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3[countable] the hours of the day when you work She’s expected to work a seven-hour day. ▶ dzień pracy 4[countable] (often days) a particular period of time in the past in Shakespeare’s day There weren’t so many cars in those days ▶ czasy
2[countable, uncountable] the time when the sky is light; not night The days were warm but the nights were freezing. I spent the whole day studying and just relaxed in the evening. Owls sleep by day (w dzień) and hunt at night. ▶ dzień
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1[countable] a period of 24 hours. Seven days make up a week ‘ What day is it today?’ ‘ Tuesday.’ We went to Italy for ten days. I saw that film a few days ago. We’re meeting again the day after tomorrow (pojutrze)/in two days’ time.
brzask, świt
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daybreak, dawn
daybreak /ˈdeɪbreɪk; US / noun [uncountable] the time in the early morning when light first appears ▶ brzask świt
opieka dzienna
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day care
ˈday care noun [uncountable] care for small children, or for old or sick people, away from home, during the day Day care is provided by the company she works for. a day care centre ▶ opieka dzienna
marzenia, marzyć
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□ daydream verb [intransitive] Don’t just sit there daydreaming – do some work! ▶ marzyć śnić na jawie
daydream /ˈdeɪdri: m; US / noun [countable] thoughts that are not connected with what you are doing; often pleasant scenes in your imagination The child stared out of the window, lost in a daydream (zatopione w marzeniach). ▶ marzenia
dzień wolny od pracy
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day off
day ˈoff noun [countable] (pl. days off) a day on which you do not go to work I work six days a week. Sunday’s my day off. I’m having a day off on Friday to go to a wedding. ▶ dzień wolny od pracy ⇨ note at holiday
bilet powrotny ważny jeden dzień
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day return
ˌday reˈturn noun [countable] (Brit.) a train or bus ticket for going somewhere and coming back on the same day. It is cheaper than a normal return ticket. ▶ bilet powrotny ważny jeden dzień
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daytime /ˈdeɪtaɪm; US / noun [uncountable] the time when it is light; not night These flowers open in the daytime (za dnia) and close again at night. daytime TV ▶ dzień pora dnia
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2 involving the usual events or tasks of each day She has been looking after the day-to-day running of the school. ▶ codzienny
ˌday-to-ˈday adj. [only before a noun] 1 planning for only one day at a time I have organized the cleaning on a day-to-day basis, until our usual cleaner returns. ▶ z dnia na dzień
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dazed /deɪzd; US / adj. unable to think or react normally; confused He had a dazed expression on his face. dazed by pain/alcohol/shock ▶ oszołomiony nieprzytomny
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2 to impress sb very much He had been dazzled by her beauty. ▶ olśniewać oczarowywać □ dazzling /; US / adj. a dazzling light a dazzling performance ▶ oślepiający olśniewający
dazzle /ˈdæzl; US / verb [transitive, usually passive] 1 (used about a bright light) to make sb unable to see for a short time She was dazzled by the other car’s headlights. ▶ oślepiać
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to deactivate
deactivate /ˌdi:ˈæktɪveɪt; US / verb [transitive] to make sth such as a device or chemical process stop working Do you know how to deactivate the alarm? ▶ dezaktywować (bomba itp.) rozbrajać
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2 no longer used; finished Latin is a dead language. We’ve made our decision so the subject is now dead (skończony). ▶ martwy
1 no longer alive My father’s dead. He died two years ago. They rushed him to hospital, but he was dead on arrival. Police found a dead body under the bridge. dead leaves zwiędłe/uschnięte liście ▶ zmarły zdechły martwy ⇨ noun death, verb die
zepsuty, wymarły
6[only before a noun] complete or exact a dead silence/calm głucha cisza The arrow hit the dead centre of the target (w sam środek tarczy). ▶ zupełny kompletny całkowity
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4 without movement, activity or interest This town is completely dead after 11 o’clock at night. ▶ wymarły senny 5[not before a noun] (used about a part of the body) no longer able to feel anything Oh no, my foot’s gone dead. ▶ zdrętwiały
3[not before a noun] (used about a piece of equipment) no longer working I picked up the telephone but the line was dead. This battery’s dead (wyczerpana). ▶ zepsuty
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people who have died A church service was held in memory of the dead. ▶ zmarli  IDIOMS  in/at the dead of night in the middle of the night, when it is very dark and quiet ▶ w samym środku nocy
nierozstrzygnięty bieg
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dead heat
ˌdead ˈheat noun [countable] the result of a race when two people, etc. finish at exactly the same time The race was a dead heat. ▶ nierozstrzygnięty bieg
ostateczny termin
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A journalist is used to having to meet deadlines (jest przyzwyczajony do dotrzymywania terminów). ▶ ostateczny termin nieprzekraczalna granica/data (czegoś)
deadline /ˈdedlaɪn; US / noun [countable] a time or date before which sth must be done or finished I usually set myself a deadline when I have a project to do.
martwy punkt
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deadlock /ˈdedlɒk; US / noun [sing., uncountable] a situation in which two sides cannot reach an agreement Talks have reached (a) deadlock (znalazły się w martwym punkcie). to try to break the deadlock (impas) ▶ martwy punkt sytuacja bez wyjścia
śmiertelny, morderczy
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deadly, deadly
3 extremely accurate, That player is deadly when he gets in front of the goal. ▶ morderczy 4(informal) very boring ▶ śmiertelnie nudny □ deadly adv. completely; extremely I’m not joking. In fact I’m deadly serious. ▶ śmiertelnie
1 causing or likely to cause death a deadly poison/weapon/disease ▶ śmiertelny morderczy 2[adjective only before a noun] very great; complete They’re deadly enemies. ▶ śmiertelny ⇨ look at deathly
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3deaf to sth not wanting to listen to sth I’ve told her what I think but she’s deaf to my advice. ▶ głuchy na coś □ deafness /; US / noun [uncountable] ▶ głuchota
unable to hear anything or unable to hear very well You’ll have to speak louder. My father’s a bit deaf. to go deaf She’s stone deaf. Jest głucha jak pień. ▶ głuchy 2(the deaf) noun [pl.] people who cannot hear sign language for the deaf ▶ głusi
ogłuszać, zagłuszać
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deafen /ˈdefn; US / verb [transitive, usually passive] to make sb unable to hear by making a very loud noise We were deafened by the loud music. ▶ ogłuszać zagłuszać □ deafening /; US / adj. deafening music ▶ ogłuszający
rozdawać, handlować
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to deal
3 [intransitive] deal (in sth); deal (with sb) to do business, especially buying and selling goods He deals in second-hand cars. Our firm deals with customers all over the world. ▶ handlować czymś prowadzić interesy (z kimś)
1 [intransitive, transitive] deal (sth) (out); deal (sth) (to sb) to give cards to players in a game of cards Start by dealing seven cards to each player. Whose turn is it to deal? ▶ rozdawać
interes, transakcja
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2 the way that sb is treated With high fares and unreliable services, rail users are getting a raw deal The new law aims to give pensioners a fair deal traktowanie 3 the act of giving cards to players in a card game Whose deal is it? ▶ rozdanie (kart)
1 an agreement or arrangement, especially in business It was part of the deal that they would deliver by May. We’re hoping to do a deal with an Italian company. ‘ I’ll help you with your essay if you’ll fix my bike.’ ‘ OK, it’s a deal! ▶ interes
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dealer /ˈdi: lə(r); US / noun [countable] 1 a person whose business is buying and selling things a dealer in gold and silver a drug dealer ▶ handlowiec handla-rz/rka 2 the person who gives the cards to the players in a game of cards ▶ rozdając-y/a
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dean /di: n; US / noun [countable] 1 a priest who is responsible for a large church or a number of small churches ▶ dziekan 2 an important official at some universities or colleges ▶ dziekan
drogi, szanowny
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3[only before a noun] (a word that is used with ‘ little’ or ‘ old’ to express your liking for sb/sth) Dear old Jane! She always remembers to write at Christmas. ▶ (mój) drogi
1dear (to sb) loved by or important to sb It was a subject that was very dear to him. She’s one of my dearest friends. ▶ kochany drogi 2 (used at the beginning of a letter before the name or title of the person you are writing to) Dear Sarah,...
śmierć, zgon
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death, death
2[uncountable] the end (of sth) the death of communism ▶ upadek koniec
1[coun, uncoun] the end of sb/sth’s life; dying He continued to write until his death. There were two deaths and many other people were injured in the accident. Most people are afraid of death. The police do not know the cause of death. ▶ śmierć
kara śmierci
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capital punishment, death penalty
ˈdeath penalty noun [sing.] the legal punishment of being killed for a crime ▶ kara śmierci ⇨ look at capital punishment
cele śmierci
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death row
ˌdeath ˈrow noun [uncountable] the cells in a prison for prisoners who are waiting to be killed as punishment for a serious crime prisoners on death row ▶ cele, w których przebywają więźniowie skazani na karę śmierci
liczba ofiar śmiertelnych
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death toll
ˈdeath toll noun [countable] the number of people killed in a disaster, war, accident, etc. ▶ liczba ofiar śmiertelnych
dyskusyjny, sporny
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debatable /dɪˈbeɪtəbl; US / adj. not certain; that you could argue about It’s debatable whether people have a better lifestyle these days. ▶ dyskusyjny sporny niepewny
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a debate
2[uncountable] general discussion about sth expressing different opinions There’s been a lot of debate about the cause of acid rain. ▶ debata dyskusja spór
1 [countable] a formal argument or discussion of a question at a public meeting or in Parliament a debate on educational reform ▶ debata obrady
debatować, rozważać
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2[transitive] to think about or discuss sth before deciding what to do They debated whether to go or not. ▶ rozważać zastanawiać się
1 [intransitive, transitive] to discuss sth in a formal way or at a public meeting Politicians will be debating the bill later this week. ▶ debatować obradować
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debit1 /ˈdebɪt; US / noun [countable] an amount of money paid out of a bank account ▶ debet  OPPOSITE  credit ⇨ look at direct debit
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debit2 /ˈdebɪt; US / verb [transitive] to take an amount of money out of a bank account, etc. usually as a payment; to record this The bank hasn’t debited my account with the money I paid for the car yet. ▶ debetować ⇨ look at direct debit
karta płatnicza
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credit card
ˈdebit card noun [countable] a plastic card that can be used to take money directly from your bank account when you pay for sth ▶ karta płatnicza karta debetowa ⇨ look at credit card
wysłuchiwać sprawozdania z wypełnionej misji
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□ debriefing /; US / noun [uncountable, countable] a debriefing session ▶ wysłuchiwanie sprawozdania z wypełnionej misji
verb [transitive] debrief sb (on sth) to ask sb questions officially, in order to get information about the task that they have just completed He was taken to a US airbase to be debriefed on the mission. ▶ wysłuchiwać sprawozdania z wypełnionej misji
gruz, rumowisko
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debris /ˈdebri:; ˈdeɪ-; US dəˈbri: / noun [uncountable] pieces from sth that has been destroyed, especially in an accident debris from the plane crash ▶ szczątki gruz rumowisko
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2[uncountable] the state of owing money After he lost his job, he got into debt (popadł w długi). ▶ zadłużenie
1[countable] an amount of money that you owe to sb Teresa borrowed a lot of money and she’s still paying off the debt. the Third World debt crisis ▶ dług
usuwać błędy w oprogramowaniu
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debug /ˌdi:ˈbʌɡ; US / verb [transitive] (debugged; debugged) to look for and remove the faults in a computer program ▶ (komput.) usuwać błędy w oprogramowaniu
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debut (also début) /ˈdeɪbju:; ˈdebju:; US deɪˈbju: / noun [countable] a first appearance in public of an actor, etc. She made her debut in London in 1959. ▶ debiut
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decade /ˈdekeɪd; US dɪˈk-; US / noun [countable] a period of ten years ▶ dziesięciolecie
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decadence /ˈdekədəns; US / noun [uncountable] behaviour, attitudes, etc. that show low moral standards ▶ upadek dekadencja schyłek □ decadent /ˈdekədənt; US / adj. a decadent society ▶ schyłkowy dekadencki
bez kofeiny
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decaffeinated /ˌdi:ˈkæfɪneɪtɪd; US / adj. (used about coffee or tea) with most or all of the caffeine removed ▶ bez kofeiny ⇨ note at coffee
gnicie, niszczenie
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decay1 /dɪˈkeɪ; US / noun [uncountable] the process or state of being slowly destroyed tooth decay The old farm was in a terrible state of decay. ▶ gnicie niszczenie upadek
gnić, podupadać
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2 to become weaker or less powerful His business empire began to decay. ▶ podupadać chylić się ku upadkowi □ decayed /; US / adj. a decayed tooth ▶ zepsuty zgniły
1 to go bad or be slowly destroyed the decaying carcass of a dead sheep Children’s teeth will decay if they eat too many sweets. ▶ niszczeć gnić psuć się  SYNONYM  rot
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deceit /dɪˈsi: t; US / noun [uncountable] dishonest behaviour; trying to make sb believe sth that is not true Their marriage eventually broke up because she was tired of his lies and deceit. ▶ oszustwo
oszukańczy, zwodniczy
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—deceitfulness /; US / noun [uncountable] ▶ zwodniczość fałsz
deceitful /dɪˈsi: tfl; US / adj. dishonest; trying to make sb believe sth that is not true ▶ oszukańczy zwodniczy podstępny kłamliwy fałszywy □ deceitfully /-fəli; US / adv. ▶ oszukańczo zwodniczo
okłamywać się
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You’re deceiving yourself if you think there’s an easy solution to the problem. He deceived his mother into believing that he hadn’t stolen the money. ▶ oszukiwać/zwodzić (kogoś/siebie tak, że/aby) okłamywać (się) wprowadzać w błąd
deceive /dɪˈsi: v; US / verb [transitive] deceive sb/yourself (into doing sth) to try to make sb believe sth that is not true Her story didn’t deceive me – I knew it was a lie.
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decency /ˈdi: snsi; US / noun [uncountable] moral or correct behaviour She had the decency to (miała na tyle przyzwoitości, żeby) admit that it was her fault. ▶ przyzwoitość
niezły, przyzwoity
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3 not likely to offend or shock sb I can’t come to the door – I’m not decent (nie jestem ubrany). ▶ przyzwoity  OPPOSITE  indecent □ decently /; US / adv. ▶ przyzwoicie
1 of a good enough standard All she wants is a decent job with decent wages. ▶ niezły 2 (used about people or behaviour) honest and fair; treating people with respect All decent people are appalled by such terrible crimes. ▶ przyzwoity
wprowadzenie w błąd, oszustwo
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deception /dɪˈsepʃn; US / noun [countable, uncountable] making sb believe or being made to believe sth that is not true He had obtained the secret papers by deception. ▶ wprowadzenie w błąd podstęp oszustwo
zwodniczy, mylący
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deceptive, misleading
deceptive /dɪˈseptɪv / adj. likely to make you believe sth that is not true The water is deceptive. It’s much deeper than it looks. ▶ zwodniczy mylący □ deceptively /; US / adv. She made the task sound deceptively easy. ▶ pozornie zwodniczo
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decibel /ˈdesɪbel; US / noun [countable] a measure of how loud a sound is ▶ decybel
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He decided that it was too late to go. She decided against borrowing (zdecydowała nie pożyczać) the money. The date hasn’t been decided yet. Jeszcze nie zdecydowano o terminie. ▶ zdecydować
1[intransitive, transitive] decide (to do sth); decide against (doing) sth; decide about/on sth; decide that... to think about two or more possibilities and choose one of them There are so many to choose from – I can’t decide!
zdecydowany, zdecydowanie
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decided /dɪˈsaɪdɪd; US / adj. [only before a noun] clear; definite There has been a decided improvement in his work. ▶ zdecydowany □ decidedly /; US / adv. The new office is decidedly better than the old one. ▶ zdecydowanie
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deciduous /dɪˈsɪdʒuəs; US / adj. (used about a tree) of a type that loses its leaves every autumn ▶ zrzucający liście liściasty ⇨ look at evergreen
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decimal1 /ˈdesɪml; US / adj. based on or counted in units of ten decimal currency dziesiętny system monetarny ▶ dziesiętny
ułamek dziesiętny
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decimal2 /ˈdesɪml; US / noun [countable] part of a number, written after a decimal point A quarter expressed as a decimal is 0.25. ▶ ułamek dziesiętny Uwaga! W jęz. ang. przed ułamkiem dziesiętnym stawia się kropkę, nie przecinek.
miejsce po przecinku
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decimal place
ˌdecimal ˈplace noun [countable] the position of a number after adecimal point The figure is accurate to two decimal places. ▶ miejsce po przecinku miejsce dziesiętne
przecinek dziesiętny
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decimal point
ˌdecimal ˈpoint noun [countable] a dot or point used to separate the whole number from the tenths, hundredths, etc. of adecimal, for example in 0.61 ▶ przecinek dziesiętny
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decimate /ˈdesɪmeɪt; US / verb [transitive] to destroy or badly damage a large number of people or things The rabbit population was decimated by the disease. ▶ dziesiątkować
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decipher /dɪˈsaɪfə(r); US / verb [transitive] to succeed in reading or understanding sth that is not clear It’s impossible to decipher his handwriting. ▶ odcyfrowywać odszyfrowywać
decyzja, postanowienie
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decision, resolution
2[uncountable] being able to decide clearly and quickly We are looking for someone with decision for this job. ▶ zdecydowanie stanowczość ⇨ verb decide
[coun., uncoun.] a decision (to do sth); a decision on/about sth; a decision that... Have you made a decision yet? I realize that I made the wrong decision. There were reasons for his decision to leave. I took the decision that I believed to be right.
decydujący, stanowczy
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□ decisively /; US / adv. ▶ zdecydowanie stanowczo —decisiveness /; US / noun [uncountable] ▶ zdecydowanie stanowczość
1 making sth certain or final the decisive battle of the war ▶ decydujący 2 having the ability to make clear decisions quickly It’s no good hesitating. Be decisive. ▶ zdecydowany stanowczy  OPPOSITE  indecisive ⇨ verb decide
piętro, pokład
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one of the floors of a ship or bus The restaurant is on the upper deck. ▶ pokład piętro (autobusu)
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deckchair /ˈdektʃeə(r); US / noun [countable] a chair that you use outside, especially on the beach. You can fold it up and carry it. ▶ leżak
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2[countable] a speech or piece of writing that strongly expresses feelings and opinions The most successful newspaper stories are often declamations of patriotism. ▶ deklaracja
declamation /ˌdekləˈmeɪʃn; US / noun (formal) 1[uncountable] the act of speaking or of expressing sth to an audience in a formal way ▶ deklamacja
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2[countable] a written statement giving information on goods or money you have earned, on which you have to pay tax a customs declaration ▶ deklaracja celna
1 [countable, uncountable] an official statement about sth In his speech he made a strong declaration of support for the rebels. the declaration of war ▶ deklaracja wypowiedzenie oświadczenie
ogłaszać, wypowiadać
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2 to give information about goods or money you have earned, on which you have to pay tax You must declare all your income on this form. The customs officer asked whether I had anything to declare. ▶ deklarować zgłaszać do oclenia
1 to state sth publicly and officially or to make sth known in a firm, clear way to declare war on another country The republic has declared its independence. I declare that the winner of the award is Joan Taylor. ▶ ogłaszać wypowiadać
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□ declassification /ˌdi:ˌklæsɪfɪˈkeɪʃn; US / noun [uncountable] ▶ odtajnienie
declassify /ˌdi:ˈklæsɪfaɪ; US / verb [transitive] (declassifies; declassifying; declassified; declassified) to state officially that secret government information is no longer secret declassified information/documents ▶ odtajniać
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2[uncountable] the way in which some sets of nouns, adjectives, and pronouns change their form or endings to show case, number, or gender ▶ deklinacja
1 [countable] a set of nouns, adjectives, or pronouns that change in the same way to show case, number, and gender ▶ deklinacja (gram.) odmiana

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