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niewspółmierny, nieproporcjonalny começar a aprender
disproportionate, disproportionate □ disproportionately /; US / adv. ▶ niewspółmiernie nieproporcjonalnie disproportionate /ˌdɪsprəˈpɔ:ʃənət; US / adj. disproportionate (to sth) too large or too small when compared to sth else Her salary is disproportionate to the amount of work she has to do. ▶ niewspółmierny nieproporcjonalny
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There was some dispute between John and his boss about whose fault it was. ▶ spór dysputa dispute1 /ˈdɪspju: t; US dɪˈspju: t; US / noun [countable, uncountable] (a) dispute (between A and B) (over/about sth) a disagreement or argument between two people, groups or countries a pay dispute
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dispute2 /dɪˈspju: t; US / verb [transitive] to argue about sth and to question if it is true or right The player disputed the referee’s decision. ▶ kwestionować
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The team were disqualified for cheating. ▶ dyskwalifikować uznać kogoś za niezdolnego (do czegoś) □ disqualification /dɪsˌkwɒlɪfɪˈkeɪʃn; US / noun [countable, uncountable] ▶ dyskwalifikacja dyskwalifikowanie niezdolność (do czegoś) disqualify /dɪsˈkwɒlɪfaɪ (disqualifying; disqualifies; past tense, past participle disqualified) disqualify sb (from sth/doing sth); disqualify sb (for sth) He was disqualified from driving for two years
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□ disregard noun [uncountable, sing.] disregard (for sb/sth) He rushed into the burning building with complete disregard for his own safety. ▶ pominięcie lekceważenie disregard /ˌdɪsrɪˈɡɑ: d; US / verb [transitive] to take no notice of sb/sth; to treat sth as unimportant These are the latest instructions. Please disregard any you received before. ▶ pomijać ignorować lekceważyć
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disrepair /ˌdɪsrɪˈpeə(r); US / noun [uncountable] the state of being in bad condition because repairs have not been made Over the years the building fell into disrepair (uległ zniszczeniu). ▶ stan zniszczenia zaniedbanie
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disrepute /ˌdɪsrɪˈpju: t; US / noun [uncountable] the situation when people no longer respect sb/sth Such unfair decisions bring the legal system into disrepute (dyskredytują system prawny). ▶ kompromitacja zła reputacja
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□ disrespectful /-fl; US / adj. ▶ bez szacunku lekceważący—disrespectfully /-fəli; US / adv. ▶ bez szacunku lekceważąco disrespect /ˌdɪsrɪˈspekt; US / noun [uncountable] disrespect (for/to sb/sth) a lack of respect for sb/sth that is shown in what you do or say ▶ brak szacunku lekceważenie OPPOSITE respect
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—disruptive /dɪsˈrʌptɪv; US / adj. A badly behaved child can have a disruptive influence on the rest of the class. ▶ zakłócający spokój rozpraszający disrupt /dɪsˈrʌpt/ verb [transitive] to stop sth happening as or when it should The strike severely disrupted flights to Spain. ▶ przerywać wywoływać przerwę zakłócać (np. spokój) □ disruption /; US / noun [countable, uncountable] ▶ przerwanie
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dissatisfaction /ˌdɪsˌsætɪsˈfækʃn; US / noun [uncountable] dissatisfaction (with/at sb/sth) the feeling of not being satisfied or pleased There is some dissatisfaction among teachers with the plans for the new exam. ▶ niezadowolenie
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dissatisfied /dɪsˈsætɪsfaɪd; US / adj. dissatisfied (with sb/sth) not satisfied or pleased complaints from dissatisfied customers ▶ niezadowolony OPPOSITE satisfied
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dissect /dɪˈsekt; US / verb [transitive] to cut up a dead body, a plant, etc. in order to study it ▶ robić sekcję □ dissection /; US / noun [countable, uncountable] ▶ sekcja (np. zwłok)
dysertacja, rozprawa naukowa começar a aprender
dissertation /ˌdɪsəˈteɪʃn; US / noun [countable] a long piece of writing on sth that you have studied, especially as part of a university degree ▶ rozprawa (naukowa) praca (np. magisterska) dysertacja ⇨ look at thesis
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dissimilar /dɪˈsɪmɪlə(r); US / adj. dissimilar (from/to sb/sth) not the same; different Your situation is not dissimilar (nie różni się) to mine. ▶ niepodobny różny OPPOSITE similar
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She dissociated herself from the views of the extremists in her party. He was determined to dissociate his firm from any involvement with the disgraced politician. ▶ oddzielać wyrzekać się związku z czymś odcinać się od czegoś OPPOSITE associate dissociate /dɪˈsəʊʃieɪt/ verb [transitive] dissociate sb/sth/yourself (from sth) to show that you are not connected with or do not support sb/sth; to show that two things are not connected with each other
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dissolve /dɪˈzɒlv; US / verb [intransitive, transitive] (used about a solid) to become or to make sth become liquid Sugar dissolves in water. Dissolve two tablets in cold water. ▶ rozpuszczać (się)
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□ dissonant /ˈdɪsənənt; US / adj. dissonant voices/notes ▶ (muz.) dysonansowy rozbieżny sprzeczny niezgodny dissonance /ˈdɪsənəns; US / noun 1 [countable, uncountable] a combination of musical notes that do not sound pleasant together ▶ (muz.) dysonans 2[uncountable] (formal) lack of agreement ▶ niezgodność rozdźwięk
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OPPOSITE persuade dissuade /dɪˈsweɪd; US / verb [transitive] dissuade sb (from doing sth) to persuade sb not to do sth I tried to dissuade her from spending the money, but she insisted. ▶ wyperswadować (komuś robienie czegoś) odwodzić kogoś (od robienia czegoś)
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2[sing.] a point that is a long way from sb/sth At this distance I can’t read the number on the bus. From a distance the village looks quite attractive. ▶ odegłość oddalenie distance1 /ˈdɪstəns; US / noun 1[countable, uncountable] the amount of space between two places or things It’s only a short distance from my home to work. The map tells you the distances between the major cities... ▶ odległość dystans
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2distance yourself from sb/sth to show that you are not involved or connected with sb/sth She was keen to distance herself from the views of her colleagues. ▶ dystansować się odsuwać się odżegnywać się distance2 /ˈdɪstəns; US / verb [transitive] 1distance sb (from sb/sth) to make sb feel less friendly towards sb/sth Her wealth and success have distanced her from her old friends. ▶ oddalać odsuwać
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3 not very friendly He has a distant manner. Zachowuje się z rezerwą. ▶ chłodny z rezerwą distant /ˈdɪstənt/ adj. 1 a long way away in space or time travel to distant parts of the world in the not too distant future wkrótce ▶ odległy daleki 2[only before a noun] (used about a relative) not closely related a distant cousin ▶ daleki
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distaste /dɪsˈteɪst; US / noun [uncountable, sing.] not liking sth; the feeling that sb/sth is unpleasant or offends you He looked at the dirty room with distaste. He seems to have a distaste for hard work. ▶ niesmak niechęć
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distasteful /dɪsˈteɪstfl; US / adj. unpleasant or causing offence a distasteful remark ▶ niesmaczny przykry
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□ distillation /ˌdɪstɪˈleɪʃn; US / noun [countable, uncountable] the distillation process ▶ destylacja distil (US distill) /dɪˈstɪl; US / verb [transitive] (distilling; distilled) to make a liquid pure by heating it until it becomes a gas and then collecting the liquid that forms when the gas cools distilled water ▶ destylować
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distillery /dɪˈstɪləri; US / noun [countable] (pl. distilleries) a factory where strong alcoholic drink is made by the process of distilling ▶ gorzelnia destylarnia
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2distinct (from sth) clearly different Her books fall into two distinct groups: the novels and the travel stories. This region, as distinct (w odróżnieniu) from other parts of the country, relies heavily on tourism. ▶ oddzielny odrębny różny distinct /dɪˈstɪŋkt; US / adj. 1 clear; easily seen, heard or understood There has been a distinct improvement in your work recently. I had the distinct impression that she was lying. ▶ wyraźny dobitny jasny
rozróżnienie, odróżnienie começar a aprender
The new law makes no distinction between married and unmarried couples. ▶ rozróżnienie odróżnienie różnica 2[countable, uncountable] the quality of being excellent; a violinist of distinction wybitny skrzypek ▶ wyróżnienie distinction /dɪˈstɪŋkʃn; US / noun 1 [countable, uncountable] (a) distinction (between A and B) a clear or important difference between things or people We must make a distinction (odróżnić) between classical and popular music here.
odmienny, wyróżniający się começar a aprender
□ distinctively /; US / adv. ▶ odmiennie charakterystycznie distinctive /dɪˈstɪŋktɪv; US / adj. clearly different from others and therefore easy to recognize The soldiers were wearing their distinctive red berets. ▶ odmienny wyróżniający się charakterystyczny
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distinctly /dɪˈstɪŋktli; US / adv. 1 clearly I distinctly heard her say that she would be here on time. ▶ wyraźnie dobitnie 2 very; particularly His behaviour has been distinctly odd recently. ▶ dostrzegalnie wyraźnie
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2[transitive] distinguish A (from B) to make sb/sth different from others The power of speech distinguishes humans from animals. distinguishing features znaki szczególne ▶ wyróżniać znamionować distinguish /dɪˈstɪŋɡwɪʃ/ verb 1 [intrans, trans] distinguish between A and B; distinguish A from B to recognize the difference between two things People often can’t distinguish red from green. rozróżniać odróżniać SYNONYM differentiate
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2 possible to see, hear or recognize with effort The letter is so old that the signature is barely distinguishable. ▶ dostrzegalny OPPOSITE for both meanings indistinguishable distinguishable /dɪˈstɪŋɡwɪʃəbl; US / adj. 1 possible to recognize as different from sb/sth else The male bird is distinguishable from the female by the colour of its beak. ▶ rozpoznawalny dający się rozróżniać
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distinguished /dɪˈstɪŋɡwɪʃt; US / adj. important, successful and respected by other people a distinguished guest ▶ wybitny znakomity
zniekształcać, wykrzywiać começar a aprender
2 to change sth and show it a way that is not correct or true Foreigners are often given a distorted view of this country. ▶ zniekształcać przekręcać wypaczać distort /dɪˈstɔ: t / verb [transitive] 1 to change the shape or sound of sth so that it seems strange or is not clear Her face was distorted with grief. The kidnapper used a device to distort his voice over the telephone. ▶ zniekształcać wykrzywiać
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□ distortion /; US / noun [countable, uncountable] ▶ zniekształcenie przekręcenie wypaczenie
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distract /dɪˈstrækt; US / verb [transitive] distract sb (from sth) to take sb’s attention away from sth Could you stop talking please? You’re distracting me from my work. ▶ odwracać czyjąś uwagę rozpraszać uwagę
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distracted /dɪˈstræktɪd; US / adj. unable to give your full attention to sth because you are worried or thinking about sth else ▶ rozproszony
coś co powoduje oderwanie uwagi começar a aprender
coś, co powoduje odwrócenie/rozproszenie uwagi distraction /dɪˈstrækʃn; US / noun [countable, uncountable] something that takes your attention away from what you were doing or thinking about I find it hard to work at home because there are so many distractions. ▶ rozrywka
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2 the state of being in great danger and needing immediate help The ship’s captain radioed that it was in distress. ▶ zagrożenie niebezpieczeństwo distress1 /dɪˈstres; US / noun [uncountable] 1 the state of being very upset or of suffering great pain or difficulty Their distress on hearing the bad news was obvious. She was in such distress that I didn’t want to leave her on her own. ▶ rozpacz
martwić, unieszczęśliwiać começar a aprender
□ distressed /; US / adj. She was too distressed to talk. ▶ zrozpaczony —distressing /; US / adj. a distressing experience przykre doświadczenie a distressing illness bolesna choroba ▶ rozpaczliwy wstrząsający distress2 /dɪˈstres; US / verb [transitive] to make sb very upset or unhappy Try not to say anything to distress the patient further. ▶ martwić unieszczęśliwiać doprowadzać do rozpaczy
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2 to transport and supply goods to shops, companies, etc. Which company distributes this product in your country? ▶ rozprowadzać rozmieszczać roznosić distribute /dɪˈstrɪbju: t/ 1distribute sth (to/among sb/sth) to give things to a number of people Protesters were distributing leaflets in the street. Tickets will be distributed to all club members. ▶ rozdawać rozdzielać
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distribution, distribution 2[sing., uncountable] the act of giving or transporting sth to a number of people or places the distribution of food parcels to the refugees The country produces enough food but distribution is a problem. ▶ rozdawanie dystrybucja rozprowadzanie distribution /ˌdɪstrɪˈbju:ʃn/ noun 1 [sing., uncountable] the way sth is shared out; the pattern in which sth is found The uneven distribution of wealth causes many problems a map to show the distribution of rainfall in Africa ▶ dystrybucja rozkład
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distributor /dɪˈstrɪbjətə(r); US / noun [countable] a person or company that transports and supplies goods to a number of shops and companies ▶ dystrybutor
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2 an official division of a town or country the district council postal districts ▶ okręg dzielnica obwód ⇨ note at area district /ˈdɪstrɪkt; US / noun [countable] 1 a part of a town or country that is special for a particular reason or is of a particular type rural districts the financial district of the city ▶ okręg dzielnica
nieufność, niedowierzanie começar a aprender
□ distrust verb [transitive] She distrusts him because he lied to her once before. I share father's distrust of banks ▶ nie ufać nie dowierzać ⇨ look at mistrust —distrustful /-fl; US / adj. ▶ nieufny podejrzliw distrust /dɪsˈtrʌst; US / noun [uncountable, sing.] (a) distrust (of sb/sth) the feeling that you cannot believe sb/sth; a lack of trust ▶ nieufność niedowierzanie brak zaufania
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2 to move sth or change its position I noticed a number of things had been disturbed and realized that there had been a burglary. ▶ zaburzać (porządek) 3 to cause sb to worry It disturbed her to think that he might be unhappy. ▶ niepokoić denerwować disturb /dɪˈstɜ: b; US / verb [transitive] 1 to interrupt sb while they are doing sth or sleeping; Keep the noise down! You’ll disturb the neighbours. Their sleep was disturbed by a loud crash. ▶ przeszkadzać zakłócać
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2 an occasion when people behave violently or make a lot of noise in public They were arrested for causing a disturbance in the town centre. ▶ zamieszki zakłócenie porządku publicznego awantura disturbance /dɪˈstɜ: bəns; US / noun [countable, uncountable] 1 something that makes you stop what you are doing, or that upsets the normal condition of sth The builders apologized for the disturbance. emotional disturbance ▶ zakłócenie
z zaburzeniami psychicznymi começar a aprender
disturbed /dɪˈstɜ: bd; US / adj. having mental or emotional problems a school for disturbed young people ▶ z zaburzeniami (psychicznymi)
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disturbing /dɪˈstɜ: bɪŋ; US / adj. making you worried or upset These disturbing developments suggest that war is a possibility. I found the film about AIDS very disturbing. ▶ niepokojący
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disuse /dɪsˈju: s; US / noun [uncountable] the state of not being used any more The farm buildings had been allowed to fall into disuse (wyjść z użycia). ▶ nieużywanie
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disused /ˌdɪsˈju: zd; US / adj. not used any more a disused railway line opuszczona linia kolejowa ▶ nieużywany
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ditch1 /dɪtʃ; US / noun [countable] a long narrow hole that has been dug into the ground, especially along the side of a road or field for water to flow along ▶ rów kanał rynsztok IDIOMS a last-ditch attempt ⇨ last1
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divan /dɪˈvæn; US ˈdaɪvæn / noun [countable] (Brit.) a type of bed with only a thick base to lie on but no frame at either end ▶ tapczan
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In Acapulco, men dive off the cliffs into the sea. A passer-by dived in and saved the drowning man. ▶ skakać do wody nurkować 2 to swim under the surface of the sea, a lake people diving for pearls I’m hoping to go diving on holiday. ▶ nurkować dive1 /daɪv; US / verb [intransitive] (past tense dived, US also dove /dəʊv; US /, past participle dived) 1dive (off/from sth) (into sth); dive in to jump into water with your arms and head first
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dive2 /daɪv; US / noun [countable] 1 the act of diving into water ▶ skok do wody nurkowanie 2 a quick and sudden downwards movement Despite a desperate dive, the goalkeeper couldn’t stop the ball. ▶ rzucenie się (w kierunku czegoś)
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2 a person who jumps into water with their arms and head first Daniel’s a really good diver. ▶ skoczek (do wody) diver /ˈdaɪvə(r); US / noun [countable] 1 a person who swims under the surface of water using special equipment Police divers searched the lake for the body. ▶ nurek
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2 to be or become different Attitudes among teachers diverge on this question. When I reached my teens, my interests began to diverge from those of my friends. ▶ różnić się odchylać się diverge /daɪˈvɜ: dʒ; US / verb [intransitive] diverge (from sth) 1 (used about roads, lines, etc.) to separate and go in different directions The paths suddenly diverged and they didn’t know which one to take. ▶ rozchodzić się rozbiegać się
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diverse /daɪˈvɜ: s; US / adj. very different from each other people from diverse social backgrounds My interests are very diverse. ▶ rozmaity odmienny ⇨ noun diversity
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Latin diversified into several different languages. Z łaciny powstało kilka innych języków. ▶ rozszerzać (np. działalność)□ diversification /daɪˌvɜ: sɪfɪˈkeɪʃn; US / noun [countable, uncountable] ▶ rozszerzenie działalności urozmaicenie diversify /daɪˈvɜ: sɪfaɪ; US / verb [intransitive, transitive] (diversifying; diversifies; past tense, past participle diversified) diversify (sth) (into sth) To remain successful in the future, the company will have to diversify.
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2[countable] something that takes your attention away from sth Some prisoners created a diversion while others escaped. ▶ coś, co odwraca uwagę 3[countable] a different route which traffic can take For London, follow the diversion. ▶ objazd diversion /daɪˈvɜ:ʃn/ [coun, un] the act of changing the direction or purpose in order to solve or avoid a problem We made a short diversion to go and look at the castle. the diversion of government funds to areas of greatest need ▶ odwrócenie kierunku
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diversity /daɪˈvɜ: səti; US / noun [uncountable] the wide variety of sth cultural and ethnic diversity ▶ różnorodność urozmaicenie
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Government money was diverted from defence to education. Rząd zmienił przeznaczenie środków z obrony na oświatę. Politicians often criticise each other to divert attention away from (odwrócić uwagę od) their own mistakes. ▶ odwracać kierunek skierowywać divert /daɪˈvɜ: t; US / verb [transitive] divert sb/sth (from sth) (to sth); divert sth (away from sth) to change the direction or purpose of sb/sth, especially to avoid a problem During the road repairs, all traffic is being diverted.
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2[transitive] divide sth (out/up) (between/among sb) to separate sth into parts and give a part to each of a number of people The robbers divided the money out between themselves. When he died, his property was divided up among his children. rozdzielać divide1 /dɪˈvaɪd/ 1[intransitive, transitive] divide (sth) (up) (into sth) to separate into different parts The egg divides into two cells. a book divided into ten sections The house was divided up into flats. ▶ rozdzielać (się) podzielić (się)
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divide2 /dɪˈvaɪd; US / noun [countable] a divide (between A and B) a difference between two groups of people that separates them from each other the north-south divide a divide between the rich and the poor ▶ (przen.) przepaść
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dividend /ˈdɪvɪdend; US / noun [countable] a part of a company’s profits that is paid to the people who own shares in the company ▶ dywidenda
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dividing line noun [countable] a distinction that is made between two things that are or seem similar the dividing line between opinion and fact ▶ granica
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diving /ˈdaɪvɪŋ; US / noun [uncountable] the activity or sport of jumping into water or swimming under the surface of the sea, a lake, etc. The resort has facilities for sailing, waterskiing and diving. ▶ skoki do wody nurkowanie
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ˈdiving board noun [countable] a board at the side of a swimming pool from which people can jump into the water ▶ trampolina skocznia
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divisible /dɪˈvɪzəbl; US / adj. [not before a noun] that can be divided 12 is divisible by 3. ▶ podzielny
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2 [uncountable] dividing one number by another the teaching of multiplication and division long division ręczne dzielenie przez cyfry wieloliczbowe ▶ dzielenie division /dɪˈvɪʒn/ 1[uncountable, sing.] division (of sth) (into sth); division (of sth) (between A and B) the process or result of separating sth into different parts; an unfair division of the profits There is a growing economic division ▶ podział
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divorce1 /dɪˈvɔ: s; US / noun [countable, uncountable] ⇨ POSŁUCHAJ NAGRAŃ PRZYKŁADÓW the legal end of a marriage Two in five marriages end in divorce. to get a divorce rozwodzić się ▶ rozwód
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Częściej niż to divorce stosuje się wyrażenie to get divorced: My parents got divorced when I was three. Kiedy jednak tylko jedna strona żąda rozwodu lub gdy podana jest jego przyczyna, wówczas używa się to divorce: She divorced her first husband divorce2 /dɪˈvɔ: s; US / verb ⇨ POSŁUCHAJ NAGRAŃ PRZYKŁADÓW 1[intransitive, transitive] to legally end your marriage to sb She divorced him a year after their marriage. I’d heard they’re divorcing. ▶ rozwodzić się wziąć rozwód
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□ divorced /; US / adj. No I’m not married – I’m divorced. ▶ rozwiedziony ⇨ look at separated
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divorcee /dɪˌvɔ:ˈsi:; US -ˈseɪ / noun [countable] a person who is divorced ▶ roz-wodnik/wódka
cierpiący na zwroty głowy começar a aprender
2 very great; extreme the dizzy pace of life in London The following year, the band’s popularity reached dizzy heights. ▶ zawrotny □ dizziness /; US / noun [uncountable] He went to the doctor complaining of headaches and dizziness. ▶ zawrót głowy dizzy /ˈdɪzi; US / adj. (dizzier; dizziest) 1 feeling as if everything is turning round and that you might fall I feel/get dizzy in high places. ▶ cierpiący na zawroty głowy
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4[countable, usually sing.] the place in a court of law where the person who is accused sits or stands ▶ ława oskarżonych dock1 /dɒk/ [coun, unc] an area of a port where ships stop to be loaded, repaired, etc. ▶ dok basen (portowy) 2(docks) [pl.] a group of docks with all the buildings, offices, etc. that are around them He works down at the docks. ▶ doki stocznia
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2[transitive] to take away part of the money sb earns, especially as a punishment They’ve docked £ 20 off my wages because I was late. ▶ obcinać (zarobki) dock2 /dɒk; US / verb 1 [intransitive, transitive] (used about a ship) to sail into a port and stop at the dock The ship had docked/was docked at Lisbon. ▶ wpływać do portu cumować (w doku) dokować
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docket /ˈdɒkɪt; US / noun [countable] a document or label that shows what is in a package, which goods have been delivered, which jobs have been done, etc. ▶ opis zawartości (np. przesyłki) lista (np. dostarczonych towarów; wykonanych prac)
lekarz, przychodnia lekarska começar a aprender
2 (the doctor’s) [sing.] a doctor’s surgery I’m going to the doctor’s today. ▶ przychodnia lekarska doctor1 /ˈdɒktə(r) / noun (abbr. Dr) US, formal physician /fɪˈzɪʃn) 1 [countable] a person who has been trained in medicine and who treats people who are ill Our family doctor is Dr Laing. I’ve got a doctor’s appointment at 10 o’clock ▶ lekarz
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doctorate /ˈdɒktərət; US / noun [countable] the highest university degree ▶ doktorat
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doctrine /ˈdɒktrɪn; US / noun [countable, uncountable] a set of beliefs that is taught by a church, political party, etc. ▶ doktryna
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2 a computer file that contains writing, etc. Save the document before closing. ▶ dokument document /ˈdɒkjumənt; US / noun [countable] 1 an official piece of writing which gives information, proof or evidence Her solicitor asked her to read and sign a number of documents. ▶ dokument
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documentary /ˌdɒkjuˈmentri; US / noun [countable] (pl. documentaries) a film or TV or radio programme that gives facts or information about a particular subject Did you see that documentary on Sri Lanka? ▶ film/program dokumentalny
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2[transitive] to avoid doing sth that you should do Don’t try to dodge your responsibilities! We can’t keep dodging the issue – we’re going to have to deal with this problem. ▶ unikać wykręcać się (od czegoś) migać się dodge1 /dɒdʒ; US / verb 1 [intransitive, transitive] to move quickly in order to avoid sb/sth I managed to dodge the boss and get away early. I had to dodge between the cars to cross the road. ▶ wymykać się (komuś/czemuś) uchylać się
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dodge2 /dɒdʒ; US / noun [countable] (informal) a clever way of avoiding sth a tax dodge machlojki podatkowe ▶ wykręt unik
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doe /dəʊ; US / noun [countable] a female deer or rabbit ▶ łania królica zajęczyca samica jelenia/królika/ zająca ⇨ note at deer
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dog1 /dɒɡ; US / noun [countable] ⇨ NOTE 1 an animal that many people keep as a pet, or for working on farms, hunting, etc. dog food ▶ pies 2 a male dog or fox If you’re getting a puppy, bitches are gentler than dogs. ▶ samiec psa/lisa
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ˈdog-paddle (also ˈdoggy-paddle) noun [uncountable] a simple swimming stroke, with short quick movements like those of a dog in the water ▶ (styl pływacki) piesek
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dogma /ˈdɒɡmə; US / noun [countable, uncountable] a belief or set of beliefs that people are expected to accept as true without questioning ▶ dogmat
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dogmatic /dɒɡˈmætɪk; US / adj. being certain that your beliefs are right and that others should accept them, without considering other opinions or evidence ▶ dogmatyczny □ dogmatically /-kli; US / adv. ▶ dogmatycznie
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the doldrums /ˈdɒldrəmz; US ˈdəʊl- / noun IDIOMS in the doldrums 1 unhappy He’s been in the doldrums ever since she left him. ▶ mający chandrę przygnębiony 2 not active or busy Business has been in the doldrums recently. ▶ w zastoju
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dole /dəʊl; US / verb PHRASAL VERB dole sth out (informal) to give sth, especially food, money, etc. in small amounts to a number of people ▶ obdzielać coś rozdzielać coś
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doll /dɒl; US / noun [countable] a child’s toy that looks like a small person or a baby ▶ lalka
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dolphin /ˈdɒlfɪn; US / noun [countable] an intelligent animal that lives in the sea and looks like a large fish. Dolphins usually swim in schools. ▶ delfin
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domain /dəˈmeɪn; dəʊ-; US / noun [countable] an area of knowledge or activity I don’t know – that’s outside my domain. This issue is now in the public domain (została podana do publicznej wiadomości). ▶ zakres domena dziedzina
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dome /dəʊm; US / noun [countable] a round roof on a building the dome of St Paul’s in London ▶ kopuła □ domed /; US / adj. having or shaped like adome a domed roof/ceiling a domed (wypukłe) forehead ▶ nakryty kopułą kopulasty wysklepiony
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2[only before a noun] connected with the home or family domestic chores/tasks the growing problem of domestic violence (przemocy w rodzinie) domestic water/gas/electricity supplies ▶ domowy domestic /dəˈmestɪk; US / adj. 1 not international; only within one country domestic affairs/flights/politics ▶ krajowy
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2 (used about people) able to do or good at cleaning the house, cooking, etc. Men are expected to be much more domesticated (partnerscy) nowadays. ▶ umiejący dobrze wykonywać prace domowe domesticated /dəˈmestɪkeɪtɪd; US / adj. 1 (used about animals) happy being near people and being controlled by them ▶ oswojony udomowiony
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dominance /ˈdɒmɪnəns; US / noun [uncountable] control or power Japan’s dominance of the car industry ▶ dominacja
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The castle stands in a dominant position above the town (góruje nad miastem). ▶ dominujący dominant /ˈdɒmɪnənt; US / adj. more powerful, important or noticeable than others His mother was the dominant influence in his life. The Kenyan runner is in a dominant position with two laps remaining.
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2[transitive] (used about a building or place) to be much higher than everything else The cathedral dominates the area for miles around. ▶ dominować górować □ domination /ˌdɒmɪˈneɪʃn; US / noun [uncountable] ▶ dominacja dominate /ˈdɒmɪneɪt; US / verb 1 [intransitive, transitive] to be more powerful, important or noticeable than others The Italian team dominated throughout the second half of the game. She always tends to dominate the conversation. ▶ dominować