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2 the sharp cutting part of a knife, etc. ▶ ostrze edge1 /edʒ; US / noun [countable] 1 the place where sth, especially a surface, ends the edge of a table The leaves were brown and curling at the edges. I stood at the water’s edge. to stand on the edge of a cliff ▶ krawędź brzeg skraj
posuwać się ostrożenie, obszywać começar a aprender
2[transitive, usually passive] edge sth (with sth) to put sth along the edge of sth else The cloth was edged with lace. ▶ obszywać wysadzać (np. drogę drzewami) oblamować [intr, tran] edge (your way/sth) across, along, away, back, etc. to move yourself/sth somewhere slowly and carefully The burglar edged his way along the roof. She edged her chair up to the window. ▶ posuwać (się) ostrożnie/pomału
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edible /ˈedəbl; US / adj. good or safe to eat Are these mushrooms edible? ▶ jadalny OPPOSITE inedible
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edifice /ˈedɪfɪs; US / noun [countable] (formal) a large impressive building ▶ gmach budowla
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3 to prepare a film, TV or radio programme by cutting and arranging recorded material in a particular order ▶ montować redagować 4 to be in charge of a newspaper, magazine, etc. ▶ redagować edit /ˈedɪt; US / verb [transitive] 1 to prepare a piece of writing to be published, making sure that it is correct, the right length, etc. ▶ redagować 2 to make changes to text or data on screen on a computer ▶ edytować
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2 one of a series of newspapers, magazines, TV or radio programmes And now for this week’s edition of ‘ Panorama’ ... ▶ wydanie audycja 3 the number of copies of a book, etc. that are printed at the same time ▶ nakład wydanie 1(abbr.ed.) the form in which a book is published; all the books, newspapers, etc. published in the same form at the same time a paperback/hardback edition the morning edition of a newspaper ▶ wydanie edycja
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educate /ˈedʒukeɪt; US / verb [transitive] to teach or train sb, especially in school Young people should be educated to care for their environment. All their children were educated at private schools. ▶ kształcić edukować
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educated /ˈedʒukeɪtɪd; US / adj. having studied and learnt a lot of things to a high standard a highly educated woman ▶ wykształcony
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educational /-ʃənl; US / adj. an educational toy/visit/experience ▶ kształcący budujący wychowawczy the teaching or training of people, especially in schools primary/secondary/higher/adult education She received an excellent education. ▶ wykształcenie edukacja oświata
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eel /i: l; US / noun [countable] a long fish that looks like a snake ▶ węgorz
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2[countable, uncountable] a particular look, sound or impression that an artist, writer, etc. wants to create How does the artist create the effect of moonlight? He likes to say things just for effect (na pokaz). ▶ wrażenie efekt 1 [co, un] (an) effect (on sb/sth) the effects of acid rain on the lakes and forests Her shouting had little or no effect on him. Despite her terrible experience, she seems to have suffered no ill effects. ▶ skutek efekt after-effect, side effect
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2 making a pleasing impression That picture would look more effective on a dark background. ▶ efektowny 3[only before a noun] real or actual, although perhaps not official The soldiers gained effective control of the town. ▶ faktyczny efektywny effective /ɪˈfektɪv/ successfully producing the result that you want Scientists are looking for an effective way to reduce energy consumption. a medicine that is effective against the common cold ▶ skuteczny OPPOSITE ineffective
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□ effectiveness /; US / noun [un] ▶ skuteczność
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effectively /ɪˈfektɪvli; US / adv. 1 in a way that successfully produces the result you wanted She dealt with the situation effectively. ▶ skutecznie 2 in fact; in reality It meant that, effectively, they had lost. ▶ w rezultacie w rzeczywistości
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efficiency, profitability efficiency /ɪˈfɪʃnsi; US / noun [uncountable] ▶ wydajność rentowność skuteczność
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efficient /ɪˈfɪʃnt; US / adj. able to work well without making mistakes or wasting time and energy Our secretary is very efficient. You must find a more efficient way of organizing your time. ▶ kompetentny wydajny
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efficiently and effectively efficiently /; US / adv. ▶ wydajnie oszczędnie rentownie
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2[countable] an effort (to do sth) something that is done with difficulty or that takes a lot of energy It was a real effort to stay awake in the lecture. ▶ wysiłek trud 1[uncountable] the physical or mental strength or energy that you need to do sth; sth that takes a lot of energy They have put a lot of effort into their studies this year. He made no effort to contact his parents. ▶ wysiłek trud
łatwy, nie wymagający wysiłku começar a aprender
effortless /ˈefətləs; US / adj. needing little or no effort so that sth seems easy ▶ łatwy (pozornie) nie wymagający wysiłku □ effortlessly /; US / adv. ▶ bez wysiłku
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[co, un] egg yolks/whites boiled (gotowane)/fried (sadzone)/poached (w koszulkach, gotowane bez skorupki)/scrambled eggs (jajecznica) ▶ jajko 3 [countable] (in women) the small cell that can join with a sperm to make a baby an egg donor 1 [countable] an almost round object with a hard shell that contains a young bird, insect or reptile crocodile eggs ▶ jajko A female bird lays her eggs, often in a nest, and then sits on them until they hatch.
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eggshell /ˈeɡʃel; US / noun [countable, uncountable] the hard outside part of an egg ▶ skorupka jajka
poczucie własnej wartości começar a aprender
ego /ˈi:ɡəʊ; ˈeɡəʊ; US / noun [countable] (pl. egos) the (good) opinion that you have of yourself It was a blow to her ego when she lost her job. ▶ poczucie własnej wartości
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egocentric /ˌeɡəʊˈsentrɪk; ˌi:ɡ-; US / adj. thinking only about yourself and not what other people need or want ▶ samolubny egocentryczny
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□ egoist /ˈeɡəʊɪst; ˈi:ɡəʊɪst / (also egotist /ˈeɡətɪst) noun [countable] I hate people who are egoists. ▶ egoist(k)a —egoistic /ˌeɡəʊˈɪstɪk; ˌi:ɡ-; US / (also egotistical /ˌeɡəˈtɪstɪkl; ˌi:ɡə-; US /) adj. ▶ samolubny egoistyczny egoism /ˈeɡəʊɪzəm; ˈi:ɡ-; US / (also egotism /ˈeɡətɪzəm; ˈi:ɡ-; US -ɡəʊ- /) noun [uncountable] the fact of thinking that you are better or more important than anyone else ▶ egoizm
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eiderdown /ˈaɪdədaʊn/ noun [countable] a covering for a bed filled with soft feathers, usually used on top of other coverings for the bed ▶ pierzyna ⇨ look at duvet Oxford
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2 both It is a pleasant road, with trees on either side (po obu stronach). ▶ obaj, oboje itp. 1 one or the other of two; it does not matter which You can choose either soup or salad, but not both. You can ask either of us for advice. ▶ jeden (lub drugi) którykolwiek (z dwóch)
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Można też powiedzieć neither can I. Por. too, aby zobaczyć konstrukcję podobnych wyrażeń w twierdzeniach. 2 (used for emphasizing a negative statement) The restaurant is quite good. And it’s not expensive either. ▶ ponadto wcale (nie) note at neither, too 1[used after two negative statements] also I don’t like Pat and I don’t like Nick much either. ‘ I can’t remember his name.’ ‘ I can’t either (ani ja).’ ▶ też także
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either3 /ˈaɪðə(r); US ˈi:ðə(r); US / conj. either... or... (used when you are giving a choice, usually of two things) I can meet you either Thursday or Friday. Either you leave or I do. You can either write or phone. ▶ albo... albo
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□ ejaculation /iˌdʒækjuˈleɪʃn; US / noun [countable, uncountable] ▶ wytrysk (nasienia) okrzyk ejaculate /iˈdʒækjuleɪt; US / verb 1 [intransitive] to send out semen from the penis ▶ mieć wytrysk (nasienia) 2[intransitive, transitive] (old-fashioned) to say sth suddenly ▶ nagle coś powiedzieć wykrzykiwać
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2[intransitive] to escape from an aircraft that is going to crash ▶ katapultować się 3[intransitive, transitive] To eject the CD, press this button. After recording for three hours the video will eject automatically. ▶ wysuwać (się) 1 [transitive, often passive] (formal) eject sb (from sth) to push or send sb/sth out of a place (usually with force) The protesters were ejected from the building. ▶ usuwać wyrzucać
skomplikowany, wypracowany começar a aprender
elaborate1 /ɪˈlæbərət; US / adj. very complicated; done or made very carefully an elaborate pattern elaborate plans ▶ skomplikowany wypracowany □ elaborately /; US / adv. an elaborately decorated room ▶ misternie wymyślnie
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elaborate2 /ɪˈlæbəreɪt; US / verb [intransitive] (formal) elaborate (on sth) to give more details about sth Could you elaborate on that idea? ▶ omawiać coś szczegółowo
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elapse /ɪˈlæps; US / verb [intransitive] (formal) (used about time) to pass ▶ upływać
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elastic1 /ɪˈlæstɪk; US / noun [uncountable] material with rubber in it which can stretch ▶ gumka (np. u majtek)
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elastic2 /ɪˈlæstɪk; US / adj. 1 (used about material, etc.) that returns to its original size and shape after being stretched ▶ elastyczny 2 that can be changed; not fixed Our rules are quite elastic. ▶ elastyczny
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elasticated /ɪˈlæstɪkeɪtɪd; US / (Brit.) (US elasticized /ɪˈlæstɪsaɪzd; US /) adj. (used about clothing, or part of a piece of clothing) made usingelastic material that can stretch a skirt with an elasticated waist ▶ (ubranie) elastyczny
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ˌrubber ˈband (also eˌlastic ˈband) noun [countable] a thin round piece of rubber that is used for holding things together Her hair was tied back with a rubber band. ▶ gumka
elastyczność, sprężystość começar a aprender
elasticity /ˌi: læˈstɪsəti; US ˌelæ-; ɪˌlæ- / noun [uncountable] the quality that sth has of being able to stretch and return to its original size and shape As you get older, the skin loses its natural elasticity. ▶ elastyczność sprężystość
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2 the part of the sleeve of a coat, jacket, etc. that covers the elbow His old jacket was worn at the elbows. ▶ łokieć elbow1 /ˈelbəʊ; US / noun [countable] 1 the place where the bones of your arm join and your arm bends She jabbed him with her elbow. ▶ łokieć
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elbow2 /ˈelbəʊ; US / verb [transitive] to push sb with your elbow He elbowed her out of the way. Odepchnął ją z drogi. ▶ rozpychać się łokciami
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1 (the elder) [sing.] the older of two people Who is the elder of the two? ▶ starsz-y/a 2(my, etc. elder) [sing.] a person who is older than me, etc. He is her elder by several years. ▶ starsz-y/a elder1 /ˈeldə(r); US / adj. [only before a noun] older (of two members of a family) My elder daughter is at university now. an elder brother/sister ▶ starszy
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elderberry /ˈeldəberi; US / (pl. elderberries) noun [countable] the fruit of an elder tree ▶ owoc czarnego bzu
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elderflower /ˈeldəflaʊə(r); US / noun [countable] the flower of theelder tree, used to make wines and other drinks elderflower cordial ▶ kwiat dzikiego bzu
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□ the elderly noun [pl.] old people in general The elderly need special care in winter. ▶ ludzie starsi osoby w podeszłym wieku ⇨ look at old elderly /ˈeldəli; US / adj. (used about a person) old elderly relatives ▶ w podeszłym wieku Jest to słowo grzecznościowe używane zamiast old.
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eldest /ˈeldɪst; US / adj., noun [countable] (the) oldest (of three or more members of a family) Their eldest child is a boy. John’s got 4 boys. The eldest has just gone to university. ▶ najstarsz-y/a
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2(formal) elect to do sth to decide to do sth Many people elect to work from home. ▶ postanawiać coś zrobić 1elect sb (to sth); elect sb (as sth) to choose sb to have a particular job or position by voting for them He was elected to Parliament in 1970. The committee elected her as their representative. ▶ wybierać
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election /ɪˈlekʃn/ noun [co, un] (the time of) choosing a Member of Parliament, President, etc. by voting In America, presidential elections are held every four years. If you’re interested in politics, why not stand for election yourself? ▶ wybory
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elector /ɪˈlektə(r); US / noun [countable] a person who has the right to vote in an election ▶ wyborca Częściej używa się słowa voter. □ electoral /ɪˈlektərəl; US / adj. the electoral register/roll spis wyborców ▶ wyborczy
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electorate /ɪˈlektərət; US / noun [countable, with sing. or pl. verb] all the people who can vote in a region, country, etc. Only 70% of the electorate voted in the last election. ▶ elektorat
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1 producing or using electricity an electric current an electric kettle ▶ elektryczny ⇨ look at electrical 2 very exciting The atmosphere was electric. ▶ pełen napięcia
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electrical /ɪˈlektrɪkl; US / adj. of or about electricity an electrical fault an electrical appliance an electrical engineer inżynier elektryk ▶ elektryczny
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the eˌlectric ˈchair noun [sing.] a chair used in some countries for killing criminals with a very strong electric current ▶ krzesło elektryczne
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electrician /ɪˌlekˈtrɪʃn; US / noun [countable] a person whose job is to make and repair electrical systems and equipment ▶ elektryk ⇨ note at house
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electricity /ɪˌlekˈtrɪsəti; US / noun [uncountable] a type of energy that we use to make heat, light and power to work machines, etc. Turn that light off. We don’t want to waste electricity. ▶ prąd elektryczność