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He went into a decline after his wife’s death and he died a year later. As an industrial power, the country is in decline (kraj chyli się ku upadkowi). ▶ upadek spadek pogorszenie zmniejszanie się decline1 /dɪˈklaɪn; US / noun [countable, uncountable] (a) decline (in sth) a process or period of becoming weaker, smaller or less good a decline in sales
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2[intransitive, transitive] (formal) to refuse, usually politely Thank you for the invitation but I’m afraid I have to decline. The minister declined to make a statement. (odmówił wydania oświadczenia) ▶ odmawiać 1 [intransitive] to become weaker, smaller or less good declining profits The standard of education has declined in this country. ▶ pogarszać się zmniejszać się maleć
odszyfrowywać, odkodowywać começar a aprender
decode /ˌdi:ˈkəʊd; US / verb [transitive] to find the meaning of a secret message ▶ odszyfrowywać odkodowywać OPPOSITE encode
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decoder /ˌdi:ˈkəʊdə(r); US / noun [countable] a device that changes electronic signals into a form that can be understood a satellite/video decoder ▶ dekoder
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□ decomposition /ˌdi: kɒmpəˈzɪʃn; US / noun [uncountable] the decomposition of organic waste ▶ rozkład rozpad decompose /ˌdi: kəmˈpəʊz; US / verb [intransitive] to slowly be destroyed by natural chemical processes The body was so badly decomposed that it couldn’t be identified. ▶ rozkładać się
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□ deconstruction /ˌdi: kənˈstrʌkʃn/ noun [uncountable] (in literature and philosophy) a theory that states that it is impossible for a text to have one fixed meaning, and emphasizes the role of the reader in the production of meaning ▶ dekonstrukcja deconstruct /di: kənˈstrʌkt/ verb [transitive] (in literature and philosophy) to analyse a text in order to show that there is no fixed meaning within the text but that the meaning is created each time in the act of reading ▶ przeprowadzać dekonstrukcję
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2[intransitive, transitive] (especially Brit.) to put paint and/or coloured paper onto walls, ceilings and doors in a room or building I think it’s about time we decorated the living room. ▶ malować i/lub tapetować remontować decorate /ˈdekəreɪt; US / verb ⇨ POSŁUCHAJ NAGRAŃ PRZYKŁADÓW 1[transitive] decorate sth (with sth) to add sth in order to make a thing more attractive to look at Decorate the cake with cherries and nuts. ▶ ozdabiać dekorować
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2[uncountable] the process of decorating a room or building; the style in which sth is decorated The house is in need of decoration. The theatre has been renovated in the style of the original decoration. ▶ malowanie i/lub tapetowanie wystrój remont 1 [countable, uncountable] something that is added to sth in order to make it look more attractive Christmas decorations ▶ ozdoba dekoracja
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decorative /ˈdekərətɪv; US -reɪt- / adj. attractive or pretty to look at The cloth had a decorative lace edge. ▶ ozdobny dekoracyjny
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decorator /ˈdekəreɪtə(r); US / noun [countable] a person whose job is to paint and decorate houses and buildings ▶ dekorator/ka wnętrz
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decrease1 /dɪˈkri: s; US / verb [intransitive, transitive] As the temperature decreases, the metal contracts. Profits have decreased by 15%. Decrease speed when you are approaching a road junction. ▶ zmniejszać (się) spadać
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decrease2 /ˈdi: kri: s; US / noun [countable, uncountable] (a) decrease (in sth) the process of becoming or making sth smaller or less; the amount that sth is reduced by a decrease in the number of students a 10% decrease in sales ▶ spadek
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decree /dɪˈkri:; US / noun [countable] an official order given by a government, a ruler, etc. ▶ rozporządzenie dekret □ decree verb [transitive] (past tense, past participle decreed) ▶ rozporządzać zadekretować
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□ decriminalization (also decriminalisation) /di:ˌkrɪmɪnəlaɪˈzeɪʃn; US -ləˈz- / noun [uncountable] ▶ legalizacja decriminalize (also decriminalise) /di:ˈkrɪmɪnəlaɪz; US / verb [transitive] to change the law so that sth is no longer illegal There are moves to decriminalize some soft drugs. ▶ zalegalizować OPPOSITE criminalize
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2dedicate sth to sb to say that sth is specially for sb He dedicated the book he had written to his brother. ▶ dedykować poświęcać dedicate /ˈdedɪkeɪt; US / verb [transitive] 1dedicate sth to sth to give all your energy, time, efforts, etc. to sth He dedicated his life to helping the poor. ▶ poświęcać
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dedicated /ˈdedɪkeɪtɪd; US / adj. giving a lot of your energy, time, efforts, etc. to sth that you believe to be important dedicated nurses and doctors ▶ zaangażowany (w coś) poświęcający się (czemuś) oddany
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2[countable] a message at the beginning of a book or piece of music saying that it is for a particular person ▶ dedykacja dedication /ˌdedɪˈkeɪʃn; US / noun 1 [uncountable] the hard work and effort that sb puts into an activity or purpose because they think it is important I admire her dedication to her career. ▶ zaangażowanie poświęcenie się (czemuś) oddanie
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deduce /dɪˈdju: s; US -du: s / verb [transitive] to form an opinion using the facts that you already know From his name I deduced that he was Polish. ▶ wnioskować dedukować ⇨ noun deduction
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deduct /dɪˈdʌkt; US / verb [transitive] deduct sth (from sth) to take sth such as money or points away from a total amount Income tax is deducted from your salary. Marks will be deducted for untidy work. ▶ odejmować potrącać
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2deduction (from sth) taking away an amount or number from a total; the amount or number taken away from the total What is your total income after deductions? ▶ odjęcie potrącenie odliczenie odpisanie 1 something that you work out from facts that you already know; the ability to think in this way It was a brilliant piece of deduction by the detective. ▶ dedukcja wniosek wnioskowanie ⇨ verb deduce
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3 measuring a particular amount from top to bottom or from front to back shelves 40 centimetres deep The water is only a metre deep (basen ma tylko metr głębokości) here. ▶ głęboki (na ileś metrów) 4 low a deep voice ▶ głęboki niski 1 going a long way down from the surface the deep end of a swimming pool to dig a deep hole That’s a deep cut. a coat with deep pockets ▶ głęboki ⇨ noun depth 2 going a long way from front to back deep shelves ▶ głęboki
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deep2 /di: p; US / adv. a long way down or inside sth He gazed deep into her eyes. He dug his hands deep into his pockets. ▶ głęboko
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deepen /ˈdi: pən; US / verb [intransitive, transitive] to become or to make sth deep or deeper The river deepens here. This bad news deepened the atmosphere of depression. ▶ pogłębiać (nastrój) powiększać (się)
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freezer /ˈfri: zə(r); US / (also ˌdeep ˈfreeze) noun [countable] a metal container with a door in which food, etc. is kept frozen so that it stays fresh ▶ zamrażarka zamrażalnik ⇨ look at fridge
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ˌdeep-ˈrooted (also ˌdeep-ˈseated) adj. strongly felt or believed and therefore difficult to change deep-rooted fears deep-seated prejudices ▶ głęboko zakorzeniony
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A male deer is called a buck or, especially if it has fully-grown antlers, a stag. The female is a doe and a young deer is a fawn. Venison is the meat from deer. deer /dɪə(r); US / noun [countable] (pl. deer) a large wild animal that eats grass. The male has antlers on its head. ▶ jeleń
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deface /dɪˈfeɪs; US / verb [transitive] to spoil the way sth looks by writing on or marking its surface Vandals defaced the statue with graffiti. ▶ oszpecać
zniesławienie, szkalowanie começar a aprender
defamation /ˌdefəˈmeɪʃn; US / noun [uncountable, countable] (formal) the act of damaging the opinion that people have of sb by saying or writing bad or false things about them He sued for defamation of character. ▶ zniesławienie szkalowanie
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defamatory /dɪˈfæmətri; US -tɔ: ri / adj. (formal) (used about speech or writing) intended to harm sb by saying or writing bad or false things about them The article was highly defamatory. ▶ zniesławiający szkalujący oszczerczy
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IDIOMS by default because nothing happened, not because of successful effort They won by default, because the other team didn’t turn up. ▶ walkowerem default1 /dɪˈfɔ: lt; US / noun [sing.] a course of action taken by a computer when it is not given any other instruction ▶ (komput.) ustawienie standardowe
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2 to be too difficult for sb to understand I’ve tried to work out what’s wrong with the car but it defeats me. ▶ być zbyt trudnym 3 to prevent sth from succeeding The local residents are determined to defeat the council’s building plans. ▶ udaremniać 1 to win a game, a fight, a vote, etc. against sb The army defeated the rebels after three days of fighting. In the last match France defeated Wales. ▶ pokonywać zwyciężać SYNONYM beat
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2[uncountable] the act of losing or not being successful She refused to admit defeat and kept on trying. ▶ porażka niepowodzenie 1[countable] an occasion when sb fails to win or be successful against sb else This season they have had two victories and three defeats. ▶ porażka klęska
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defeatism /dɪˈfi: tɪzəm; US / noun [uncountable] the attitude of expecting sth to end in failure ▶ defetyzm
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defeatist /dɪˈfi: tɪst; US / adj. expecting not to succeed a defeatist attitude/view ▶ defetystyczny □ defeatist noun [countable] Don’t be such a defeatist, we haven’t lost yet! ▶ defetyst(k)a
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defecate /ˈdefəkeɪt; US / verb [intransitive] (formal) to get rid of waste from the body; to go to the toilet ▶ oddawać stolec
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□ defective /dɪˈfektɪv; US / adj. If you find any of our goods to be defective, please return them to the shop. ▶ wadliwy wybrakowany defect1 /ˈdi: fekt; US / noun [countable] sth that is wrong with or missing from sb/sth defects in the education system a speech defect wada wymowy ▶ wada mankament skaza defekt
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□ defectively /; US / adv. ▶ wadliwie —defectiveness /; US / noun [uncountable] ▶ wadliwość defective /dɪˈfektɪv; US / adj. having a fault or faults; not perfect or complete defective goods Her hearing was found to be slightly defective. ▶ wadliwy wybrakowany SYNONYM faulty
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2[countable] a defence (against sth) something that protects sb/sth from sth, or that is used to fight against attack the body’s defences against disease ▶ system obrony umocnienia 1[uncoun.] something that you do or say to protect sb/sth Would you fight in defence of your country? When her brother was criticized she leapt to his defence. I must say in her defence that I have always found her a very reliable employee. ▶ obrona
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defenceless /dɪˈfensləs; US / adj. unable to defend yourself against attack ▶ bezbronny
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2[transitive] defend sb/sth/yourself (against/from sb/sth) to say or write sth to support sb/sth that has been criticized The minister went on TV to defend the government’s policy. ▶ bronić 1 [transitive] defend sb/sth/yourself (against/from sb/sth) to protect sb/sth from harm or danger Would you be able to defend yourself if someone attacked you in the street? ▶ bronić
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defender /dɪˈfendə(r); US / noun [countable] a person who defends sb/sth, especially in sport ▶ obroń-ca/czyni
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1 that protects sb/sth from attack The troops took up a defensive position. ▶ obronny 2 showing that you feel that sb is criticizing you When I asked him about his new job, he became very defensive and tried to change the subject. ▶ defensywny
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2[countable] a fault or a weakness in sb/sth The problems were caused by deficiencies in the design. ▶ niedoskonałość wada (pl. deficiencies) deficiency (in/of sth) 1[countable, uncountable] the state of not having enough of sth; a lack a deficiency of vitamin C ▶ niedobór niedostatek brak
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1 deficient (in sth) not having enough of sth food that is deficient in minerals ▶ wykazujący niedobór 2 not good enough or not complete ▶ niedoskonały niekompletny
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deficit /ˈdefɪsɪt; US / noun [countable] the amount by which the money you receive is less than the money you have spent a trade deficit ▶ deficyt
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1 to say exactly what a word or idea means How would you define ‘ happiness’? ▶ definiować 2 to explain the exact nature of sth clearly We need to define the problem before we can attempt to solve it. ▶ określać
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1 fixed and unlikely to change; certain I’ll give you a definite decision in a couple of days. ▶ ostateczny definitywny 2 clear; easy to see or notice There has been a definite change in her attitude recently. ▶ wyraźny zdecydowany
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definitely /ˈdefɪnətli; US / adv. certainly; without doubt I’ll definitely consider your advice. We definitely can’t afford such a high price. ▶ na pewno zdecydowanie
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definition /ˌdefɪˈnɪʃn; US / noun [countable, uncountable] a description of the exact meaning of a word or idea ▶ definicja
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□ definitively /; US / adv. ▶ ostatecznie stanowczo definitive /dɪˈfɪnətɪv; US / adj. in a form that cannot be changed or that cannot be improved This is the definitive version (wersja ostateczna). the definitive performance of Hamlet najlepsze do tej pory wystawienie „Hamleta“ ostateczny szczytowy
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2[transitive] to make sb feel less confident, proud or excited I felt really deflated when I got my exam results. ▶ przygasić zbić z tropu 1 [intransitive, transitive] to become or to make sth smaller by letting the air or gas out of it The balloon slowly deflated. Z balonu uszło powietrze. Someone’s deflated all my tyres! ▶ wypuszczać powietrze OPPOSITE inflate
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2[transitive] to turn sb’s attention away from sth Nothing could deflect her from her aim. ▶ odwracać (uwagę) odwodzić 1 [intransitive, transitive] to change direction after hitting sb/sth; to make sth change direction in this way The ball deflected off a defender and into the goal. ▶ odbijać (się) i zmieniać kierunek lotu zbaczać odchylać (się) skręcać w bok
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deflection /dɪˈflekʃn; US / noun [countable, uncountable] a change of direction after hitting sb/sth The ball took a deflection off a player. ▶ odchylenie odbicie zboczenie
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deforestation /ˌdi:ˌfɒrɪˈsteɪʃn; US / noun [uncountable] cutting down trees over a large area Deforestation is a major cause of global warming. ▶ wycinanie lasów ⇨ note at environment
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deform /dɪˈfɔ: m; US / verb [transitive] to change or spoil the natural shape of sth ▶ zniekształcać deformować
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deformed /dɪˈfɔ: md; US / adj. having a shape that is not normal because it has grown wrongly ▶ zniekształcony zdeformowany
zniekształcenie, niedorozwój começar a aprender
The drug caused women to give birth to babies with severe deformities. ▶ zniekształcenie deformacja kalectwo deformity /dɪˈfɔ: məti; US / noun [countable, uncountable] (pl. deformities) the condition of having a part of the body that is an unusual shape because of disease, injury, etc.
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defraud /dɪˈfrɔ: d; US / verb [transitive] defraud sb (of sth) to get sth from sb in a dishonest way He defrauded the company of millions. Okradł firmę na miliony. ▶ oszukiwać defraudować
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2[transitive] to remove the ice from sth to defrost a fridge ▶ odmrażać rozmrażać 1 [intransitive, transitive] (used about frozen food) to return to a normal temperature; to make food do this Defrost the chicken thoroughly before cooking. ▶ rozmrażać (się)
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defuse /ˌdi:ˈfju: z / verb [transit] 1 to make a situation calmer or less dangerous She defused the tension by changing the subject. ▶ rozładowywać 2 to remove part of a bomb so that it cannot explode Army experts defused the bomb safely. ▶ rozbrajać
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2 to make sth impossible or very difficult It’s such a beautiful place that it defies description. ▶ być nie do (np. opisania) defy /dɪˈfaɪ; US / verb [transitive] (defying; defies; past tense, past participle defied) 1 to refuse to obey sb/sth She defied her parents and continued seeing Brendan. ▶ przeciwstawiać się sprzeciwiać się ⇨ adjective defiant, noun defiance