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wolność, swoboda
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2[uncountable] the state of not being held prisoner or controlled by sb else The opposition leader was given his freedom after 25 years. ▶ swoboda wolność
/ˈfri:dəm / 1[c, u] the right or ability to do or say what you want You have the freedom to come and go as you please. This seat belt doesn’t give you much freedom of movement. freedom of speech the rights and freedoms of the individual ▶ wolność
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4[uncountable] the freedom of sth the right to use sth without restriction You can have the freedom of the ground floor (możesz swobodnie korzystać z parteru), but please don’t go upstairs. ▶ swobodny dostęp do czegoś
3[uncountable] freedom from sth the state of not being affected by sth unpleasant freedom from fear/hunger/pain ▶ uwolnienie (od czegoś) oswobodzenie
bojownik o wolność
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freedom fighter
ˈfreedom fighter noun [countable] a person who belongs to a group that uses violence to try to remove a government from power ▶ bojowni-k/czka o wolność
wolność zgromadzeń
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freedom of assembly
ˌfreedom of asˈsembly noun [uncountable] the right to have public meetings which is guaranteed by law in the US ▶ wolność zgromadzeń
wolność zrzeszania się
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freedom of association
ˌfreedom of associˈation noun [uncountable] the right to meet people and to form organizations without needing permission from the government ▶ wolność zrzeszania się
wolność informacji
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freedom of information
ˌfreedom of inforˈmation noun [uncountable] the right to see any information that a government has about people and organizations ▶ wolność informacji
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freehand /ˈfri: hænd; US / adj. [only before a noun] (used about a drawing) done by hand, without the help of any instruments a freehand sketch ▶ odręczny □ freehand adv. to draw freehand ▶ odręcznie
własność nieruchomości
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□ freehold 1 adj. a freehold property ▶ (nieruchomość) posiadana na nieograniczoną własność 2 adv. to buy a house freehold ▶ na nieograniczoną własność ⇨ look at leasehold
/ˈfri:həʊld/ noun [c, u] the fact of owning a building or piece of land for a period of time that is not limited Private tenants in flats now have the right to buy the freehold (prawo własności) from their landlord. ▶ własność nieruchomości
rzut wolny
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free kick
ˌfree ˈkick noun [countable] (in the sports of football or rugby) a situation in which a player of one team is allowed to kick the ball because a member of the other team has broken a rule ▶ rzut wolny
pracujący na umowę o dzieło/zlecenie
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1 adv. She works freelance. ▶ na umowę o dzieło/zlecenia itp. 2(also freelancer /ˈfri: lɑ: nsə(r); US -læn- /) noun [countable] Does your company use freelances? ▶ osoba zatrudniona na umowę o dzieło/zlecenia itp. wolny strzelec
/ˈfri:lɑ:ns ; US -læns / adj. earning money by selling your services or work to different organizations rather than being employed by a single company a freelance (niezależny) journalist freelance work ▶ (pracujący) na umowę o dzieło/zlecenia itp.
swobodnie, bez przymusu
Zwróć uwagę, że travel free oznacza podróżować za darmo. Travel freely oznacza podróżować bez żadnych ograniczeń.
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2 without trying to avoid the truth even though it might be embarrassing; in an honest way I freely admit that I made a mistake. ▶ dobrowolnie bez przymusu
freely /ˈfri: li; US / adv. 1 in a way that is not controlled or limited There are no roadworks on the motorway and traffic is flowing freely. He is the country’s first freely elected (wybrany w wolnych wyborach) president for 40 years. ▶ swobodnie
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freesia /ˈfri:ʒə; ˈfri: ziə; US / noun [countable] a plant with sweet-smelling yellow, pink or white flowers ▶ frezja
wolność słowa
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freedom of speech
ˌfree ˈspeech noun [uncountable] the right to express any opinion in public ▶ wolność słowa
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a motorway
A motorway has two or three lanes on each carriageway. On the left of each carriageway there is a hard shoulder
/ˈməʊtəweɪ ; US / ( US expressway /ɪkˈspresweɪ) noun [c] (abbr. M) a wide road where traffic can travel fast for long distances between large towns a motorway service station stacja obsługi przy autostradzie ▶ autostrada
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to freeze
2 [intransitive] (used with ‘ it’ to describe extremely cold weather when water turns into ice) I think it’s going to freeze (będzie mróz) tonight. ▶ spadać poniżej zera
freeze1 /fri: z; US / verb (past tense froze /frəʊz; US /, past participle frozen /ˈfrəʊzn; US /) 1[i, t] Water freezes at 0° Celsius. The ground was frozen solid for most of the winter. frozen (mrożony) peas ▶ zamarzać zamrażać
zamarzać, zastygać
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freeze, freeze
4[intransitive] to stop moving suddenly and completely because you are frightened or in danger The terrible scream made her freeze with terror. Suddenly the man pulled out a gun and shouted ‘ Freeze!’ ▶ zastygać
3[intransitive, transitive] to be very cold or to die from cold It was so cold on the mountain that we thought we would freeze to death. ▶ zamarzać marznąć
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5[transitive] to keep the money you earn, prices, etc. at a fixed level for a certain period of time Spending on defence has been frozen for one year. ▶ zamrażać
mrozy, zamrożenie
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freeze2 /fri: z; US / noun [countable] 1 the fixing of the money you earn, prices, etc. at one level for a certain period of time ▶ zamrożenie 2 a period of weather when the temperature stays below freezing point (0°Celsius) ▶ mrozy
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a freezer
freezer /ˈfri: zə(r); US / (also ˌdeep ˈfreeze) noun [countable] a metal container with a door in which food, etc. is kept frozen so that it stays fresh ▶ zamrażarka zamrażalnik ⇨ look at fridge
mrożny lodowany
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freezing1 /ˈfri: zɪŋ; US / adj. (informal) very cold It’s absolutely freezing outside. Can we turn the central heating on? I’m freezing (strasznie mi zimno). ▶ mroźny lodowaty bardzo zimny ⇨ note at cold
temperatura zamarzania
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freezing point
freezing2 /ˈfri: zɪŋ; US / (also ˈfreezing point) noun [uncountable] the temperature at which water freezes Last night the temperature fell to six degrees below freezing. ▶ temperatura zamarzania zero
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freight /freɪt; US / noun [u] goods that are carried from one place to another by ship, lorry, etc.; the system for carrying goods in this way a freight train Your order will be sent by air freight (drogą lotniczą). ▶ towary towarowy przewóz
frachtowiec, transporter
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freighter /ˈfreɪtə(r); US / noun [countable] a ship or an aircraft that carries only goods and not passengers ▶ frachtowiec transporter ⇨ note at boat
pociąg towarowy
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freight train
ˈfreight train (Brit. also ˈgoods train) noun [countable] a train that carries only goods ▶ pociąg towarowy
bułka paryska
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French bread
ˌFrench ˈbread noun [uncountable] white bread in the shape of a long thick stick ▶ bagietka bułka paryska
szaleństwo, szał
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The speaker worked the crowd up into a frenzy. I could hear a frenzy of activity in the kitchen. ▶ szaleństwo szał
frenzy /ˈfrenzi; US / noun [sing., uncountable] a state of great emotion or activity that is not under control There’s no need to get in a frenzy – you’ve got until Friday to finish your essay.
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2[uncountable] the fact that sth happens often The frequency of child deaths from cancer near the nuclear power station is being investigated. ▶ częstotliwość
frequency /ˈfri: kwənsi; US / noun (pl. frequencies) 1[uncountable] the number of times sth happens in a particular period Fatal accidents have decreased in frequency (występują z mniejszą częstotliwością) in recent years. ▶ częstość częstotliwość
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□ frequently /; US / adv. ▶ często
/ˈfri:kwənt / adj. happening often There is a frequent bus service from the city centre to the airport. His visits became less frequent. There is a frequent bus service (autobusy często jeżdżą) from the city centre to the airport. ▶ częsty
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2 left somewhere or experienced recently fresh blood/footprints Write a few notes while the lecture is still fresh in your mind. ▶ świeży
fresh /freʃ; US / adj. ⇨ POSŁUCHAJ NAGRAŃ PRZYKŁADÓW 1 (used especially about food) produced or picked very recently; not frozen or in a tin fresh bread/fruit/flowers vegetables fresh from the garden ▶ świeży ⇨ look at stale
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4 pleasantly clean or bright Open the window and let some fresh air in. This deodorant keeps you smelling fresh all day. ▶ świeży 5 (used about water) containing no salt a shortage of fresh water ▶ słodki
3 new and different They have decided to make a fresh start (zacząć od nowa) in a different town. I’m sure he’ll have some fresh ideas on the subject. I’d like to put on some fresh clothes before we go out. ▶ nowy świeży
wypoczęty, świeży
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rested, fresh
8 (used about the weather) cold and quite windy ▶ chłodny i wietrzny 9 (used about colours, or a person’s skin) bright or clear ▶ świeży
6 full of energy I’ll think about the problem again in the morning when I’m fresh. ▶ świeży wypoczęty 7fresh from/out of sth having just finished sth Life isn’t easy for a young teacher fresh from university (po studiach). ▶ świeżo przybyły skądś
świeżo, niedawno
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□ freshly /; US / adv. freshly baked bread ▶ świeżo niedawno dopiero co —freshness /; US / noun [uncountable] ▶ świeżość
odświeżać, rozjaśniać
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refresh, brighten
freshen /ˈfreʃn; US / verb [transitive] freshen sth (up) to make sth cleaner or brighter Some new curtains and wallpaper would freshen up this room. ▶ odświeżać rozjaśniać
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freshwater /ˈfreʃwɔ: tə(r); US / adj. [only before a noun] 1 living in water that is not the sea and is not salty freshwater fish ▶ słodkowodny 2 having water that is not salty freshwater lakes ▶ słodkowodny
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2friction (between A and B) disagreement between people or groups There is a lot of friction between the older and younger members of staff. ▶ tarcia niezgoda konflikt
friction /ˈfrɪkʃn; US / noun [uncountable] 1 the rubbing of one surface or thing against another You have to put oil in the engine to reduce friction between the moving parts. ▶ tarcie
lodówka, chłodziarka
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fridge, refrigerator
fridge /frɪdʒ; US / (also formal refrigerator /rɪˈfrɪdʒəreɪtə(r); US /US icebox /ˈaɪsbɒks; US /) noun [countable] a metal container with a door in which food, etc. is kept cold (but not frozen) so that it stays fresh ▶ lodówka chłodziarka
znajomy, koleżanka
Friend oznacza zwykle kolegę. Good/close friend to odpowiednik polskiego słowa przyjaciel. Kolega z pracy lub uczelni to colleague. Osoba znajoma, z którą niewiele nas łączy, to acquaintance.
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friend, friend
A friend of mine told me about this restaurant. One of my friends told me about this restaurant. ▶ przyja-ciel/ciółka kole-ga/żanka znajom-y/a
/frend/ noun [c] 1 a person that you know and like (not a member of your family), and who likes you Dalibor and I are old friends. We were at school together. We’re only inviting close friends and relatives to the wedding. Carol’s my best friend.
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a friend
The new Prime Minister is no friend to the unions. ▶ (członek stowarzyszenia) przyjaciel
2 a friend of/to sth a person who supports an organization, a charity, etc., especially by giving money; a person who supports a particular idea, etc. the Friends of the Churchill Hospital
przyjazny, troskliwy
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2 showing kindness; making you feel relaxed and as though you are among friends a friendly smile/atmosphere a small friendly hotel ▶ przyjemny miły  OPPOSITE  unfriendly
/ˈfrendli/ adj. (friendlier; friendliest) 1friendly (to/toward(s) sb) behaving in a kind and open way I found the people there very warm and friendly. Everyone here has been very friendly towards us. ▶ przyjazny troskliwy
zaprzyjaźniony z czymś, łatwy w użyciu
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4[in compounds] helpful to sb/sth; not harmful to sth Our computer is extremely user-friendly. ozone-friendly sprays dolphin-friendly fishing nets ▶ łatwy w użyciu przyjazny (np. dla środowiska)
3friendly with sb treating sb as a friend Nick’s become quite friendly (zaprzyjaźnił się) with the boy next door. Are you on friendly terms with your neighbours? ▶ zaprzyjaźniony z kimś
mecz towarzyski
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friendly match
friendly2 /ˈfrendli; US / noun [countable] (pl. friendlies) a sports match that is not part of an important competition ▶ mecz towarzyski
przyjaźń, koleżeństwo
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2[uncountable] the state of being friends Our relationship is based on friendship, not love. ▶ przyjaźń
friendship /ˈfrendʃɪp; US / noun ⇨ 1[countable] a friendship (with sb); a friendship (between A and B) a relationship between people who are friends a close/lasting/lifelong friendship ▶ przyjaźń koleżeństwo
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frigate /ˈfrɪɡət; US / noun [countable] a small fast ship in the navy that travels with other ships in order to protect them ▶ fregata
strach, przerażenie
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The child cried out in fright when she saw a dark shadow at the window. ▶ strach przerażenie
fright /fraɪt; US / noun [c, u] a sudden feeling of fear or shock I hope I didn’t give you a fright (cię nie przestraszyłem) when I shouted. Your mum will get a fright when she sees you’ve shaved your hair off.
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frighten /ˈfraɪtn; US / verb [transitive] to make sb/sth afraid or shocked That programme about crime really frightened me. You frightened us when you knocked at the window. ▶ przestraszyć
przerażony, przestraszony
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2frightened of sb/sth afraid of a particular person, thing or situation Our cat is frightened to death of going out since that dog chased it. When I was young I was frightened of (bałem się) cats. ▶ bojący się (kogoś/czegoś)
frightened /ˈfraɪtnd; US / adj. 1 full of fear or worry Frightened children were calling for their mothers. He was frightened at the thought of being alone. I was frightened (bałem się) that they would think that I was rude. ▶ przestraszny
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frightening /ˈfraɪtnɪŋ; US / adj. making you feel afraid or shocked a frightening experience It’s frightening how quickly time passes. It’s frightening that time passes so quickly. ▶ przerażający
oziębły, chłodny
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frigid /ˈfrɪdʒɪd; US / adj. 1 (usually used about a woman) unable to enjoy sex ▶ (med.) oziębły 2 not showing any emotion a frigid voice There was a frigid atmosphere in the room. ▶ (uczucie itp.) chłodny
falbanka, plisa
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2[usually pl.] something that is added for decoration that you feel is not necessary We just want a plain simple meal – no frills (bez żadnych wymyślnych potraw). ▶ upiększenie ozdoba □ frilly /; US / adj. a frilly dress ▶ z falbankami
frill /frɪl; US / noun [countable] 1 a decoration for the edge of a dress, shirt, etc. which is made by forming many folds in a narrow piece of cloth ▶ falbanka plisa
grzywka, frędzle
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fringe, fringe
2 a border for decoration on a piece of clothing, etc. that is made of a lot of hanging threads ▶ frędzle
fringe1 /frɪndʒ; US / noun [countable] 1 (US bangs /bæŋz; US / [pl.]) the part of your hair that is cut so that it hangs over your forehead Your hair looks better with a fringe. ▶ grzywka
dodatek do pensji
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fringe benefit fringe
Bardziej nieformalnym słowem jest perk.
ˈfringe benefit noun [countable, usually pl.] an extra thing that is given to an employee in addition to the money he or she earns The fringe benefits of this job include a car and free health insurance. ▶ dodatek do pensji
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frog /frɒɡ; US; / noun [countable] a small animal with smooth skin and long back legs that it uses for jumping. Frogs live in or near water Our pond is full of frogs in the spring. ▶ żaba
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frogman /ˈfrɒɡmən; US; / noun [countable] (pl. -men /-mən; US /) a person whose job is to work under the surface of water wearing special rubber clothes and using breathing equipment Police frogmen searched the river. ▶ płetwonurek
żabki skrzek
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frogspawn /ˈfrɒɡspɔ: n; US; / noun [uncountable] a clear substance that looks like jelly and contains the eggs of a frog ▶ żabi skrzek
figlować, hasać
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frolic /ˈfrɒlɪk; US / verb [intransitive] (frolicking; frolicked) to play and move around in a lively, happy way children frolicking on the beach ▶ figlować baraszkować hasać
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2[sing.] (sb’s front) the part of sb’s body that faces forwards; sb’s chest She slipped on the stairs and spilt coffee all down her front. He was lying on his front (na brzuchu). ▶ przód
1(the front) [countable, usually sing.] the side or surface of sth/sb that faces forward a dress with buttons down the front the front of a building a card with flowers on the front ▶ przód front
przód, przednia część
The teacher usually stands in front of the class. At/In the front (of sth) oznacza „na samym przodzie czegoś“: The driver sits at the front of the bus. • The noisy children were asked to sit at the front of the class.
On the front of znaczy „na przedniej powierzchni czegoś“: The number is shown on the front of the bus. In front of znaczy „przed kimś/czymś“: A car has stopped in front of the bus. • There were three people in front of me in the queue. •
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front, front part
3 (the front) [c, usually sing.] the most forward part of sth; the area that is just outside of or before sb/sth Young children should not travel in the front of the car. There is a small garden at the front of the house. ▶ przód przednia część
front, front
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front, front
5[countable] a particular area of activity Things are difficult on the domestic/political/economic front at the moment. Progress has been made on all fronts. ▶ front
(the front) [sing.] the line or area where fighting takes place in a war to be sent to the front ▶ front (wojsk) linia frontu
front atmosferyczny
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7 [countable] a line or area where warm air and cold air meet A cold front is moving in from the north. a warm front ▶ front atmosferyczny
6[sing.] a way of behaving that hides your true feelings His brave words were just a front. He was really feeling very nervous. ▶ poza maska
przedni, frontowy
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front, front
front2 /frʌnt; US / adj. [only before a noun] of or at the front 1(1,2) the front door/garden/room sit in the front row front teeth ▶ przedni frontowy
czołowy, frontalny
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frontal, frontal
frontal /ˈfrʌntl; US / adj. [only before a noun] from the front a frontal attack ▶ czołowy frontalny
granica, granice
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2(the frontiers) [pl.] the limit between what we do and do not know Scientific research is constantly pushing back the frontiers of our knowledge about the world. ▶ granice (wiedzy ludzkiej)
frontier /ˈfrʌntɪə(r); US frʌnˈt / noun 1 [countable] the frontier (between A and B) the line where one country joins another; border the end of frontier controls in Europe a frontier town ▶ granica ⇨ note at border
mróz, szron, oblodzenie
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frost, frost, icing
2[uncountable] a very thin layer of little pieces of ice that is formed on surfaces when the temperature is below freezing-point The branches of the trees were white with frost. ▶ szron oblodzenie
frost1 /frɒst; US / noun 1 [u, c] the weather conditions when the temperature falls below freezing point There was a hard frost last night. ten degrees of frost a chilly night with some ground frost (z przygruntowymi przymrozkami) ▶ mróz
odmrożenie (części ciała)
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□ frostbitten /ˈfrɒstbɪtn; US / adj. ▶ (część ciała) odmrożony
frostbite /ˈfrɒstbaɪt; US / noun [uncountable] a serious medical condition of the fingers, toes, etc. that is caused by very low temperatures All the climbers were suffering from frostbite. ▶ odmrożenie ⇨ look at chilblain
morźny, lodowaty
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frosty /ˈfrɒsti; US / adj. (frostier; frostiest) 1 very cold, with frost a cold and frosty morning ▶ mroźny oszroniony 2 cold and unfriendly a frosty welcome ▶ lodowaty
pianka, pienisty
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froth2 /frɒɵ; US / verb [intransitive] to have or produce a mass of white bubbles The mad dog was frothing at the mouth. ▶ pienić się pokrywać się pianą
froth1 /frɒɵ; US / noun [uncountable] a mass of small white bubbles on the top of a liquid, etc. ▶ piana pianka □ frothy /; US / adj. frothy beer a frothy cappuccino ▶ pienisty
marszczyć brwi
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□ frown noun [countable] She read the letter quickly, a worried frown on her face. (ze zmartwieniem na twarzy) ▶ zmarszczenie brwi
frown /fraʊn; US / verb [intransitive] to show you are angry, serious, etc. by making lines appear on your forehead ‘ You’re late’, he said, frowning. ▶ marszczyć brwi
mrożony, zamrożony
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frozen, frozen
2(informal) (used about people and parts of the body) very cold My feet are frozen! Turn the heater up – I’m frozen stiff (zmarzłem na kość). ▶ zmarznięty przemarznięty  SYNONYM  freezing
frozen2 /ˈfrəʊzn; US / adj. ⇨ POSŁUCHAJ NAGRAŃ PRZYKŁADÓW 1 (used about food) stored at a low temperature in order to keep it for a long time frozen meat/vegetables ▶ (żywność) mrożony zamrożony
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3 (used about water) with a layer of ice on the surface The pond is frozen. Let’s go skating. ▶ zamarznięty
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a frugal lunch of bread and cheese ▶ (jedzenie itp.) skromny  SYNONYM  meagre □ frugality /fruˈɡæləti; US / noun [uncountable] ▶ oszczędność skromność —frugally /-ɡəli; US / adv. to live/eat frugally ▶ oszczędnie skromnie
frugal /ˈfru:ɡl; US / adj. 1 using only as much money or food as is necessary a frugal existence/life He has always been hard-working and frugal. ▶ (osoba itp.) oszczędny 2 (used about meals) small, simple and not costing very much
Cheese, or a piece of fruit? Na ogół używa się formy niepoliczalnej: Would you like some fruit?
A fruit oznacza rodzaj owoców: Most big supermarkets sell all sorts of tropical fruits. Kiedy chodzi o pojedyncze jabłko, gruszkę itp. mówi się a piece of fruit: What would you like now?
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a fruit
2 [countable] the part of any plant in which the seed is formed ▶ owoc 3[pl.] the fruits (of sth) a good result or success from work that you have done It will be years before we see the fruits of this research. ▶ owoce (pracy)
fruit /fru: t/ noun 1 [c, u] the part of a plant or tree that contains seeds and that we eat Try and eat more fresh fruit and vegetables. Marmalade is made with citrus fruit. Is a tomato a fruit or a vegetable? fruit juice ▶ owoc
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fruitful /ˈfru: tfl; US / adj. producing good results; useful fruitful discussions ▶ owocny
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fruitless /ˈfru: tləs; US / adj. producing poor or no results; not successful a fruitless search It’s fruitless to keep trying – she’ll never agree to it. ▶ bezowocny nieskuteczny
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▶ udaremniać □ frustrated /; US / adj. He felt very frustrated at his lack of progress in learning Chinese. ▶ sfrustrowany —frustrating /; US / adj. I spent a frustrating morning at the Passport Office. ▶ frustrujący
frustrate /frʌˈstreɪt; US ˈfrʌs- / verb [transitive] 1 to cause a person to feel annoyed or impatient because they cannot do or achieve what they want It’s the lack of money that really frustrates him. ▶ frustrować
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He felt anger and frustration at no longer being able to see very well. Every job has its frustrations. ▶ frustracja
frustration /frʌˈstreɪʃn; US / noun [countable, uncountable] a feeling of anger because you cannot get what you want; sth that causes you to feel like this
smażyć się
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fry1 /fraɪ; US / verb [intransitive, transitive] (frying; fries; past tense, past participle fried /fraɪd; US /) to cook sth or to be cooked in hot fat or oil to fry an egg a fried egg I could smell bacon frying in the kitchen. ▶ smażyć (się)
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a frying pan
ˈfrying pan (US frypan /ˈfraɪpæn; US /) noun [countable] a flat pan with a long handle that is used for frying food ▶ patelnia
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fuchsia /ˈfju:ʃə; US / noun [countable, uncountable] a small bush with flowers in two colours of red, purple or white, that hang down ▶ fuksja
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fuel1 /ˈfju:əl; US / noun 1 [uncountable] material that is burned to produce heat or power What’s the car’s fuel consumption? ▶ paliwo opał 2[countable] a type of fuel I think gas is the best fuel for central heating. ▶ opał
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fuel2 /ˈfju:əl; US / verb [transitive] (fuelling; fuelled, US fueling; fueled) to make sb feel an emotion more strongly Her interest in the Spanish language was fuelled by a visit to Spain. His denials just fuelled her anger. ▶ podsycać
zbieg, uciekinier
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fugitive, fugitive
fugitive /ˈfju: dʒətɪv; US / noun [countable] a person who is running away or escaping (for example from the police) ▶ zbieg uciekinier/ka
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2 to do or have everything that you should or that is necessary to fulfil a duty/obligation/promise/need The conditions of entry to university in this country are quite difficult to fulfil. ▶ spełniać
fulfil (US fulfill) /fʊlˈfɪl / verb [t] (fulfilling; fulfilled) 1 to make sth that you wish for happen; to achieve a goal He finally fulfilled his childhood dream of becoming a doctor. to fulfil your ambition/potential ▶ spełniać realizować
spełniać, wypełniać, spełniać się
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fulfill, fulfill, fulfill yourself
4fulfil sb/yourself to make sb feel completely happy and satisfied I need a job that really fulfils me. Potrzebuję pracy, w której będę naprawdę mógł się zrealizować. ▶ (pozwalać komuś) realizować się spełniać się
3 to have a particular role or purpose Italy fulfils a very important role within the European Union. ▶ spełniać wypełniać 5 to satisfy a need The local town can fulfill most of your shopping needs. ▶ zaspokajać (potrzeby)
zaspokojony, safysfakcjonujący
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fulfilled / adj. When I had my baby I felt totally fulfilled. ▶ zadowolony (z powodu spełnienia marzeń itp.) zaspokojony —fulfilling /; US / adj. I found working abroad a very fulfilling experience. ▶ satysfakcjonujący
zrealizowanie, samorealizacja
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2 the feeling of satisfaction that you have when you have done sth to find personal/emotional fulfilment Some women find fulfilment in the home and in bringing up their children. ▶ samorealizacja satysfakcja
fulfilment (US fulfillment) /fʊlˈfɪlmənt; US / noun [uncountable] 1 the act of fulfilling or state of being fulfilled the fulfilment of your dreams/hopes/ambitions Moving into our own home was the fulfilment of a dream. ▶ spełnienie zrealizowanie
pełny, zapełniony
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full, full
2full of sb/sth containing a lot of sb/sth The room was full of people. His work was full of mistakes. The streets were full of litter. The children are full of energy. a full house sala pełna po brzegi ▶ pełny zapełniony
1 holding or containing as much or as many as possible The bin needs emptying. It’s full up. a full bottle I can’t get anything else in my suitcase – it’s full. ▶ pełny
syty, najedzony, pełny
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full, full, full
Full details of today’s TV programmes are on page 20. For the full story, please turn to page 14. He took full responsibility for what had happened. Please give your full name and address. ▶ dokładny pełny
3full (up) having had enough to eat and drink No more, thank you. I’m full (up). ▶ syty najedzony 4[only before a noun] complete; not leaving anything out I should like a full report on the accident, please.
okrągły o twarzy i figurze
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7 round or rather fat in shape She’s got quite a full figure. He’s quite full in the face. ▶ okrągły
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3 (used about a dress, skirt, etc.) reaching the feet a full-length ball gown ▶ do ziemi
ˌfull-ˈlength adj. [only before a noun] 1 (used about a picture, mirror, etc.) showing a person from head to foot ▶ pokazujący osobę od stóp do głów 2 not made shorter a full-length film ▶ pełnometrażowy normalnej długości
pełnia księżyca
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full moon
ˌfull ˈmoon noun [sing.] the moon when it appears as a complete circle ▶ pełnia
na dużą skalę
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2 (used about a plan, drawing, etc.) of the same size as the original object a full-scale plan/model ▶ wielkości naturalnej
ˌfull-ˈscale adj. [only before a noun] 1 using every thing or person that is available The police have started a full-scale murder investigation. ▶ na dużą skalę
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ˌfull-ˈtime adj. for a whole of the normal period of work He has a full-time job. We employ 800 full-time staff. ▶ pełnoetatowy □ full-time adv. He works full-time. ▶ na pełny etat
całkowicie, w pełni
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fully /ˈfʊli; US / adv. completely; to the highest possible degree I’m fully aware of the problem. All our engineers are fully trained. a fully automatic camera ▶ całkowicie w pełni
kipieć ze złości
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fume /fju: m; US / verb [intransitive] to be very angry about sth They were nearly two hours late. By the time they arrived I was absolutely fuming. ▶ kipieć ze złości
spaliny, wyziewy
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fumes /fju: mz; US / noun [pl.] smoke or gases that smell unpleasant and that can be dangerous to breathe in diesel/petrol/exhaust fumes ▶ spaliny wyziewy
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□ fumigation /ˌfju: mɪˈɡeɪʃn; US / noun [uncountable, countable] ▶ dezynsekcja dezynfekcja odkażanie
fumigate /ˈfju: mɪɡeɪt; US / verb [transitive] to use special chemicals, smoke or gas to destroy the harmful insects or bacteria in a place to fumigate a room ▶ przeprowadzać dezynsekcję dezynsekować
zabawa, przyjemość
Film był śmieszny. • There’s something funny about her. Jest trochę dziwna.
Uwaga! Funny oznacza, że coś/ktoś jest śmieszny, dziwny, dziwaczny, a fun oznacza, że coś/ktoś jest przyjemny, zabawny: The party was great fun. Bardzo dobrze bawiliśmy się na imprezie. • The film was funny.
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Sailing can be quite good fun if you don’t mind getting wet. It’s no fun having to get up at 4 o’clock every day. Have fun! Baw się dobrze! He was extremely clever but he was also great fun (można się było z nim dobrze bawić). ▶ zabawa przyjemność
fun1 /fʌn; US / noun [u] pleasure and enjoyment; an activity or a person that gives you pleasure and enjoyment Staying at home on your own isn’t much fun. We had a lot of fun at the party last night.
fajny, wesoły, zabawny
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fun2 /fʌn; US / adj. amusing or enjoyable to have a fun time/day out Brett’s a fun guy. Staying in a cottage over Christmas sounds fun (brzmi nieźle). ▶ fajny wesoły zabawny
funkcja, rola
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2 an important social event, ceremony, etc. The princess attends hundreds of official functions every year. ▶ uroczystość
/ˈfʌŋkʃn/ [c] 1 the purpose or special duty of a person or thing One function of the school governors is to appoint new teachers. The function of the heart is to pump blood through the body. to perform/fulfil a function ▶ funkcja rola zadanie
działać, funkcjonować
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function2 /ˈfʌŋkʃn; US / verb [intransitive] to work correctly; to be in action The doctor’s new appointments system doesn’t seem to be functioning very well. Only one engine was still functioning. ▶ działać funkcjonować
funkcjonalny, praktyczny
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functional, practical
functional /ˈfʌŋkʃənl; US / adj. 1 practical and useful rather than attractive cheap functional furniture ▶ funkcjonalny praktyczny 2 working; being used The system is now fully functional. ▶ sprawny w użyciu

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