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ˌfar-ˈsighted adj. 1 being able to see what will be necessary in the future and making plans for it ▶ dalekowzroczny dalekowidzący przewidujący
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fart /fɑ: t; US / verb [intransitive] (informal) to suddenly let gas from the stomach escape from your bottom ▶ pierdzieć □ fart noun [countable] ▶ pierdnięcie
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□ fascinating /; US / adj. ▶ urzekający zachwycający fascynujący —fascination /ˌfæsɪˈneɪʃn; US / noun [countable, uncountable] ▶ urzeczenie zachwyt fascynacja fascinate /ˈfæsɪneɪt; US / verb [transitive] to attract or interest sb very much Chinese culture has always fascinated me. I was fascinated by what he was saying. ▶ urzekać zachwycać fascynować
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□ fascist (also Fascist) /-ɪst; US / noun [countable] ▶ faszyst(k)a —fascist /-ɪst; US / adj. ▶ faszystowski fascism (also Fascism) /ˈfæʃɪzəm; US / noun [uncountable] an extreme right-wing political system which is in favour of strong central government and does not allow anyone to speak against it the rise of fascism in the 1930s ▶ faszyzm
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2[sing.] the way you do sth Watch him. He’s been behaving in a very strange fashion. ▶ sposób fashion /ˈfæʃn; US / noun 1[c, u] the style of dressing or behaving that is the most popular at a particular time What is the latest fashion in hairstyles? a fashion show pokaz mody a fashion model/magazine ▶ moda styl ⇨ note at clothes
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2 considering fashion to be important fashionable society ▶ elegancki wytworny □ fashionably /-əbli; US / adv. ▶ modnie popularnie fashionable /ˈfæʃnəbl; US / adj. 1 popular or in a popular style at the time fashionable clothes a fashionable area/opinion That restaurant has become fashionable recently. ▶ modny popularny OPPOSITE unfashionable ⇨ look at old-fashioned
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ˈfashion designer noun [countable] a person who designs fashionable clothes ▶ projektant/ka mody
Nie ma rzeczownika pochodnego od fast. Używa się wówczas speed: The car was travelling very fast./The car was travelling at great speed. começar a aprender
2[not before a noun] (be fast) (used about a clock or watch) to show a time that is later than the real time I’m early – my watch must be fast. The clock is five minutes fast. ▶ śpieszyć się fast1 /fɑ: st; US fæst / adj. 1 able to move or act at great speed a fast car/worker/runner/reader/train ▶ szybki pośpieszny bystry 4[only after a noun] firmly fixed Peter made the boat fast (przycumował) before he got out. ▶ przymocowany
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fast2 /fɑ: st; US fæst / adv. 1 quickly The dog ran very fast. ▶ szybko prędko 2 firmly or deeply Sam was fast asleep (spał jak zabity) by 10 o’clock. Our car was stuck fast (ugrzązł) in the mud. ▶ mocno pewnie
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fast3 /fɑ: st; US fæst / verb [intransitive] to eat no food for a certain time, usually for religious reasons Muslims fast during Ramadan. ▶ pościć □ fast noun [countable] ▶ post
zapinać, zamykać szczelnie começar a aprender
2[transitive] to close or lock sth firmly so that it will not open Close the window and fasten it securely. ▶ zamykać szczelnie/mocno fasten /ˈfɑ: sn; US ˈfæsn / verb 1[int, tran] fasten sth (up) to close or join the two parts of sth; to become closed or joined Please fasten your seat belts. Fasten your coat up – it’s cold outside. My dress fastens at the back. ▶ zapinać (się
przymocowywać, przypinać, przytwierdzać começar a aprender
His eyes were fastened on me all the time I was speaking. Przez cały czas, kiedy mówiłam, miał utkwiony we mnie wzrok. ▶ przymocowywać przypinać przytwierdzać 3[transitive] fasten sth (on/to sth); fasten A and B (together) to fix or tie sth to sth, or two things together How can I fasten these pieces of wood together? Fasten this badge on your jacket.
zapięcie, klamra, zapinka começar a aprender
fastener /ˈfɑ: snə(r); US ˈfæs- / (also fastening /ˈfɑ: snɪŋ; US ˈfæs- /) noun [countable] something that fastens things together Can you help me do up/undo the fastener on my dress? a zip fastener zamek błyskawiczny ▶ zapięcie klamra zapinka
szybko przewijać taśmę do przodu começar a aprender
□ fast forward noun [uncountable] Press fast forward to advance the tape. the fast-forward button ▶ klawisz szybkiego przewijania taśmy do przodu ⇨ look at rewind ˌfast ˈforward verb [transitive] to make a tape or video go forward quickly without playing it ▶ szybko przewijać (taśmę) do przodu
przyśpieszona droga do czegoś começar a aprender
□ ˈfast-track adj. the fast-track route to promotion fast-track graduates ▶ (awans, kurs itp.) uzyskany/ukończony/wykonywany itp. w trybie przyspieszonym ˈfast track noun [sing.] a quick way to achieve sth, for example a high position in a job ▶ przyspieszona droga do czegoś (np. uzyskania awansu, ukończenia kursu)
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Niegrzecznie jest mówić fat. Dlatego częściej używa się innych słów, np. plump, stout, large lub overweight: • I’m a bit overweight. Wyraz chubby jest głównie używany do określania dzieci, które są pulchne w przyjemny sposób: a baby with chubby cheeks. fat1 /fæt/ adj. (fatter; fattest) 1 (used about people’s or animal’s bodies) weighing too much; covered with too much fat You’ll get fat (utyjesz) if you eat too much. ▶ gruby 2 (used about a thing) thick or full a fat wallet/book ▶ gruby
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2[countable, uncountable] the substance containing oil that we obtain from animals, plants or seeds and use for cooking Cook the onions in a little fat. Vegetable fats are healthier than animal fats. ▶ tłuszcz fat2 /fæt; US / noun ⇨ POSŁUCHAJ NAGRAŃ PRZYKŁADÓW 1 [uncountable] the soft white substance under the skins of animals and people I don’t like meat with lots of fat on it. ▶ tłuszcz ⇨ adjective fatty
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□ fatally /-təli; US / adv. fatally injured ▶ śmiertelnie zgubnie fatalnie fatal /ˈfeɪtl; US / adj. 1 causing or ending in death a fatal accident/disease/crash ▶ śmiertelny ⇨ look at mortal 2 causing trouble or a bad result She made the fatal mistake of trusting him. ▶ zgubny fatalny
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fatalistic /ˌfeɪtəˈlɪstɪk; US / adj. showing a belief in fate and feeling that you cannot control events or stop them from happening a fatalistic attitude/outlook ▶ fatalistyczny □ fatalistically /ˌfeɪtəˈlɪstɪkəli; US / adv. ▶ fatalistycznie
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fatality /fəˈtæləti; US / noun [countable] (pl. fatalities) sb’s death caused by an accident, in war, etc. There were no fatalities in the fire. ▶ ofiara (np. wypadku)
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2[uncountable] the power that some people believe controls everything that happens It was fate that brought them together again after twenty years. ▶ los przeznaczenie fate /feɪt; US / noun 1 [countable] your future; something that happens to you Both men suffered the same fate (obu mężczyzn spotkał taki sam los) – they both lost their jobs. ▶ los dola
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fateful /ˈfeɪtfl; US / adj. having an important effect on the future a fateful decision ▶ brzemienny w skutki
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ˌfat-ˈfree adj. not containing any fat fat-free yogurt ▶ beztłuszczowy
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father1 /ˈfɑ:ðə(r); US / noun [countable] ⇨ POSŁUCHAJ NAGRAŃ PRZYKŁADÓW 1 sb’s male parent John looks exactly like his father. a foster father przybrany ojciec ▶ ojciec 2 (Father) the title of certain priests Father O’Reilly ▶ ojciec ksiądz
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fatherhood /ˈfɑ:ðəhʊd; US / noun [uncountable] the state of being a father How are you enjoying fatherhood? ▶ ojcostwo
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ˈfather-in-law noun [countable] (pl. fathers-in-law) the father of your husband or wife ▶ teść
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2 weakness in metals caused by a lot of use The plane crash was caused by metal fatigue in a wing. ▶ zmęczenie (materiału) fatigue /fəˈti:ɡ; US / noun [uncountable] 1 the feeling of being extremely tired He was suffering from mental and physical fatigue. ▶ zmęczenie SYNONYM exhaustion
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fatten /ˈfætn; US / verb [transitive] fatten sb/sth (up) to make sb/sth fatter He’s fattening the pigs up for market. ▶ tuczyć
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fattening /ˈfætnɪŋ; US / adj. (used about food) that makes people fat Chocolate is very fattening. ▶ tuczący
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fattening /ˈfætnɪŋ; US / adj. (used about food) that makes people fat Chocolate is very fattening. ▶ tuczący
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2[uncountable] responsibility for a mistake ‘ We’re going to be late.’ ‘ Well, it’s not my fault – I was ready on time.’ It will be your own fault if you don’t pass your exams. ▶ wina fault1 /fɔ: lt; US / 1[countable] something wrong or not perfect in sb’s character or in a thing One of my faults is that I’m always late. a fault in the electricity supply ▶ wada usterka defekt
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fault2 /fɔ: lt; US / verb [transitive] to find sth wrong with sb/sth It was impossible to fault her English. ▶ krytykować ganić
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faultless /ˈfɔ: ltləs; US / adj. without any mistakes The pianist gave a faultless performance. ▶ bezbłędny nienaganny bez zarzutu SYNONYM perfect
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faulty /ˈfɔ: lti; US / adj. (used especially about electricity or machinery) not working properly a faulty switch faulty goods wybrakowany towar ▶ wadliwy
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fauna /ˈfɔ: nə; US / noun [uncountable] all the animals of an area or a period of time the flora and fauna of South America ▶ fauna ⇨ look at flora
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faux pas /ˌfəʊ ˈpɑ:; US / noun [countable] (pl. faux pas /ˌfəʊ ˈpɑ: z; US /) something you say or do that is embarrassing or offends people to make a faux pas ▶ gafa lapsus
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2[uncountable] favour (with sb) The new boss’s methods didn’t find favour with the staff. an athlete who fell from favour after a drugs scandal • (formal) The government looks with favour upon the report’s recommendations. ▶ poparcie, przychylność /ˈfeɪvə(r) / noun 1[co] something that helps sb Would you do me a favour and post this letter for me? Could I ask you a favour ? Are they paying you for the work, or are you doing it as a favour (robisz to przez grzeczność)? ▶ przysługa
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favour2 (US favor) /ˈfeɪvə(r)/ verb [transitive] 1 to support sb/sth; to prefer Which suggestion do you favour? ▶ woleć 2 to treat one person very well and so be unfair to others Parents must try not to favour one of their children. ▶ faworyzować
przychylny, korzystny, sprzyjający começar a aprender
favorable, favorable, favorable 2 (often used about the weather) suitable or helpful Conditions are favourable for skiing today. ▶ sprzyjający favourable (US favorable) /ˈfeɪvərəbl; US / adj. 1 showing liking or approval Did you get a favourable report on your work? He made a favourable impression on the interviewers. ▶ przychylny korzystny
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□ favourably (US favorably) /-əbli; US / adv. ▶ przychylnie korzystnie
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favourite1 (US favorite) /ˈfeɪvərɪt; US / adj. liked more than any other What is your favourite colour? Who is your favourite singer? ▶ ulubiony
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2favourite (for sth/to do sth) the horse, team, person, etc. who is expected to win Brazil and Italy are joint favourites to win the trophy. Mimms is the hot favourite for the leadership of the party. ▶ faworyt/ka favourite2 /ˈfeɪvərɪt/ noun [c] 1 a person or thing that you like more than any others The other kids were jealous of Rose because she was the teacher’s favourite. That sweater is my husband’s favourite. ▶ ulubie-niec/nica coś ulubionego
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favouritism /ˈfeɪvərɪtɪzəm/ noun [uncountable] giving unfair advantages to the person or people that you like best The referee was accused of showing favouritism to the home side. ▶ faworyzowanie protekcja (przen.) plecy faworytyzm
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fawn1 /fɔ: n; US / adj. of a light yellowish-brown colour a fawn coat ▶ płowy □ fawn noun [uncountable] Fawn doesn’t really suit you. ▶ kolor płowy fawn2 /fɔ: n; US / noun [countable] a young deer ▶ jelonek ⇨ note at deer
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fax2 /fæks; US / verb [transitive] fax sth (to sb); fax sb (sth) to send sb a fax We will fax our order to you tomorrow. I’ve faxed her a copy of the letter. ▶ wysyłać faks przesyłać faksem
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He was shaking with fear. Trząsł się ze strachu. People in this area live in constant fear of crime. This book helped me overcome my fear of dogs. She showed no fear. My fears for his safety were unnecessary. ▶ strach obawa lęk fear1 /fɪə(r); US / noun [c, u] the feeling that you have when sth dangerous, painful or frightening might happen
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2[tra] to feel that sth bad might happen The government fears that it will lose the next election. Thousands of people are feared dead in the earthquake. The little girl is still missing and police are beginning to fear the worst. ▶ obawiać się fear2 /fɪə(r); US / verb 1 [transitive] to be afraid of sb/sth or of doing sth We all fear illness and death. We’ll get there in time – never fear (bez obaw)! ▶ bać się
bojący się, bojaźliwy (formal) começar a aprender
▶ straszliwy przeraźliwy □ fearfully /-fəli; US / adv. ▶ z obawą straszliwie —fearfulness /; US / noun [uncountable] ▶ strach obawa fearful /ˈfɪəfl; US / adj. (formal) 1fearful (of sth/doing sth); fearful that... afraid or worried about sth Don’t be fearful of (nie bój się) starting something new. They were fearful that they would miss the plane. ▶ bojący się bojaźliwy
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fearless /ˈfɪələs; US / adj. never afraid ▶ nieustraszony dzielny □ fearlessly /; US / adv. ▶ nieustraszenie dzielnie —fearlessness /; US / noun [uncountable] ▶ nieustraszoność odwaga
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□ feasibility /ˌfi: zəˈbɪləti; US / noun [uncountable] The company will carry out a feasibility study before deciding whether to go ahead with the project. ▶ wykonalność możliwość przeprowadzenia (czegoś) feasible /ˈfi: zəbl/ adj. possible to do a feasible plan ▶ wykonalny
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feast /fi: st; US / noun [countable] a large, special meal, especially to celebrate sth ▶ uczta □ feast verb [intransitive] feast (on sth) They feasted on exotic dishes. ▶ ucztować
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feat /fi: t; US / noun [countable] something you do that shows great strength, skill or courage That new bridge is a remarkable feat of engineering. Persuading Helen to give you a pay rise was no mean feat (było nie lada wyczynem). ▶ wyczyn
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feather /ˈfeðə(r); US / noun [countable] one of the light, soft things that grow in a bird’s skin and cover its body ▶ pióro lotka
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2 a part of the face Her eyes are her best feature. W jej twarzy najładniejsze są oczy. ▶ rys cecha 3a feature (on sth) a newspaper or magazine article or TV programme about sth There’s a feature on kangaroos in this magazine. ▶ artykuł program feature1 /ˈfi: tʃə(r); US / noun [countable] ⇨ POSŁUCHAJ NAGRAŃ PRZYKŁADÓW 1 an important or noticeable part of sth Mountains and lakes are the main features of the landscape of Wales. Noise is a feature of city life. ▶ cecha właściwość
przedstawiać, odgrywać rolę, zawierać começar a aprender
2[intransitive] feature in sth to have a part in sth Does marriage feature in your future plans? ▶ odgrywać rolę figurować (w planach) SYNONYM figure feature2 /ˈfi: tʃə(r); US / verb 1 [transitive] to include sb/sth as an important part The film features (w filmie występuje) many well-known actors. ▶ przedstawiać
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□ featureless /; US / adj. dull, featureless landscape ▶ nijaki bez wyrazu
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federal /ˈfedərəl; US / adj. 1 organized as a federation a federal system of rule ▶ federalny 2 connected with the central government of a federation That is a federal not a state law. ▶ federalny
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federation /ˌfedəˈreɪʃn; US / noun [countable] a group of states, etc. that have joined together to form a single group ▶ federacja
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I’m fed up with waiting (mam dość czekania) for the phone to ring. When I get fed up of studying, I play my guitar. ▶ mieć czegoś dość mieć kogoś/czegoś powyżej uszu ˌfed ˈup adj. [not before a noun] (informal) be/get/look fed up (with/of sb/sth/doing sth) to be bored or unhappy; to be tired of sth What’s the matter? You look really fed up.
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2 the cost of an exam, the cost of becoming a member of a club, the amount you pay to go into certain buildings, etc. How much is the entrance fee (opłata za wstęp)? ▶ opłata składka członkowska fee /fi:/ noun [c] 1[usually plural] the money you pay for professional advice or service from doctors, lawyers, schools, universities, etc. We can’t afford private school fees. Most ticket agencies will charge a small fee ▶ honorarium czesne
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2[intransitive] feed (on sth) (used about animals or babies) to eat What do horses feed on in the winter? Bats feed at night. ▶ żywić się żerować feed1 /fi: d; US / verb (past tense, past participle fed /fed) 1[transitive] feed sb/sth (on) (sth) to give food to a person or an animal Don’t forget to feed the cat. I haven’t fed the baby. I’ve bought enough to feed us for weeks. ▶ karmić
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This channel feeds us with news (dostarcza nam wiadomości) and information 24 hours a day. Can you feed this information into the computer (wpisać te informacje do komputera)? ▶ wprowadzać coś do czegoś 3[transitive] feed A (with B); feed B into/to/through A to supply sb/sth with sth; to put sth into sth else Metal sheets are fed through the machine one at a time.
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feed2 /fi: d; US / noun 1 [countable] a meal for an animal or a baby When’s the baby’s next feed due? ▶ karmienie (np. niemowlęcia) 2[uncountable] food for animals cattle feed ▶ pokarm
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The teacher spent five minutes with each of us to give us feedback on our homework. ▶ opinia informacja feedback /ˈfi: dbæk/ noun [u] information or comments about sth that you have done which tells you how good or bad it is We’ve had some good feedback from people who’ve bought our latest product.
Istnieje grupa czasowników, których nie używa się z przysłówkami, lecz tylko z przymiotnikami, np. feel, look, smell, sound, taste: He felt cold (nie coldly): The soup tasted good. • She looked very elegant. começar a aprender
2 [tran] to notice or experience sth physical or emotional I damaged nerves and now I can’t feel anything in this hand. I could feel myself dropping off to sleep. You could feel the tension in the courtroom. ▶ czuć żywić feel1 /fi: l/ verb (past tense, past participle felt /felt; US /) 1[intransitive] [usually with an adjective] to be in the state that is mentioned to feel cold/sick/tired/happy ▶ czuć się
W tym znaczeniu jako podmiotu dla feel często używa się it: It feels as if it is going to snow soon (zanosi się na śnieg). começar a aprender
My head feels as though it will burst. I felt (that) it was a mistake not to ask her advice. ▶ wydawać się być w dotyku jak coś 3[intr] (used to say how sth seems to you when you touch, see, smell, experience, etc. it) He felt as if (wydawało mu się, że) he had been there before. My new coat feels like leather but it’s not. The hole in my tooth feels much bigger than it is.
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5[tran] Do you feel the cold in winter? She felt it when her mother died. ▶ odczuwać 6[intr] feel (about) (for sb/sth) to try to find sth with your hands instead of your eyes She felt about in the dark for the light switch. ▶ szukać po omacku 4[transitive] to touch sth in order to find out what it is like Feel this material. Is it cotton or silk? I felt her forehead to see if she had got a temperature. ▶ dotykać ⇨ note at can
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2 the impression sth gives you when you touch it; the impression that a place or situation gives you You can tell it’s wool by the feel. The town has a friendly feel (ma przyjazną atmosferę). ▶ dotyk wyczucie feel2 /fi: l; US / noun [sing.] 1 an act of touching sth in order to learn about it Let me have a feel of (dotknąć) that material. ▶ dotyk
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feeler /ˈfi: lə(r); US / noun [countable, usually pl.] either of the two long thin parts on the heads of some insects and of some animals that live in shells that they use to feel and touch things with ▶ czułek
wprowadzający w dobry nastrój começar a aprender
feel-good adj. making you feel happy and pleased about life a feel-good movie ▶ wprowadzający w dobry nastrój
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2[sing.] a belief or idea that sth is true or is likely to happen I have a nasty feeling that Jan didn’t get our message. I get the feeling (odnoszę wrażenie) that Ian doesn’t like me much. ▶ odczucie przeczucie feeling /ˈfi: lɪŋ; US / noun 1[countable] a feeling (of sth) something that you feel in your mind or body a feeling of hunger/happiness/fear/helplessness I’ve got a funny feeling in my leg. ▶ uczucie poczucie
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4[un, c, usually pl.] sb’s emotions; strong emotion I have to tell Jeff his work’s not good enough but I don’t want to hurt his feelings. Let’s practise that song again, this time with feeling. ▶ uczu-cie/cia emocje 3[c, u] feeling(s) (about/on sth) an attitude or opinion about sth What are your feelings on this matter? Co sądzisz na ten temat? My own feeling is that (moim zdaniem) we should postpone the meeting. ▶ opinia
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6[uncountable] the ability to feel in your body After the accident he lost all feeling in his legs. ▶ czucie 5[countable, uncountable] (a) feeling/feelings (for sb/sth) love or understanding for sb/sth She doesn’t have much (of a) feeling for music (wrażliwości na muzykę). He still has feelings for (nadal coś czuje do) his ex-wife. ▶ zrozumienie sympatia
gość, stypendysta, członek começar a aprender
3 a member of an academic or professional organization, or of certain universities a fellow of New College, Oxford a fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons ▶ członek wykładowca fellow1 /ˈfeləʊ; US / noun [c] 1(old-fashioned) a man What’s that fellow over there doing? ▶ gość 2 a person who is paid to study a particular thing at a university Lisa Jones is a research fellow in the biology department. ▶ stypendyst(k)a
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3[countable] the position of a college or university fellow ▶ członkostwo towarzystwa naukowego lub kolegium uniwersytetu 4[countable] an award of money to a graduate student to allow them to continue their studies or to do research ▶ stypendium fellowship /ˈfeləʊʃɪp; US / noun 1 [uncountable] a feeling of friendship between people who share an interest ▶ koleżeństwo 2[countable] a group or society of people who share the same interest or belief ▶ towarzystwo
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2 a person who agrees with the aims of a political party, especially the Communist party, but is not a member of it ▶ sympaty-k/czka partii politycznej (zwł. komunistycznej) ˌfellow-ˈtraveller noun [c] 1 a person who is travelling to the same place as another person ▶ towarzysz/ka podróży
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felt2 /felt; US / noun [uncountable] a type of soft cloth made from wool, etc. which has been pressed tightly together a felt hat ▶ filc pilśń
Nazwy female i male stosuje się tylko do określania płci. Mówiąc o cechach typowo żeńskich/kobiecych lub meskich mówi się odpowiednio feminine i masculine. começar a aprender
2 being of the sex that produces eggs or gives birth to babies a female cat kotka ▶ żeński samiczy OPPOSITE male female1 /ˈfi: meɪl; US / adj. 1 being a woman or a girl a female artist artystka a female employer/student Please state sex: male or female. (na formularzu) Płeć: mężczyzna czy kobieta. ▶ płci żeńskiej ⇨ look at feminine
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2 a woman or a girl More females than males become teachers. ▶ kobieta dziewczyna ⇨ look at male female2 /ˈfi: meɪl; US / noun [countable] ⇨ 1 an animal that can produce eggs or give birth to babies; a plant that can produce fruit Is your mouse a male or a female? ▶ samica
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2 (in English) of the forms of words used to describe females ‘ Lioness’ is the feminine form of ‘ lion’. ▶ (forma) żeńska □ femininity /ˌfeməˈnɪnəti; US / noun [uncountable] ▶ kobiecość ⇨ look at womanhood feminine /ˈfemənɪn; US / adj. 1 typical of or looking like a woman; connected with women My daughter always dresses like a boy. She hates looking feminine. ▶ kobiecy ⇨ note at masculine ⇨ look at female
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feminism /ˈfemənɪzəm; US / noun [uncountable] the belief that women should have the same rights and opportunities as men ▶ feminizm □ feminist /-ɪst; US / 1 noun [countable] ▶ feminist(k)a 2 adj. ▶ feministyczny
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fence1 /fens; US / noun [countable] a line of wooden or metal posts joined by wood, wire, metal, etc. to divide land or to keep in animals a garden/an electric/a barbed-wire fence ▶ płot ogrodzenie parkan
odgradzać, uprawiać szermierkę começar a aprender
fence2 /fens; US / verb 1 [transitive] to surround land with a fence ▶ ogradzać 2 [intransitive] to fight with a foil as a sport ▶ uprawiać szermierkę
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fencing /ˈfensɪŋ; US / noun [uncountable] the sport of fighting with foils ▶ szermierka fechtunek
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fennel /ˈfenl; US / noun [uncountable] a vegetable that has a thick round part at the base of the leaves with a strong taste. The seeds and leaves are also used in cooking. ▶ fenkuł koper włoski
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feral /ˈferəl; US / adj. (used about animals) living wild, especially after escaping from life as a pet or on a farm feral cats He looked at me with a feral grin. ▶ zdziczały dziki
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□ fermentation /ˌfɜ: menˈteɪʃn; US / noun [uncountable] Sugar is converted into alcohol by a process of fermentation. ▶ fermentacja ferment1 /fəˈment; US / verb [intransitive, transitive] to change or make the chemistry of sth change, especially sugar changing to alcohol The wine is starting to ferment. ▶ fermentować powodować fermentację
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fern /fɜ: n; US / noun [countable] a green plant with no flowers and a lot of long thin leaves ▶ paproć paprotka
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ferocious /fəˈrəʊʃəs; US / adj. very aggressive and violent a ferocious beast/attack/storm/war ▶ brutalny bestialski krwiożerczy okrutny □ ferociously /; US / adv. ▶ brutalnie bestialsko
bestialstwo, okrucieństwo começar a aprender
ferocity /fəˈrɒsəti; US / noun [uncountable] violence; cruel and aggressive behaviour ▶ brutalność bestialstwo
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ferret1 /ˈferɪt; US / noun [countable] a small animal with a long thin body, kept as a pet or for hunting other animals ▶ fretka
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ferry1 /ˈferi; US / noun [countable] (pl. ferries) a boat that carries people, vehicles or goods across a river or across a narrow part of the sea a car ferry a cross-channel ferry We’re going to France by ferry. ▶ prom
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to carry people or goods in a boat or other vehicle from one place to another, usually for a short distance Could you ferry us across to the island? We share the job of ferrying the children to school. ▶ przewozić promem przeprawiać ferry2 /ˈferi; US / verb [transitive] (ferrying; ferries; past tense, past participle ferried)
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3 (used about sb’s mind) full of ideas She has a fertile imagination. ▶ płodny □ fertility /fəˈtɪləti; US / noun [uncountable] Nowadays women can take drugs to increase their fertility. ▶ płodność urodzajność fertile /ˈfɜ: taɪl; US -tl / adj. 1 (used about land or soil) that plants grow well in ▶ urodzajny żyzny OPPOSITE infertile 2 (used about people, animals or plants) that can produce babies, fruit or new plants ▶ płodny OPPOSITE infertile
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□ fertilization (also fertilisation) /ˌfɜ: təlaɪˈzeɪʃn; US -ləˈz- / noun [uncountable] ▶ zapłodnienie zapylenie nawożenie użyźnianie
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2 to put natural or artificial substances on soil in order to make plants grow better ▶ nawozić użyźniać fertilize (also fertilise) /ˈfɜ: təlaɪz; US / verb [transitive] 1 (technical) to put a male seed into an egg, a plant or a female animal so that a baby, fruit or a young animal starts to develop a fertilized embryo ▶ zapładniać zapylać
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fertilizer (also fertiliser) /ˈfɜ: təlaɪzə(r); US / noun [countable, uncountable] a natural or chemical substance that is put on land or soil to make plants grow better ▶ nawóz ⇨ look at manure
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fervour (US fervor) /ˈfɜ: və(r); US / noun [uncountable] very strong feelings about sth ▶ ferwor zapał
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2 (used about an unpleasant situation, feeling or thought) to become more unpleasant because you do not deal with it successfully ▶ jątrzyć się zaogniać się fester /ˈfestə(r); US / verb [intransitive] 1 (used about a cut or an injury) to become infected a festering sore/wound ▶ jątrzyć się ropieć
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2 a day or time when people celebrate sth (especially a religious event) Christmas is an important Christian festival. ▶ święto festival /ˈfestɪvl; US / noun [countable] ⇨ POSŁUCHAJ NAGRAŃ PRZYKŁADÓW 1 a series of plays, films, musical performances, etc. often held regularly in one place the Cannes Film Festival a jazz festival the Edinburgh festival ▶ festiwal
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fetch /fetʃ; US / verb [transitive] 1 (especially Brit.) to go to a place and bring back sb/sth Shall I fetch your coat for you? It’s my turn to fetch the children from school. ▶ pójść i przynieść pojechać i przywieźć
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2 the fact of getting sexual pleasure from a particular object ▶ fetysz (seksualny) 3 an object that some people worship because they believe that it has magic powers ▶ (relig.) fetysz fetish /ˈfetɪʃ; US / noun 1 the fact that a person spends too much time doing or thinking about a particular thing She has a fetish about cleanliness. He makes a fetish of his work. Fetyszyzuje swoją pracę. ▶ obsesja mania
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feudalism /ˈfju: dəlɪzəm; US / noun [uncountable] the social system which existed in the Middle Ages in Europe, in which people worked and fought for a person who owned land and received land and protection from them in return ▶ feudalizm feudal /ˈfju: dl; US / adj. connected with the system of feudalism the feudal system ▶ feudalny
gorączka, wysoka temperatura começar a aprender
2[sing.] a fever (of sth) a state of nervous excitement a fever of impatience ▶ gorączka rozgorączkowanie fever /ˈfi: və(r); US / noun 1 [c, u] a condition of the body when it is too hot because of illness He has a high fever Aspirin should help reduce the fever. ▶ gorączka wysoka temperatura Synonimem zwrotu have a fever jest have a temperature.
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□ feverishly /; US / adv. ▶ gorączkowo feverish /ˈfi: vərɪʃ; US / adj. 1 suffering from or caused by a fever a feverish cold/dream She was quite feverish. Miała gorączkę. ▶ gorączkujący gorączkowy z gorączką rozgorączkowany 2 showing great excitement ▶ rozgorączkowany gorączkowy
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The few people (tych kilka osób) I have asked thought the same as I do. I knew few of the people at the party. Por. z podobnym zdaniem w znaczeniu dwa poniżej. ▶ (tylko/bardzo) niewiel-u/e (tylko/bardzo) nieliczn-i/e mało few /fju:/ determiner, pron. [used with a plural countable noun and a plural verb 1 not many Few people live to be 100. Few of the players played really well. Very few of the books were new. There are fewer (mniej) cars here today than yesterday.