexpected winner
swim against the stream
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- to do or say something which is the opposite of what most other people are doing or saying
sink or swim
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when you'll fail or succeed completely by your efforts
score at own goal
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when you do sth you think will be helpful but actually it isn’t
know the score
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be aware of every aspect of the situation
blow the whistle on someone
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punish someone (especially refers to the person with the authority)
watch from the sidelines
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not to be involved in something (passive watching)
the 12th man
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the fans
fox in the box
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a talented striker that can smartly escape from the defenders and create himself a space
Pit stop
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A short stop taken during a car trip to eat, rest, and/or refuel
The last lap
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- The final part of a very long journey or activity
Be in the race
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Mieć możliwość odniesienia sukcesu lub zwycięstwa; być w sporze
Full speed Ahead
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- As quickly and efficiently as possible; with all possible energy and determination.
Put the pedal to the metal
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Do something with maximum speed or effort
dancing in the streets
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very happy
it takes two to tango
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do tanga trzeba dwojga
to follow in someone’s footsteps
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podążać czyimiś śladami
to get into a groove
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1. na rozgrzewkę 2. przyzwyczaić się do robienia czegoś
to boogie
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to dance to fast pop or rock-n-roll music
slam dunk
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- a sure thing; something that cannot fail
bank shot
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an indirect way to solve a problem or complete a task
on the rebound
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recovering from an (usually bad, negative) experience
buzzer beate
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to accomplish something on the last minute
a jump ball
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something unable to determine
red tape
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zbyt rozbudowana biurokracja, która utrudnia robienie czegoś
be in the red
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be in debt
catch someone red-handed
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złapać na gorącym uczynku
a red herring
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– sth unimportant that takes attention away from the main subject
green with envy
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zielony z zazdrości
get green fingers
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very good gardener
give the green light
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zgoda na rozpoczęcie działań
the green belt
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countryside around a town which is protected from building development
white-collar workers
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pracownicy biur
blue-collar workers
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pracownicy fizyczni
in black and white
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oficjalne, spisane
grey area
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sth that is a problem and is not very clear because there are no rules
a black hole
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sth which has no bottom and everything put into it just disappears
paint the town red
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wyjść i imprezować z alkoholem i tańcem
black and blue
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bruises everywhere
out of the blue
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red carpet treatment
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traktowanie z szacunkiem
once in a blue moon
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raz na ruski rok
as red as a beetroot
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poczerwiniały, zawstydzony
see red
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become very angry
scream blue murder
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pokazać swój gniew np. krzycząc
until you’re blue in the face
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if you say sth until you’re blue in the face, you are wasting your efforts, there will be no results
blue movies
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filmy porno
a red rag to a bull
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coś działa jak czerwona płachta na byka
bolt out of the blue
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coś nieoczekiwanego, surprises you
a red-letter day
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– a special, happy and important day that you will remember
black or white
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(o kawie) czarna czy z mlekiem
white lie
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małe kłamstewko, mające na celu np. nie urażenie kogoś
white elephant
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sth that has cost a lot of money but is not useful
as white as sheet
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blady jak ściana
in the black
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być na plusie, wypłacalny
the black market
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czarny rynek
paint a black picture
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describe sth/sb as extremely bad
black eye
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siniak na oku, w okolicy oka
the black sheep of the family
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ktoś przynoszący wstyd rodzinie, czarna owca
a black look
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nienawistny wzrok pełen złości
black spot
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miejsce wypadków drogowych
the blackest day of sb’s life
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najczarniejszy dzień w życiu kogoś
black economy
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szara strefa, działanie tak, by uniknąć podatków
black and white
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czarne lub białe, nic pomiędzy
be tickled pink
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być wniebowziętym
have the blues
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być zdołowanym
pass with flying colours
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zdać śpiewająco

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