Słówka vol 4

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questão resposta
wpisz, np. Yes
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wpisz, np. Tak
astonished /@"stQnISt/
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zdumiony I was absolutely astonished when I won the award.
confused /k@n"fju;zd/
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zmieszany Most people are stunned and confused by disasters.
couldn’t believe my eyes
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nie móc oczomuwierzyć I couldn’t believe my eyes – she looked ten years younger.
delighted /dI"laItId/
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zadowolony We were delighted when our daughter graduated.
desperate /"desp@r@t/
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zrozpaczony Kevin was feeling desperate – he had become lost.
devastated /"dev@steItId/
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załamany They were absolutely devastated when their son died.
disappointed /%dIs@"pOIntId/
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rozczarowany James was disappointed when he didn’t get a new bike.
down in the dumps
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przygnębiony You look a bit down in the dumps. Are you OK?
exhausted /Ig"zO;stId/
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wyczerpany After three days without sleep I was exhausted.
\fed up /fed "Vp/
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znudzony Kevin got fed up with Marcus because he was complaining.
furious /"fjU@ri@s/
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wściekły I was furious with their poor decision.
glad /gl&d/
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zadowolony I’m glad we went to the party, I really enjoyed it.
grateful /"greItfl/
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wdzięczny I’ll always be grateful to Matt for helping me.
homesick /"h@UmsIk/
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stęskniony za domem I was homesick the whole time I was living abroad.
lonely /"l@Unli/
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samotny I think Joanna’s a bit lonely in London.
nervous /"n3;v@s/
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zdenerwowany I get very nervous before an exam.
offended /@"fendId/
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obrażony Julia was very offended when you didn’t invite her.
over the moon /%@Uv@ D@ "mu;n/
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nie posiadać się ze szczęścia He finally passed his driving test! He’s over the moon!
overwhelmed /%@Uv@"welmd/
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głęboko poruszony Mum was completely overwhelmed when Dad died.
relieved /rI"li;vd/
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odczuwający ulgę I was relieved to find I hadn’t lost my passport after all!
scared stiff /%ske@d "stIf/
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zdrętwiały ze strachu When I saw the burglar I was scared stiff.
shocked /SQkt/.
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zszokowany When a disaster happens most people are so shocked
sick and tired /%sIk @n "taI@d/ mieć po dziurki w
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mieć po dziurki w nosie I’m sick and tired of telling you to do your homework.
stunned /stVnd/
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olśniony, zaszokowany Most people are stunned and confused when in disasters.
terrified /"ter@faId/
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przerażony Yossi tried to sleep but he felt terrified.
thrilled /TrIld/
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podekscytowany Susie was thrilled to be chosen to star in the school play.
upset /Vp"set/
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zmartwiony She was very upset when she heard about the accident.
worn out /%wO;n "aUt/
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wyczerpany I’m completely worn out, I just want to sit down.
catch fire
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catch fire /%k&tS "faI@/ zapalać się They got out just before the plane caught fire
collide with /k@"laId wID/
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zderzać się z A Pan Am 747 collided with a Dutch KLM 747.
evacuation /I%v&kju"eISn/
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ewakuacja Panicking people were obstructing the evacuation.
explosion /Ik"spl@UZn/
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eksplozja She heard an explosion and felt the building move.
jungle /"jVNgl/
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dżungla The two friends were now separated in the jungle.
paralysed /"p&r@laIzd/
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sparaliżowany Other passengers froze, their minds paralyzed.
raft /rA;ft/
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płynąć tratwą He decided that he would raft down the river.
react /ri"&kt/
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reagować She doesn’t react well to stress.
shake /SeIk/
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trząść The building shook during the earthquake.
survivor /s@"vaIv@/
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ocalały One of the survivors of the crash was a small boy.
abandon /@"b&nd@n/
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porzucać We had to abandon the search for the village.
backpacking /"b&kp&kIN/
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wędrówka z plecakiem We went backpacking in a remote area of Bolivia.
bee /bi;/
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pszczoła Suddenly he heard the sound of a bee buzzing in his ear.
branch /brA;ntS/
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gałąź He woke up because he heard a branch breaking.
buzzing /"bVzIN/
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bzyczenie Suddenly he heard the sound of a bee buzzing in his ear.
canoe /k@"nu;/
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kajak Kevin was rescued by two Bolivian hunters in a canoe.
canyon /"k&nj@n/
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kanion The two friends were now separated by a canyon.
category /"k&t@g@ri/
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kategoria There are three categories of people.
collision /k@"lIZn/
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zderzenie, kolizja 60 seconds after the collision the plane exploded.
command /k@"mA;nd/
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rozkaz, polecenie Years later, she still thinks about that command.
cope /k@Up/
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radzić sobie How would you cope if the unthinkable happened?
crisis /"kraIsIs/
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kryzys In a crisis many people ‘freeze’.
decisive /dI"saIsIv/
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zdecydowany A normally decisive person may not act at all
dense /dens/
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gęsty The forest was too dense to see through.
diagram /"daI@gr&m/
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diagram, wykres He had studied the 747’s safety diagram.
downriver /%daUn"rIv@/
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w dolnym biegu rzeki He came up to the surface several kilometres downriver.
drill /drIl/
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ćwiczenia I thought it was probably a fire drill.
drown /draUn/
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topić się But Yossi didn’t drown. He came up to the surface.
entire /In"taI@/
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całkowity Most people go their entire lives without a disaster.
flash /fl&S/
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błyskowy He woke up and turned on his flash light.
float /fl@Ut/
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dryfować He found their backpack floating in the river.
hike /haIk/ wędrować, iść na
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wędrować, iść na wycieczkę We went on a long hike in the mountains.
hunter /"hVnt@/
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myśliwy, łowca Kevin was rescued by two Bolivian hunters in a canoe.
hysterical /hI"sterIkl/
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histeryczny Some people panic and become hysterical in a crisis.
infected /In"fektId/
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zarażony His feet became infected and were hurting.
jaguar /"dZ&gju@/
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jaguar Jaguars are South American big-cats.
lack /l&k/
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brak He was weak from lack of food and sleep.
lethal /"li;Tl/
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śmiertelny Many of these plants are lethal if you eat them.
lifetime /"laIftaIm/
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życie They went into the jungle on the adventure of a lifetime.
lobby /"lQbi/
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hall Find the quickest way down to the hotel lobby.
log /lQg/
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kłoda He held onto a log and let himself float down the river.
mosquito /m@"ski;t@U/
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komar He thought a bee had got inside his mosquito net.
obstruct /@b"strVkt/
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utrudniać People were obstructing the evacuation.
rainforest /"reInfQrIst/
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las deszczowy The Amazonian rainforest is roughly the size of Europe.
rapids /"r&pIdz/
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bystrzyna The river got faster and soon they were in rapids.
remain /rI"meIn/
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pozostawać About 10% to 15% of people remain calm.
remote /rI"m@Ut/
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odległy The three friends went backpacking in a remote area.
repellent /rI"pel@nt/
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odstraszający, odpychający Wear plenty of insect repellent; there are mosquitoes.
roughly /"rVfli/
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około The Amazonian rainforest is roughly the size of Europe.
species /"spi;Si;z/
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gatunek It is home to 50% of species known to man.
spirits /"spIrIts/
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humor Yossi’s spirits changed from desperate to optimistic.
spray (n) /spreI/
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spray A spray of water chased off the cat.
stare /ste@/
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gapić się There was a jaguar staring at him.
starving /"stA;vIN/
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głodujący After five days alone, Yossi was exhausted and starving.
strike /straIk/
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uderzać Disasters can strike any time anywhere.
surface /"s3;fIs/
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powierzchnia Yossi came up to the surface several kilometres away.
sweep away /%swi;p @"weI/
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zamiatać Yossi was swept away by the rapids.
trail /treIl/
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szlak Suddenly he found a footprint on the trail.
trance /trA;ns/
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trans I felt as if I was in a trance.
unthinkable /Vn"TINk@bl/
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nie do pomyślenia How would you cope if the unthinkable happened?
vast /vA;st/
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ogromny The vast majority of people do very little.
vice versa /%vaIs "v3;s@/
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vice versa odwrotnie A normally decisive person may not act at all quickly in a crisis and vice versa.
behaviour /bI"heIvj@/
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zachowanie Reward good behaviour and ignore the bad
ignore /Ig"nO;/
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ignorować Reward good behaviour and ignore the bad.
lose your temper /%lu;z j@ "temp@/
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stracić panowanie He didn’t lose his temper but carried on searching.
mat /m&t/
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mata They train birds to land on mats on the ground.
nag (v) /n&g/
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męczyć, „suszyć głowę” But the nagging and shouting just made him worse.
pile (n) /paIl/
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stos Slowly but surely, the piles of clothes on the floor became smaller.
provoke /pr@"v@Uk/
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prowokować If a behaviour provokes no response, it disappears.
reward (v) /rI"wO;d/
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nagradzać Reward good behaviour and ignore the bad.
technique /tek"ni;k/
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technika I learned a great technique from a trainer.
tense (adj) /tens/
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spięty He’s so tense and irritable.
admit /@d"mIt/
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przyznawać If you’re the person who is in the wrong, just admit it!
advice /@d"vaIs/ r
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ada My second piece of advice is simple.
agreement /@"gri;m@nt/
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ugoda We were able to reach an agreement.
apply /@"plaI/
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stosować Amy applied the techniques she learnt from the animal trainers to her husband.
approximation /@%prQksI"meISn/
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przybliżenie These are ‘approximations’ – rewarding small steps.
basket /"bA;skIt/
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koszyk I started thanking my husband if he threw a dirty shirt into the dirty clothes basket.
blankly /"bl&Nkli/
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obojętnie She was just looking at me blankly.
brace /breIs/
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aparat ortondontyczny My new dental brace was uncomfortable.
campaign /k&m"peIn/
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kampania There is a new safety campaign to prevent accidents.
chimp /tSImp/
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szympans Chimps have DNA similar to humans.
chopping /"tSQpIN/
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siekanie I like chopping herbs, they smell nice.
complaining /k@m"pleInIN/
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narzekanie I began complaining how uncomfortable I was.
conflict (n) /"kQnflIkt/ konflikt Dealing with conflict is an important part of any
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konflikt Dealing with conflict is an important part of any relationship.
constructive /k@n"strVktIv/
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konstruktywny Don’t be sensitive. I’m making constructive criticism.
crane /kreIn/
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żuraw African cranes are large birds.
cure /kjU@/
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wyleczyć, leczyć I wanted to cure him of those things he does.
dealing /"di; lIN/ tu: zajmowanie się,
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zajmowanie się, radzenie sobie z Dealing with conflict is an important part of life.
dental /"dentl/ stomatologiczny,
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stomatologiczny, My new dental brace was uncomfortable.
exaggerate /Ig"z&dZ@reIt/ ke thingprzesadzać Don’t exaggerate to mas sound worse than they
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ke thingprzesadzać Don’t exaggerate to mas sound worse than they really are.
fairly /"fe@li/
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sprawiedliwie Learn how to argue cleanly and fairly.
fascinated /"f&sIneItId/
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zafascynowany I listened, fascinated, to the discussion.
flip /flIp/ podskakiwać,
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podskakiwać, podrzucać They taught dolphins to flip in the air.
fuel (v) /fju@l/
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paliwo The idea is that any response fuels behaviour.
habit /"h&bIt/
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zwyczaj He has so many annoying habits.
herb /h3;b/
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zioło I like chopping herbs – especially basil.
incompatible /%Ink@m"p&t@bl/
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niekompatybilny The system was incompatible with ours
irritable /"IrIt@bl/
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poirytowany He’s so tense and irritable these days.
irritate /"IrIteIt/
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irytować His music really irritates me.
issue /ISu;/
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kwestia There are other issues to discuss.
lock /lQk/
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zamknąć na klucz Please remember to lock the door before you go out.
lovable /"lV@bl/
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uroczy He’s stubborn but lovable.
mediate /"mi;dieIt/
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prowadzić mediacje Use another person to mediate for you.
reinforcing /%ri;In"fO;sIN/
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wzmocnienie The technique is called ‘least reinforcing syndrome’.
rushing /"rVSIN/
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pośpiech He was rushing round the house looking for his keys.
sack /s&k/
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zwalniać If the boss finds out, he’ll sack him.
skate /skeIt/
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jeździć na łyżwach We used to skate on the lake in winter.
syndrome /"sIndr@Um/
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syndrom The technique is called ‘least reinforcing syndrome’.
temper /"temp@/ tu: panowanie nad
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panowanie nad sobą, humor Raising your voice will make the other person lose their temper.
ankle /"&Nkl/
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kostka (u nogi) I tripped over the cat and twisted my ankle.
arm /A;m/
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ramie Arms folded tightly is a gesture of defensiveness.
bite /baIt/
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gryźć I’m trying to stop biting my nails.
blow /bl@U/
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dmuchać I think I’m getting a cold, I keep blowing my nose.
brain /breIn/
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umysł, mózg The brain is a complex organ.
broke his heart /%br@Uk hIz "hA;t/
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złamać serce When Miriam left David, she broke his heart.
brush /brVS/
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szczotkować I try to brush my teeth after every meal.
butterflies in my stomach
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mieć tremę I always get butterflies in my stomach before an exam.
calf (pl calves) /kA;f, kA;vz/
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łydka Wayne damaged a muscle in his calf when training.
chest /tSest/
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klatka piersiowa He’s a tall man with a broad chest.
chew /tSu;/
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rzuć The steak was tough and difficult to chew.
clap /kl&p/
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klaskać Everyone clapped their hands when the plane landed.
comb /k@Um/
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czesać grzebieniem Aren’t you going to comb your hair before you go out?
elbow /"elb@u/
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łokieć It’s bad manners to put your elbows on the table.
eyebrow /"aIbraU/
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brew She raised her eyebrows and we immediately stopped.
finger /"fINg@/
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palec u ręki Speakers who point their finger a lot are annoying.
fold /f@Uld/
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składać His arms are folded tightly over his chest.
frowned /fraUnd/
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marszczyć brwi The teacher frowned when she saw all the mistakes.
get cold feet /get %c@Uld "fi;t/
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mieć miękkie nogi I’m not sure. I’m starting to get cold feet.
get it off my chest
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zrzucić coś z serca I need to tell somebody about it and get it off my chest.
give me a hand /%gIv mi @ "h&nd/
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pomagać komuś Could you give me a hand with my homework?
hair /he@/
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włosy Aren’t you going to comb your hair before you go out?
hand /h&nd/
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ręka All the passengers clapped their hands.
head /hed/
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głowa A lot of our body heat is lost through our head.
heart /hA;t/
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serce You need to learn the irregular past tenses by heart.
heel /hi;l/
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pięta I’ve got blisters on both my heels.
hip /hIp/
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biodro He’s going to hospital to have one of his hips replaced.
hold /h@Uld/
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trzymać Hold your hand out.
hug /hVg/
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ściskać, obejmować When we met we were so happy we hugged each other.
I can’t get it out of my Head
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nie móc wybić sobie tego/czegoś z głowy I can’t get that song out of my head – stop whistling it.
kidney /"kIdni/
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nerka Your kidneys extract waste material from your blood.
kneel down /%ni;l "daUn/
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klękąć Did he kneel down when he proposed marriage?
learn by heart /%l3;n baI "hA;t/
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uczyć się na pamięc You need to learn the irregular past tenses by heart.
liver /"lIv@/
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wątroba Your liver helps to regulate blood sugar levels.
lung /lVN/
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płuc Clean mountain air is good for my lungs.
nail /neIl/
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paznokieć I’m trying to stop biting my nails.
nod /nQd/
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skinąć głową If you agree, just nod your head.
nose /n@Uz/
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nos I keep sneezing and blowing my nose.
on the tip of my tongue
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mieć coś na końcu języka His name is on the tip of my tongue.
palm /pA;m/
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dłon She can read your palms.
point (v) /pOInt/
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wskazywać Don’t point your finger at me
pulling my leg /%pUlIN maI "leg/
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żartować sobie z kogoś I believed him, I didn’t know he was just pulling my leg.
put your foot in it /%pUt j@ "fUt In It/
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wścibiać nos You put your foot in it when you asked about his ex-wife.
raise /reIz/
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podnosić My mother only had to raise her eyebrows.
scratch /skr&tS/
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drapać Don’t scratch the bite. You’ll only make it worse.
shake /SeIk/
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potrząsąć Shake hands with the person next to you.
shoulders /"S@Uld@z/
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ramiona She just shrugged her shoulders and told me it was my problem.
shrug /SrVg/
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wzruszać ramionami She just shrugged her shoulders and told me to go.
stared /ste@d/
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gapić się I stared at it for a long time.
stretched /stretSt/
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przeciągnąć się She got out of bed, and yawned and stretched.
teeth /ti; T/ z
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ęby I try to brush my teeth after every meal.
thigh /TaI/
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udo The largest muscles in your body are in your thighs.
waist /weIst/
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talia, pas These new trousers are a bit tight around the waist.
waved /weIvd/
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machać She waved goodbye to her boyfriend as the train left.
winked /wINkt/
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mrugnąć okiem He winked at me to show that he was only joking.
wrist /rIst/
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nadgarstek She fell with her hand outstretched and broke her wrist.
yawned /jO;nd/
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ziewać She got out of bed, and yawned and stretched.
bitter /"bIt@/
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gorzki I find coffee too bitter without sugar.
body language
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język ciała Our body language can reveal a lot about how we feel.
fidget /"fIdZIt/
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wiercić się, tu: bawić się rękoma Fidgeting with our hands shows nervousness.
gesture /"dZestS@/
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gest His gestures often occur unconsciously.
rough /rVf/
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szorstki A cat’s tongue feels very rough when it licks your hand.
rub (v) /rVb/
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trzeć Rubbing their eyes can be a signal that a person is lying.
smooth /smu;D/
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gładki Your hair looks lovely, and it feels soft and smooth.
sour /"saU@/
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kwaśny I love the sour taste of lemons.
stroke (v)
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gładzić If he strokes his chin, he’s probably thinking about something.
tap (v) /t&p/
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stukać Tapping the table with one’s fingers shows nervousness.
addict /"&dIkt/
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uzależniony If you are a gambling addict, you’ll end up deep in debt.
applause /@"plO;z/
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aplauz There was a round of applause for Vanessa.
blindfold /"blaIndf@Uld/
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okiennica They took off the blindfolds so we could see.
cabbage /"k&bIdZ/
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kapusta I used to hate cabbage when I was a child.
cigar /sI"gA;/
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cygaro I don’t mind the smell of cigar smoke
clasped /klA;spt/
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spleciony She had her hands clasped behind her head.
defensiveness /dI"fensIvn@s/
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obrona It’s a real gesture of defensiveness.
deliberate (adj) /dI"lIb@r@t/
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celowy Hand and arm gestures are sometimes deliberate.
distant /"dIst@nt/ er, but it sounds very distant.
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odległy Well, it may be thund
doubt /daUt/.
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wątpić I doubt if you’ll have wrinkles before you’re forty
doze /d@Uz/
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drzemka I wasn’t really asleep, I just had a momentary doze.
edition /I"dISn/
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wydanie, edycja And welcome to tonight’s edition of Use your senses.
embarrassment /Im"b&r@sm@nt/
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wstyd, zażenowanie He caused so much embarrasment.
extended /Ik"stendId/ wyciągnięty Arms extended, he walked forward.
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wyciągnięty Arms extended, he walked forward.
foreground /"fO;graUnd/
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pierwszy plan The woman in the foreground looks frightened.
foul (n) /faUl/
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faul The defender just committed a foul.
frantic /"fr&ntIk/
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oszalały z niepokoju Mum was frantic with worry when Jennie was late.
gallop /"g&l@p/
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galopować They thought it sounded like horses galloping.
genius /"dZi;ni@s/
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geniusz He’s a computer genius, he hacked into the system.
hide /haId/
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ukrywać He is hiding something – I can tell.
hole /h@Ul/
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dziura It’s got two tiny little holes in the middle.
honesty /"Qn@sti/
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uczciwość He lies all the time, I’d question his honesty.
index (adj) /"Indeks/
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wskazujący You usually point with your index finger.
indicate /"IndIkeIt/
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wskazywać Stress indicates important words.
insecure /%InsI"kjU@/
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niepewnie She feels a bit insecure, she needs support.
lap /l&p/
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okrążenie He was in the lead right up until the final lap.
leaning against /"li;nIN/
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opierający się o A police officer was leaning against my car door
licence /"laIsns/
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licencja He wanted to see my licence.
lift (n) /lIft/
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winda This gesture is often seen among strangers in lifts.
lobes /l@Ubz/
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małżowina uszna He kept scratching his ear lobes.
lock (n) /lQk/
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pukiel She sometimes plays with a lock of hair.
loose /lU;s/
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luźny You’ve lost weight, those jeans are too loose now.
marble /"mA;bl/
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marmurowy Did you see that wonderful marble statue of the King?
marking /"mA;kINz/
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oznaczenie, znak It doesn’t seem to have any unusual markings.
massacre (v) /"m&s@k@/
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masakrować No one can massacre a good song like my brother.
metallic /m@"t&lIk/
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metaliczny Yes, it definitely feels metallic.
momentary /"m@Um@ntri/
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chwilowy I wasn’t really asleep, I just had a momentary doze.
nasty /"nA;sti/
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paskudny That’s a nasty burn, I think you should see a doctor.
nervousness /"n3;v@sn@s/
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nerwowość Fidgeting with our hands shows nervousness.
obsessed /@b"sest/
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mieć obsesję She’s obsessed with him, she always talks about him.
occur /@"k3;/
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zdarzać się Earthquakes don’t occur frequently.
openness /"@Up@nn@s/.
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otwartość What I like about Amy is her openness and honesty
positioned /p@"zISnd/
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w ustawić The way your hands are positioned can shoemotions.
protruding /pr@"tru;dIN/
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wystający His thumbs were protruding from his pockets.
receipt /rI"si;t/
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paragon That’s $40. Would you like a receipt?
superiority /su;%pI@ri"Qr@ti/
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poczucie wyższości He has a sense of superiority.
texture /"tekstS@/
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konsystencja The texture isn’t quite like chicken – it tastes quite light.
tuck /tVk/ tu:
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zakładać za uszy You need to tuck in the sheets.
twist /twIst/
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skręcać You can eaily twist you ankle when doing sport.
unfaithful /Vn"feITfl/
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niewierny If my husband was unfaithful I would leave him.

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